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Spent a little time fixing up the classic Kaa model earlier! Just touched up the shape of the head, had to change the way the eyes worked- still need to find a better way to create expressions for my snake models, thats gonna be a whole thing

But its really hard to decide which Kaa I should invest in- this toony model, or this more bold-faced Kaa I rigged up before. On my blender files, i have them labeled as Classic Kaa and Chad Kaa lmao

They both have their pros, but I might have to put it to a poll to determine which I invest more work in. >w>

Anywho, also got this other little sample render put together- this is irl footage of me attempting a pushup.
Something I really wanna be mindful of as I practice- 3d animators tend to fall into very smooth movements, unnaturally smooth yknow- so this served as good practice to animate some weight. cant be too light with the squash and stretch

havent had a chance to do much animating since- as I referred to in my previous post, had some personal things stir up in my family life, so I preoccupied myself with that for a bit. But things have settled since then <3 hope yall been doin good


Classic Model Sample


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