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Hey everyone! It's time to make suggestions for this month's comic!

As always, here are the rules...

1. No underage characters, 18+ only.

2. No real people.

3. No Copyrighted Characters you don't own. (I've decided to focus on original characters and not getting sued)

4. If it's fan art of your OC, please include an image or description.

5. Since last month was cameo heavy for the comic, I'd appreciate if you could keep your suggestions to just one character tg just for this month, please and thank you!

Please leave your suggestions in the comments below!

I'll be picking at least four suggestions for the poll, which will be voted on and the top piece completed before the end of the month (or as soon as possible.)

Thanks again for your support, and I look forward to drawing for you!

Suggestions will close after June 2nd, and voting will begin soon after that!

(Rules may be added or otherwise subject to change in future suggestion polls. Making a suggestion for a comic does not guarantee your comic will be picked for polling or win the poll. Thank you.)


Rain Squirrel

"Selkie seeking saintly slap-fight!" During a performance by the Sala city coven, one of them notices something that shouldn't be; an angelic parasite. After tracking the signal down to a dollar store, they encounter a pudgy AMAB who seems unaware of the three ladies literally throwing themselves at her. Convincing the boss to let her off the registers, they take her to the backroom to get the Crown of Thorns out of her head. Normally Crowns of Thorns are planted at the hairline to protect from demonic temptation or from having desires crystalize into sin; planting one in someone's cabeza is a one-way ticket to non-existence! Upon removing the parasite, they notice something within the creature that was suppressing it, if not killing it; a selkie's Moonlight Pearl. Quickly flying itself to her neck, memories ripped away reemerge; a fateful slip off the prow of a party boat on her senior trip led her into the lair of three maidens, maybe selkies like her or perhaps sirens? Staying for three nights as per their semi-joking agreement, love was cut short by the most Old Testament angel in the chorus; Me-Tai-El. Planting the Crown of Thorns in her brain stem and spiriting away the maidens, she washed upon the shore the night she fell off the boat. However, the heretic angel made one more mistake; throwing a just fertilized embryo to the dimensional winds, the child was thankfully found by the "Demon King" and taken care of. With their entire view on theology shattered, the coven notices what she became. Though smaller than her original 6'1.5 height, she gained much muscle and an attractive silver fur coat in place of skin. Two major diversions from the original selkie was the cardinal wings from her back and the squirrel tail in place of the normal seel one.


Kaijune - Queen of the Monsters: a new Kaiju girl is brought to Monster Island just in time for the event of the Summer, Queen of the Beach Competition. The many Kaiju girls “wrestle”, and last Kaiju standing is crowned Queen of the Kaiju for Summer. And gets some “special” privileges for the season.


Love that one, it would be good occasion so see again some past kaiju characters :)