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Addiction Chapter 2

I returned the next week to my therapy class.  I told my wife I had been doing great, and that I felt like I was already learning a lot.  Honestly, I was just excited to see Debbie again.  The woman was all I could think about for the past week.  I had problems with my wife because I couldn’t stop thinking about big boobs, then when I finally went to therapy for it, there was a goddess of big boobs staring me in the face.  This in no way could end well, but I was powerless to stop it.  If she asked me to cheat, I didn’t think I could say no, especially with her big boobs on the table.  I wondered what she would be wearing today.  Would it be a low cut white shirt?  Her cleavage bulging out of the top, providing more overboob than my wife could ever come up with on her whole chest.  How about a tight shirt, one where I could see the curvature of her huge orbs, and only speculate as to how they look underneath?  The possibilities were endless.

I got to class early and took a seat amongst the circle.  There across the way was Charlotte, skinny as all hell.  Normally I wasn’t so judgmental, but my senses were in overdrive.  Therapy is doing wonders, I guess.  She wasn’t looking at me, so I took the opportunity to make a mental note of her chest.  It was small, flat, normal.  Compared to Debbie, she was just a child.  Worthless.  I thought of the two hugging, Debbie’s mammoth bosom mashed against Charlotte’s empty chest.  And just like that, I was hard.  Harder than I could ever be for my own wife.  It made me sad, yes, but at the same time, I’m a man, and I can’t change how I feel.  I waited impatiently for Debbie to show up.  She was my real reason for being here.

The teacher had walked in, placing his bag on the table in the back.  Some of the other addicts greeted him, asking what the plan was for the day.  It was funny seeing them so buddy buddy with him; they needed him to sign off on the completion of the course.  The future of their sexual deviance, determined by a guy with an ugly bag in the back of a room.  “We’ll be performing a trust exercise,” He mentioned to one of the addicts.  “Probably the most important aspect of recovery is trust.  You need to build that level of trust before you can be honest with someone.”

“Do you trust me,” came a sultry voice from behind me.  I turned my head to the voice and found a large pair of breasts bulging out of a white tank top.  If ever there was a revealing shirt that showed too much cleavage, it was the tank top.  Her delicious curves oozed out of the confines of the fabric, creating an overflow that shined with the lights from above.  As my eyes wandered up, I met her lips, luscious and plump, and finally made eye contact.  She was looking down at me with a confidence that would be annoying if it weren’t so mesmerizing.  “Well, do you?”

“Um, yeah, yeah I do,” I said, snapping out of it.

“That’s good.  We’ll be paired up again, I know it.  I’m going to make it my priority to heal you.  Do you want me to heal you?”

“Of course,” I said.  I was such a zombie it was disgusting.  Class was getting started.  The teacher approached the center of the circle.  Debbie sat next to me, sitting up straight, her heaving bosom sticking out like two basketballs.

“Today, we will be performing some trust exercises.  As I was explaining to some of you earlier, trust is key if we’re going to make change.  The first activity is a pretty common one.  I don’t doubt that some of you have already done it before.  You will break up into pairs.  One of you stands in front of the other and falls backwards.  The other person catches.  Pick the person to catch and the person to fall, I imagine based on size.  Don’t be a hero, guys!  Know your limits, know yourself, and trust in your partners.  If I told you last time that you have a permanent partner,” he looked at me, “stay with them.  If not, come up here and I’ll find you a partner.  Ready?  Go.”  The room dispersed into pairs.

I turned to Debbie.  I was admittedly a lot smaller than she was, which might make this awkward.  I was happy that she broke the silence.  “So it looks like I’m catching, right?”  I nodded in agreement.  She puffed her chest forward.  “I hope I have enough strength to catch you.”  We both stood up, her behind me.  How was this helping my situation at all?  Behind me was a massive pair of breasts that I was about to plunge headfirst into.  That was exactly NOT what I needed.  I could see how this might work in the general sense, but my specific case was being completely exploited here.  “Well, sugar, are you going to drop?”  I squirmed a bit.  She got close to my ear and whispered to me.  “Just trust me.  Let my breasts catch you.  You know you want to get between them, now’s your chance.  You have to, or you won’t pass the class.”  I swallowed hard.  I think I was sweating.  “Here’s how this is going to go,” she continued.  “You’re going to fall backwards, into my big tits.  You’re going to be in heaven.  I’m going to hold you there as long as I can.  If you’re lucky, you might be able to turn your head and get some boob on your nose.  That all depends on if I let you or not.”

“If you haven’t fallen yet, please fall.  We need to get through this, everyone,” the teacher called out to us.

“You heard the man,” she said in my ear.  “Fall into me.”  I sighed and let myself go.  I felt like I was in motion for an hour.  My wife was at home thinking I was recovering.  If she saw the bullshit going on here, we’d be done.  My head landed in the soft plushness of her chest, bounced just a little, then began to slowly sink.  My head was now being supported be two of the biggest breasts I’d ever seen in person, and I was sinking into them like quicksand.  She didn’t even need to hold me with her hands, her chest was more than enough to support me.  She sat down on a chair, my head now level with her boobs.  She wrapped both of her thick arms around me and pulled me in tighter, forcing her tits to jut out in front of me on either side, threatening to swallow me whole.  “Kiss one of them,” she whispered to me.  She took her left hand and pushed in her left breast so it bulged even more on my face.

