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The test on Kokoro is complete! It's Kasumi's turn! 

Kasumi is dreading her turn, after seeing Kokoro's tummy cave in from the punch. In her mind, she's wondering if she could take it as well as Kokoro, or worse. If she could not measure up to Kokoro, she could be in for some trouble with the upcoming fight, as Kokoro's Baji quan has a lot of body attacks... 

As the robot approaches her, Kasumi prepares herself as much as she could. She tensed up her washboard abs, hoping it would be enough to at least absorb some of the force. She knew that it was impossible for her to be able to withstand the punch fully. Her body was built for speed and efficiency, and not much of toughness such as Mila or Hitomi. But what she might lack in strength, perhaps she could make it up with will--

-- *THUD* *...!* Before she could finish her thought, the robot pistons its fist viciously and accurately into the same spot as it did for Kokoro. And here... we have the first real comparison of how each Kasumi and Kokoro fare in terms of core resistance. 

While the robot punched both Kasumi and Kokoro with the same strength, speed and accuracy, it seems like Kokoro's abs fared better. The punch penetrated significantly into Kokoro's body, but it met fierce resistance right around the robot's thumb, around the second joint. 

The fist that penetrated Kasumi's core dug in further than that... One could only imagine how Kasumi feels right about now, when, despite her best efforts, the fist easily penetrates deep in, causing her insides to be moved about -- when it shouldn't be -- and the amount of discomfort and pain that causes... 

Obviously, Kasumi's face showed everything that she was feeling at that moment. Shock, crippling pain, an involuntary reaction to gag. 

She probably felt it a lot worse than Kokoro; the moment the robot released its fist from Kasumi's body, she immediately collapsed, legs unable to support her own weight. It's only due to Kasumi's willpower, and pride, the shame of falling to a robot haunting her forever, that arrested her fall at the last moment. Still though, she barely remained on her feet, the intense pain in her stomach preventing her from fully straightening... 

"Ahh..! Kokoro is watching!" 

Amidst her physical torment, a voice told her that Kokoro was watching her closely. As a fighter, she knew that she could not show weakness to her opponent, despite her condition. And again, Kasumi dug deep, finding the strength to force herself up. With laborious effort, Kasumi slowly straightened, using the wall as support, while her legs eventually pushed herself up...

Forcing herself to straighten may help display toughness to her opponent, but it cost her. A lot. Kasumi could feel the turmoil in her stomach. As her body works to uncurl itself, every movement brought a fresh wave of pain that seems to get worse everytime. Organs that needed time to recover from the blunt trauma, was forced to move again, and they were unhappy about that. By the time Kasumi was fully upright, that unhappiness have turned into nausea. Kasumi could hardly wait for the test to conclude. And when it finally did, she could not longer hide it. Her body immediately hunched over again, her left hand automatically seeking her stomach in a bid to soothe it. 

And when that did not seem to alleviate her stomach pains, her body immediately assumed another position, by forcing Kasumi onto her knees, where she could at least try to focus on her breathing...

In the conclusion of the tests, the opponents eyed each other, assessing each other's reactions endurance.... Their minds now formulating plans for the eventual fight...  For now, they have the time to recover... 




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