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Looksss like ssssomeonessss' having sssome trouble pronouncsssssing her "sssssss"esssss :3

Special thanks to emailed333 for the suggestion, to my test readers, and to all of you for your support!

(Note: The second comic will be coming asap, but I got a little busy because of the holidays, so I'm going to need 2-3 extra days to finish it. I'm planning on having it up by the end of the week. Thank you all for your patience!)



Roberto Nieves

I would not mind being transformed into thicc cute sssssnek too! Awesome work as always!;


Gonna be real with you, I read her name as Snakelina for a second.

Sam Mann

I love the idea of her playing all the instruments with her coils. That's ingenious


i want to be a thicc monster girl just not a snake please also great job


I love how the Demon King is actually just a chill dude! Like I can’t believe he exist to take over the world.

Smoke Midlands

Fungeonstock is going to be lit


Aww ssssshe is sssso ssssssweet!

Steve Hedge

He didn't even have to do anything this time lol


A ssssseriously ssssssssssweet comic 💕! She’s so cute, you did a great job.


I love this but I will say there was a missed opportunity in that she should have turned into a Rattlesnake. So she can use her tail as a maraca/tambourine. She already has a diamondback pattern.

Auris A.

The Demon King is probably the most chill "evil" guy ever. No big plans, no desires of conquest. Just a simple desire for a place to call home. I also look forward to more of the Dawn Tower too


...The fact that his armor lit up when he woke up is HILARIOUS.