I didn’t want to kiss it.  Well, hold on; I really wanted to kiss it.  It was so big and fleshy, rubbed against my face, begging to be licked and sucked and kissed.  Part of me almost wished I could marry that breast.  But that’s exactly what would happen if I kissed it.  My marriage at home would essentially end, and this would take over, and I didn’t really know what this is.  In the back of my mind, I knew this woman got off on ruining marriages.  Once my wife was out of the picture, her fetish was over.  I can’t imagine she would want me for anything more afterwards.  But maybe she would?  No, no she wouldn’t.  She was a monster, a demon, an addict.  “Kiss one, honey,” she said in a softer tone.  She took both hands and squeezed her boobs together, making my face essentially disappear.  “If you don’t kiss them, I might not let you breathe,” she said calmly.  Well that didn’t leave me with much of a choice, now did it?  I kissed the one to my right.  And that’s exactly how it felt.  Right.  She let up a little bit, letting her hands dro.p.  Her chest was still heaved up a bit though.  “Mmm, keep going cutie.  You’re a good little boobie kisser.  Does your little wife know how much you like to kiss my breasts?”

I certainly wasn’t stopping.  I was super erect at this point.  She giggled to herself.  I heard the teacher (somehow) calling attention.  “Class, we are ready for the next exercise.  Please, everyone, thank you.”  She wasn’t letting me go.  Did the teacher not notice we were sitting in the same chair?  How inept was he?  “This will truly utilize that trust we just worked on.  Look at your partner and be truthful.  Tell them the last time you thought about giving in to your temptation.  Your thoughts are just as evil as your actions, so it’s important to bring them to the surface.  Is everyone clear?  Okay, then let’s begin.”

Debbie tilted my head up from out of her bosom.  “I think you’re going to need to grab a chair… honey.”  I was able to move freely again.  I can’t say I wanted to.  I hobbled back to my chair and dragged it back over.  Never had I been in the presence of someone I both hated and loved with such passion at the same time.  I popped a squat right there in front of her.  She was leaning forward, offering her vast expanse of cleavage.  “So, the last time I had a sexual fantasy was… all week,” she said.  She rubbed her giant tits.  “All week, all I could think about was putting you between my breasts.  I know it’s wrong, but I’m being honest.  And I thought it would be even hotter if I knew what your wife looked like, because I wanted to put her between my breasts as well.  I wanted to suffocate her little face.  Does that make me a bad person?”

“Not at all,” I said, lying.  It made her a horrible person.  But I was under her spell.  “My last fantasy was also all week.  I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything.  Your boobs have been all I could think about.  It’s so wrong, and I feel so ashamed, since, you know, my wife and all, but it’s the honest truth, and I want to get better.”  The teacher approached us.

“How are my star pupils doing?” he asked pompously.

“I think we’re making strides today, teacher,” Debbie said.  She looked into my eyes.  “Big strides…”

“Well that’s wonderful news!  If only everyone was as a good a student.  Well, keep it up guys!” he exclaimed, shuffling away in his goofy manner.  This guy had to be the worst teacher I had ever seen, and for once that actually made me mad.  I legitimately wanted to get better, but he put me in the worst possible situation.  “Well that’s all we have time for today, class!  I hope you all gained some ground today, next week, we’re going to go even deeper, so stay with the group!  I’ll see you all next time!”

Debbie and I left class together, side by side.  She walked me to my car.  “Honey…” she said, appearing to be contemplating something big.  “I just want you to know, it turns me on knowing you were thinking about me.  I know it’s wrong, but tonight I’m probably going to pleasure myself to the thought of us having sex.  Is that wrong?”

I was trembling.  “No, it’s not wrong,” I replied.  Was it wrong?  I didn’t know!  I wasn’t the teacher!  Who was I to dictate right from wrong.  Frankly, who was he.  We were all lost souls out here, with no idea what we were doing until it was too late.  Before I could do anything though, she pinned me against the car.  I had temporarily forgotten how big she was.  She overpowered me quite easily.  Her breast pushed my head against my window.

“I’ll be thinking about how you kissed my breast tonight,” she said with an evil smirk.  I was trapped.  “Kiss it again.”  I did as I was told.  “Kiss it more, honey.  Kiss it like you love it.”  I made out with her breast.  She pulled away from the window, but I didn’t stop.  I couldn’t stop.  “Mmm, yes you love it, boy.  You’re mine now, aren’t you?”

I nodded.

“I’ll see you next week,” she whispered.  She let go of me and walked off.  I was now alone, truly alone, in the parking lot.



Please continue. I'd like to see the guy trying to resist and his wife finally to suffocate...