Brochure Adventure - Tomb of Princes (Patreon)
Denizens of the Tower! Here is one cool goodie, a brochure adventure! Following the same train of thought of the one-page dungeons, these are system-neutral and easy to adapt to any system. These are geared for printing and folding, as in the mockup image above. This is an adventure in this month's mini-setting, the maritime region of Moon-touched Principalities.
In this adventure, the characters visit a shunned tomb where the first eight princes were interred before a necromancer cursed the place with a foul spell. Rumor has it that a magical artifact is hidden there; a Magic Jar capable of binding any being. If the characters dare to explore this dungeon and confront the undead abominations therein, they may acquire this artifact. With it, they can aspire to change the course of history. But only if they are valiant!
This adventure is published in a system-neutral format. Pick your game of choice and have fun exploring our amazing locations and adventures!
We appreciate your help. Because of your awesome support, we can keep producing art, written content, and TTRPG-related stuff! Until the next one, Elven Tower.