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//Art done by Inuyuru//


“Dammit, Jacob! Why won’t you just listen to reason?!” Evie shouted at her brother as he walked away from her into the streets. Sighing in anger, the assassin threw her hood over her head before storming to her favorite place to go and relax. The Laced Kitten. As she opened the door to the building, she could see a bar to the right, stairs to the left, and women and men dancing in the middle.

Two of the women recognized her and ran over to her, wrapping their arms around Evie. “Evelyn!~ Welcome back~!” The two simultaneously cheered before planting a kiss on each of the assassin’s cheeks.

“Hey, girls. Brittany, Chloe. Is the Mistress around today? Or can this visit be a secret from the books?” The brunette asked with a soft smile on her lips. She let the girls lead her to the stairs as the smile stayed.

“It’ll be our treat!” Brittany said. Brittany was the blonde on the left of Evie with piercing emerald eyes. “I’ve missed that divine cock of yours. Besides, Madame Erica loves you and Jacob and says she still owes you for rebuilding the brothel for her.” She was wearing only a pair of panties as her hair covered her breasts.

“Brittany, shouldn’t you at least wear a top or something?” Chloe asked with a teasing giggle. “Your hair almost reaches your ass but using it to cover your chest? How daring?~” Chloe had fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes that almost all of her clients got lost in. She was wearing her bright red bra and matching lace panties, having just recently finished with a client who favored her.

Both girls giggled and laughed with each other as Evie lead the two into a room with an open door. “Well, I love seeing Brittany’s lovely breasts.” The Frye twin smirked and wrapped her hand around both of Brittany’s melons. “They’re always so soft and perky.” The girls watched as a little bit of breast milk flowed from her nipple. “And sometimes, she has this amazing drink for me.” As she leaned in, she stopped just inches from the blonde’s breasts. “And yes, I know it’s breast milk.” With that, she started sucking on Brit’s breasts as the milk flowed easily.

“Well, I’m glad you love it so much.” Brittany smiled, running her hand through Evie’s hair. The two girls were the only ones who Evie ever played with while in The Laced Kitten. “You know, Evie. I have a daughter now!~” Even as her breasts were toyed with, she smiled and talked like things were normal.

“Is that where you went for almost a year?” Evelyn muffled out against her breast. “Chloe said it was a secret and Madame Erica-”

“We don’t know the father, dear. She has your luscious hair, my green eyes and a random nose. We just assume she’s yours and...well...we didn’t know how to tell you.” Brittany spoke as a tear welled up in her eye. It was quickly wiped away by Chloe, who was smiling.

The redhead crawled off the bed and headed towards the door after she tended to her friend and coworker. “It wasn’t my place to tell you what was going on. But while we think it’s yours, we also know you are a busy woman in a dark line of work with your brother. So, we’ve made a pact together.” She stopped at the doorway and turned back around. “Brittany and I will raise Little Evie together and you can come see her anytime you please. Even if she isn’t yours.”

The grown assassin blinked, trying to process the news just told to her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she was slowly forgetting her argument with Jacob. Then it came back and those tears were replaced with anger. “Do not let my brother near that child! Understand?!”

As soon as her outburst happened, she felt Brittany push her down onto the bed and kiss her deeply and lovingly. “Calm down, dear. We won’t. We know you fight with your brother and I’d hate for that to be around my baby girl. So take out your frustration on me. Use me to feel better. Just like our first time.”

Evie Frye nodded and kissed her once more. She crawled to the foot of the bed and undressed herself as Chloe came back in with a bottle of wine and three glasses. She was down to just her panties with a visible bulge in them. “Chloe, you’ve never seen my cock have you, dear?”

“No, but Brit has told me how wonderful it is to have it pumping in and out of you with that precision you mastered.” The slender girl turned around to see Evie standing there, almost naked but with a large bulge in her white laced panties. Her jaw dropped as she watched Evie drop her last article of clothing to the floor, watching her cock spring free. An easy ten inches almost fully erect. “That thing’s massive!~”

“Thanks, Chloe. Brittany’s been the only one to take it all the-” She was cut off by a gasp rushing to her lips as Chloe didn’t hesitate to drop to her knees and engulf half the member in her lips and tongue. Swirling her tongue around the assassin woman’s member, she did her best to hum. Sending vibrations along Evie’s member this way sent wave after wave of pleasure into the woman’s body. She could feel Evie carefully bucking her hips to make sure she didn’t hurt Chloe. The redhead knew her partner liked to get rough, but only when given verbal permission. Doing her best to deepthroat the member, Chloe grazed her teeth along the shaft as she pulled off with a slurping pop sound. She wrapped her hand around the member and smiled. 

