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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! This month is going to be tight for me because of the festivities, so we're going to do things a little different this time!

Instead of making suggestions separately, we're going to do them at the same time!

Please comment with your Pin Up Suggestion AND your Comic Suggestion in the comments below, and as usual I'll pick my four favorites from each category to vote on! (Please label your two ideas as "Pin Up" or "Comic" so I know what you'd prefer, but I reserve the right to adapt Pin Up ideas to full Comics or Comic ideas to Pin Ups if I really enjoy the idea and want to fit it in or if I think it would better suit the format.)

example. Your Comment:

Pin-Up: Guy is turned into YOUR MOM. 

Comic: Expired jug of egg nog gender swaps a couple. Whoopsie, they were both traaaaaansss.

I'm also gonna cut down the Suggestion Box and Vote periods from 3 days to 2 so I can get right to work on these and be done in time to spend Christmas with my family (and my Mister <3).

I'm sorry for the inconvenience or any confusion, thank you all for your understanding and patience!


 Without further ado, it's time to make suggestions for this month's Pin-Ups AND Comics!

As always, here are the rules...

1. No underage characters, 18+ only.

2. No real people.

3. No Copyrighted Characters you don't own. (I've decided to focus on original characters and not getting sued)

4. If it's fan art of your OC, please include an image or description.

*5. Please label your Pin Up idea and Comic idea accordingly, although I reserve the right to make a Pin Up idea a full Comic or a Comic idea a Pin Up if I believe they would be better suited, but labeling them as such will let me know your intent!

Please leave your suggestions in the comments below!

I'll be picking up to four suggestions for each poll, which will be voted on and the top 4 pieces (2 Pin Ups, 2 Comics) completed before the end of the month.

Thanks again for your support, and I look forward to drawing for you!

Suggestions will close after December 2nd, and voting will begin soon after that!

(Rules may be added or otherwise subject to change in future suggestion polls. Making a suggestion for a pin-up does not guarantee your pin up will be picked for polling or win the poll. Thank you.)



Pin-up: a guy from a small mountain village turning into cute girl bundled up for winter. https://www.deviantart.com/fifanella/art/Winter-is-comming-939547609 (Art owned by me)

Stephanie (Aka Ascubis)

Pin up: School bully ends up getting tamed Pokémon style by his victim. Wholesomely and consensually actually fall in love. Comic: Two guys are sad that they are single for Christmas again. Either they get transformation presents for each other, or their wishes get answered by someone and they get transformed. Both worlds they are both getting girlfriends owo Lel