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I may have nothing broken but what about Jack and Jennie? They were just as close as I was to the impact. Have they been affected too? Zoning out as my family talks about having a mini reunion with the few of us that are actually still in the country still, all I can pick out as my mind wanders are the words “bring Gryff along.” Shooting up at my name, I glaze over my parents. “Bring me to what? Is something happening that I don’t know about?”
Turns out I heard wrong completely. The color drained from my father’s face as my mother shook her head. “No, Son. While you were asleep, a few scientists have stopped by to try and figure out why….well, why you are alive after what happened. Unable to do any testing while you are bedridden….they want to transfer you to a nearby lab to run tests on you.”

“What?! I’m not some animal! I’ve only been awake for a few hours and you already want to throw me into a box to figure out why I’m alive?! Isn’t being alive enough?!” My eyes widen at my own question when I realize when I just said. Why was this such a bad thing to me? A few tests and I get to go home with no problem. Mum looks as though she’s about to burst into tears at sending me there. “S-Sorry…. I don’t know what came over me. Sure, I want to get this over with soon.” I force a clearly fake smile to my lips to try and ease their nerves about my outbreak. Dad nods and leaves the room to do what I must assume is making a phone call since I can hear him talking about this exact subject a moment after he left. Five grueling minutes of keeping my eyes off of my mother silently crying pass before Dad comes back in and rubs her back.

“Dr Julian says he’ll be here in one month, in order to give you time to get ‘mentally and emotionally ready,’ as he puts it. I think he just means so you can be ready to answer some weird questions and be poked by some needles.” My father isn’t the best at building confidence in people, but he does certainly try.
Giving a soft nod, I look at the clock just as the nurse comes in. Visiting hours are now over and it’s time they leave. Giving everyone their goodbye hugs, I make my way to the bathroom to relieve myself, with the nurses help getting there of course.
I finally sit back on the side of my bed, feet on the floor and hands on the hospital bed. My mind raced through thoughts, processing everything that I had learned today and yet I was still unable to think straight at the thought of everything.

Jack and Jennie. The only other two I can remember being out in the courtyard when everything happened. Thinking back, I can remember the birds flying away from the school skylight and just how cold my skin felt as the meteorite’s shadow covered my back and the school. Everything is so clear, as if looking at an Ultra HD tv. Until I try to remember what happened after the chill, then everything goes black and I’m unable to think of what happened or how bad the damage is.

Soon after, it became clear to me what would happen to us students who were alive, no matter how many there were. We’re going to become test subjects. Bone density, muscle structure, everything that can hold our bodies together from something like that, let alone unbroken and just shaken a bit loose for a bit.

Learning in class that an old torture method in medieval times was to tear someone apart, limb from limb, by just horseback, one third of a nuke could very easily rip our body to shreds upon impact, let alone not cause internal damaging.
It only takes 300,000 Newtons to detach an arm.

My paranoia and anxiety grows stronger and stronger. I need to talk to someone about this. I need-

A clang comes from the room across from mine. Metal on metal grinding followed it afterward. Isn’t the room across from me Jack’s? My suspicions are confirmed upon hearing his beastly grown whenever he wakes up from a nap in class.

“Ugh…. Where am I…?” His voice meekly escapes through my curtain. As I go to open my mouth, I can hear the heels of a nurse walking into his room.

“The hospital, dear. Let me ask you a few questions as the doctor makes his way here.” Going through routine, I can hear her asking the same questions the doctor would’ve asked me, if I could’ve answered him when I woke up, that is.

“How did I get here?” I can hear him ask through her talking. Expecting her to answer him, she never does until the doctor makes his way inside, checking the equipment in the room to make sure everything was functioning properly. “Another one awake so quickly?” I hear the doctor ask in a cheerful voice. “It’s good to see our patients healthy in a time like this.” Listening in, I can hear him explain what happened at the school, just like he did to me before Jack shouted out at him.


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