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Hey everyone! It's time to make suggestions for this month's Pin Up!

As always, here are the rules...

1. No underage characters, 18+ only.

2. No real people.

3. No Copyrighted Characters you don't own. (I've decided to focus on original characters and not getting sued)

4. If it's fan art of your OC, please include an image or description.

Please leave your suggestions in the comments below!

I'll be picking at least four suggestions for the poll, which will be voted on and the top piece completed before the end of the month (or as soon as possible.)

Thanks again for your support, and I look forward to drawing for you!

Suggestions will close after June 2nd, and voting will begin soon after that!

(Rules may be added or otherwise subject to change in future suggestion polls. Making a suggestion for a Pin Up does not guarantee your Pin Up will be picked for polling or win the poll. Thank you.)



Trans-tok: It’s all the rage!!! It’s completely viral!!! It’s a new sensation! This filter which switches your gender is actually switching them irl!!! Turns out our little egg who wanted to hit it big might’ve accidentally sprung for the bimbo version of it… and they’re totes gonna be famous because of it!!!!


Kaijune: Hot Monster Summer - As M.O.M. Picks up production, more chemicals release into the water supply. One young egg has a rather explosive cracking as they transform from the run off, but the only real problem is keeping away all the little admirers.