“It’s okay, Evie. I’m just getting you warmed up for Brittany. I have an appointment with another client in a few minutes and just wanted to make sure you two were gonna be okay with the news.” As she stood up, her lips met Evie’s own. A soft and thankful kiss clearly for looking after someone important to them both.

Evie nodded and turned her attention to Brittany. “Alright, dear. Let’s get our night started.~” Before her partner for the night had the chance to answer, she quickly leaned over her and placed kisses along her neck, holding herself in place with one hand while kneading the woman’s breast with the other.

“Ah~! Well someone’s eager, isn’t she?” Brittany moaned out, holding Evie’s head in place around her neck and moaning out quietly with every few kisses as her breast was squeezed and massaged. “What do you say we get to the main course already instead of playing around?! I know you want it.” She was just as quick and eager as Evie, by pushing her down and starting to straddle the assassin’s hips, grinding her folds along her cock with a smile. “Now why don’t I get what’s long overdue inside of me?” The blonde smirked and raised her hips just enough to straighten her favorite customer’s cock before slamming down onto it as if she was meant to have it inside of her 24/7.

Bouncing her hips as quick as she could, Brittany felt every inch of the member push itself inside of her and stretch her walls far more than any of her other clients. She moved one of Evie’s hands up to her breast and forced it to squeeze down on her. The pleasure that sank into her mind caused her core to try and forcibly mik the brunette of all the cum she had inside of her. “Ah!~ Fuck!~” She moved out with almost each and every bounce, causing the female Frye to giggle and thrust upwards into her to match her movements.

“Yeah...You like that?~” She asked, knowing the answer, but loving the expression of pure pleasure that showed on Brittany’s face as she did so. Her thrusts quickly started to outpace the brothel worker’s hips as she pulled her down by her breast to force a passionate kiss on her. She knew Brittany loved the pain of having her breasts pulled on, so she continued to tug on her nipple even after the kiss was made.

Another second passed by and Evie Frye flipped the two over so the blonde was on her back and moaning out in glorious ecstasy with each and every thrust she made. Listening to the moans leave her lover’s lips, the assassin bent down and started lacing kisses along her neck as both her hands made way to her breasts. Pinching and tugging on the firm nipples in her hand without breaking pace of her hips, she was starting to make Brittany into a moaning mess of joy. Evie could feel the woman’s cunt tightly trying to squeeze out the cum that was stored inside her balls. “Well someone really loves this, huh?~” Evie teased, sinking her teeth into the blonde’s neck with enough force to draw blood and definitely bruise. “Just to let everyone know who you belong to.”

“God, I love you, Evie!~” The whore shouted out, wrapping her legs around Evie’s hips and cumming onto her cock with a dazed smile. It was just enough to send the assassin over the edge and groan, coating the inside of Brittany’s womb with her hot cum once again.

The brunette continued her thrusting for a few short moments before slowly pulling her member out of her partner, causing her to whimper at the feeling of being emptied again. “Brittany, introduce me to the kid sometime….okay?~” She asked with a smile before kissing the woman who was laying on the bed. “Now, I better get back to Jacob before things get worse.

Out On the Streets

“Evie?! Where the hell have you been?!” Jacob called to her, finally seeing her after a few hours had passed. “You stormed off after our fight and I tried to find you but damn you’re good!”

“Oh? The great Jacob Frye admitting his sister is a better assassin than him? What a shock?” She spoke with a soft chuckle. “I was talking with some friends and calming down. One of them had a kid recently and I wanted to check on her.” As if she could read her brother’s mind, she smiled and gently nudged her brother’s shoulder. “And yes, the father is still around so don’t even think about it.”

“W-What?! As if I was thinking about doing anything! She has a kid, Evie! I don’t want a kid running around!~” He laughed, adjusting his coat and starting to walk past her. “Come on. Let’s head home.”

As if silent apologies were given between the twins, Evie followed behind her brother before laughing and running past him, throwing her hood over her head. “Race you home!”



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