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“My name is Simon, and I’m a sex addict.”

That’s what I said, and it was the start on my road to redemption.  Addiction is a fierce enemy, and a best friend.  You can’t live with it, can’t live without it.  Addiction is that urge that keeps you up at night, that feeling in your gut that won’t let you sit still.  You can look at yourself in the mirror, the sad puppy dog eyes staring back at you, begging for this to be your last, and know you will be back, back to what brought you to the dance.  But one fact about the dance is this:

Dancing is fun.

My wife did not appreciate the way I danced.  I’m twenty-eight years old, she’s twenty-nine, and we’ve been married for two years.  It’s been a bit rocky.  We have never been the perfect couple, but we’ve always made it work.  I had a secret fetish for breasts, pretty much my entire life.  Lisa, my wife, was flat as a board.  I’m not exactly the biggest person in the world, neither with height nor with weight, so we match up fairly well together.  But that hasn’t stopped me from helping myself to the carnal pleasures.  Unfortunately, Lisa wasn’t a fan of that, not one bit.  Endless hours of argument filled our relationship, questions of the rules of fidelity circling our bedroom.  She had more than once discovered my taste in pornography, and though I tried to explain the difference between real life and fantasy, she would no longer have it.

We eventually realized how serious an issue this was, and decided to seek counseling.  The result was that I would go to a class for sex addicts, that I needed to clear things up with myself.  I would go alone once a week, with the hopes that I would be able to handle myself alone in the future.  Masturbation was my best friend and I was sad to see it potentially going, but I understood how it was affecting the marriage and wanted to have a happy life together.

So that’s when everyone said “Hi Simon,” and I sat down.  We were sitting in a large circle.  To my right was a skinny girl who looked really nervous.  She had kind eyes and a beanie on, and I felt like she wasn’t trying to look pretty, but if she did she would be attractive.  To my left was a different story.  A rather large, pudgy girl sat at well over 300 pounds, and from the looks of it, most of it went to her chest and butt.  She had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, and she was wearing a green shirt that was straining to keep her breasts in place.  There was a bit of a belly, but her boobs extended so far beyond it that it would be hard to notice.  You could see the outline of her bra.  Her legs were covered in jeans, but those were stretched so tight you could see the elaborate designs of the pockets struggling at the seams.  This girl was stacked, and I could only guess what she was in here for.

The teacher of the class talked for a bit.  “Thank you Simon.  We have all struggled in our own ways, whether it be alone, single and out on the town, sleeping with married spouses, or cheating on our own.  None of us are inherently bad people, or at least I’d like to think we’re not.  We have just made mistakes.  You’re all doing the right thing by coming here.  That was the first step.  The second step, and it won’t be easy, is admitting you have a problem.  You can’t go any further until you’ve admitted that.  Understand?”  Everyone nodded.  I couldn’t help but take the opportunity to stretch my back, which tilted my head to the left, which let my eyes stare at the monstrous, head sized rack bulging out in front of me.  “Today, we’re going to do something difficult.  I don’t expect you to all nail it on the first try, but it’s a matter of trust.  We will break into groups of three and admit one terrible moment that may have contributed to being here today.  One moment that you look back on and can say from a third party perspective, ‘that person has a problem’.  I will break you into your groups.  Once I do so, you may find yourself in a part of the room and begin.”

Sure enough, I was paired with the girls on either side with me, and we went to the corner to talk about our problems.  Charlotte was the name of the skinny girl with the beanie.  Debbie was the name of girl with the rack.  We all shook hands.  I didn’t realize just how tall Debbie was, but standing up she must have been at least six feet tall.  She defined thickness, and when she shook Charlotte’s hand, she looked like a god greeting a peasant.  I swore I even caught Charlotte staring longingly into Debbie’s massive chest.  It’s a good thing she was covered up with a shirt, or I might have been drooling.

“So who should go first?” I asked, trying to employ my alpha status as the man in the group.

“Might as well get it over with,” Debbie said.  “So, this is obviously pretty difficult to say, but I’ll get started.  Umm… so my addiction is ruining relationships.  I have a tendency of being interested in a man so long as he is dating or married to someone, and as soon as I can get them to leave, I drop my interest.”  Staring at her huge jugs, I could only imagine how many relationships she had crushed.  I could tell Charlotte already hated her.  “This story is pretty embarrassing, but it’s basically why I’m here.  I was flirting with this man who was married.  Yes, I’m going to Hell.  He was a coworker, and we started getting physical at work in his car.  One day, he made a really strange request.  He wanted me to smother his wife’s face with my breasts.”  My jaw dropped.  I couldn’t believe what I had just heard.  My dick immediately went into full erection mode.  “He told me his wife would be into it, as they had been on a downward trend and were looking for something to spice up their marriage.”

