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Other fighters have weigh-ins before the fight... but for DOA female fighters, they have what I would like to call... a Punch-in!

To test it they have what it takes "To be a Fighter," they must each receive a punch to the stomach, and endure it as much as they can.

There's only one - but problematic - condition: They will have to take one full force punch, and endure it. As long as they can remain standing while the punching is in progress, the fight will be on!

How do we ensure a fair test? By using a robot to do the punching.

The ladies are looking a bit apprehensive. Having heard about the endurance punch, Kasumi's hands are drifting close to her lower belly. One has to wonder... did she have any bad experiences prior to this?! Hmm.... That's not to say Kokoro is more confident either... It's not hard to decipher her thoughts about this full force punch that she has to endure.

First up, we shall have Kokoro do her best! How would she fare?!


Oh, did we forget to mention that the punches will be full force? Well, I hope Kokoro remembers... But if she did, that means that flexing her abs did almost nothing for her... Kokoro, you will have to work on your conditioning! Maybe ask some help from Mila!

Obviously, Kokoro didn't expect the punch to be this hard. Mouth gaped open in shock, having her guts literally pounded, it can't be a good feeling for her...

....and there she goes. Kokoro's face scrunched up in pain, both hands holding on to the fist. Her knees buckling, caused by the intense pain in her stomach.

The robot has gone back into standby mode! Without the fist holding her in place, Kokoro immediately drooped, legs feeling like rubber.. But she managed to stop herself from collapsing! Leaning against the wall, Kokoro glares at the robot, chest heaving. The robot's fist left a tiny dent in her sore belly... Kasumi looks on, very much concerned now... Judging from the fact that her hand is still placed on her tummy, she must be imagining the kind of pain Kokoro is going through right now!

Putting up a brave front must have taken a lot out of Kokoro... The moment the test is over, and the robot turns away from her, her face turns into a grimace of pain, one hand gripping her stomach in pain, and she turned away from Kasumi, lest she sees how much the punch hurt her.

Not that Kasumi is looking at her though... Her turn is up next!



lovely warrior

I dont think that 1 punch on kokoro is enough man punch her more