“Well that’s just plain odd and gross,” Charlotte piped in.  I could tell there was some animosity and probably jealousy in her voice.  Debbie continued.

“When I walked through the front door and saw his wife, her eyes practically bulged out of her head.  I think she thought I would be… um… smaller.”  She grabbed her boobs and let them bounce.  My head followed suit.  “In any normal situation, I would have never showed up, but I was so addicted to the feeling of getting between a couple that I couldn’t leave.  Anyways, I sat on the chair the guy had provided for me, and jutted out my chest.  I was wearing a low cut shirt, so the twins were bulging out.  She approached me slowly, and as she got closer, I put my hands on the back of her head and shoved her in.  She squirmed a bit, but for a while there I think she found some comfort between my breasts.”  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  This was so hot.  Charlotte looked so uncomfortable it was almost laughable.

“Well, eventually I pulled her out, and we had a three way.  Or at least, that’s what it was supposed to be.  Honestly, it was just the two of us having intercourse while she watched.  I let her suck on my breasts, but that was it.  Needless to say, they didn’t last long, and they got a divorce.  It became weird at the office, and I called it quits with the guy.  They only let me keep my job if I agreed to go to counseling.  So… here I am.  Charlotte and I looked at each other.

“I… need to use the restroom…” I said.  I got up and walked to the bathroom, where I would no doubt rub one out to the story I had just heard.  When I came back out, Charlotte had vanished.  I looked around and found her on the other side of the room, with another group.  “What happened to Charlotte?” I asked.

“She told the instructor she felt uncomfortable… I guess my story was a bit much for her.”

I laughed.  “Well I don’t think I was fully prepared either.”

She smiled.  “Well Hun, it’s your turn.  Regale me.”

I fidgeted in my seat.  “This is going to be kind of awkward… but since you told your story, I suppose it’s only fair that I tell you mine.”  I cleared my throat.  “There’s not really a lot to it, but I have always had a… fetish.  My wife doesn’t exactly live up to that fetish, so I’ve spent the entirety of our relationship handling that part by myself, if you catch my drift.”  Debbie nodded.  “One day, and this just really sucked, she found out what I was into, and it made her feel incredibly insecure.”

“What are you into?” Debbie asked, leaning forward.  Her breasts were so large they were pressing against her knees.

“Um…” I fidgeted for a bit, but there was no way around it, especially if I wanted to come clean.  “Um… well… to be honest… I have a big breast fetish.”

She chuckled.  “Oh wow.  You like big boobs?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, blushing.  “The bigger the better.  My wife was furious.”

“I’m guessing she’s not overly endowed?” Debbie asked.  I shook my head.  She scooted her chair closer.  Hunched over just slightly, her covered breasts were inches from my face.  She had to have known what she was doing!  “Have you ever been with a woman with curves?” My eyes were crawling all over her.  At this point, it was blatantly obvious what was going on.  I shook my head.  I was completely mesmerized.  “What do you like about large breasts?”

I spoke like a zombie.  “They are so soft, and warm, I just want to bury my face in them and suck milk out of them like a baby.”

“Yeah?” she asked.  I could tell she was enjoying herself as much as I was, though at the same time we both felt the pressure.  “Don’t you think your skinny wife would get jealous of me, I mean jealous of a woman with big breasts.  If she saw your face sandwiched in between a busty girl’s breasts, she would probably freak out right?”  I could sense her breasts getting closer.  Our breathing intensified.

The instructor’s voice pierced the tension.  “Everybody over here.  I think we are witnessing a breakthrough.”  Everyone turned to look at us.  We snapped out and looked around, as if coming out of a daze.  “Do you two feel better?”  We both nodded.  “Amazing.  Because of the trust you two have built in this short amount of time, I’m going to have you two working together to meet your goals for the remainder of this class.  Thank you everyone, we have made some amazing progress today.  I’ll see you all next week.”

We all packed up our things.  I headed for the door, when I was stopped.  I turned around and looked up into Debbie’s eyes.  “Thank you for being so trusting with me today.”  She gave me a hug, and with surprising strength.  One of her hands caressed the back of my head.  “If this was back in the day, I’d be whispering things into your ear.”

“What would you be whispering?” I asked.  Begged might actually be a better description.

“I would be telling you to come into my car and suck on my breasts.  I would tell you I could do things to you that you’ve never even thought of.  And I would tell you that your wife wouldn’t stand a chance against a real woman like me.”  I looked up at her, and she down at me.  Then she let me go, and she hurried out the door.  I couldn’t wait for next week.


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