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When Futaba opened up to the Phantom Thieves about the promise list she had told Joker about, everyone tried to get in on it. Everyone tried to add just one thing onto her list to help her break out of her shell little by little. Like how Ryuji added the promise that she needed to go to a midnight release of a game she liked on her own. Or how Ann threw in that Futaba needed to get more comfortable with pictures being taken of her. There were a few suggestions that actually made sense as well, like Makoto making Futaba promise to attend proper schooling one day. Whether it be high school or community college.

However, there were a few additions that she didn’t expect to come from her friends. Like how Akira added in the promise that she needed to come out with the group to more public functions. Or Morgana having her promise to work the counter with Akira a few times. But the one that confused her the most was Haru throwing the promise of Futaba walking around a public area without any underwear to test her resolve. Of course, everyone in the group knew that Haru was the most unhinged one out of them thanks to their time in the Metaverse. But it was still an odd promise coming from what appeared to be, and usually was, such an innocent and kind girl.

But a promise is a promise.

And that was exactly how Futaba ended up stepping off of a train underneath Shinjuku with Akira and Haru by her side to give her a bit of company. All three of them knew exactly what was going on and why they were there. All three of them knew that Futaba didn’t have a single shred of clothing underneath the thin jacket and small skirt that she was wearing. And all three of them knew that Futaba would likely catch more than a few glances from people that she didn’t know. Fortunately, one look at Akira and Haru should easily scare away anyone that wanted to try and make a move on her.

Unfortunately, as the three of the train stopped at Shinjuku, Futaba knew that she couldn’t get out of it. As soon as the doors would open, everyone that was on the train would bumrush their way out of it and force her right along with them. The thought alone caused her heart to heavily pound in her chest, anxiety and nerves causing her stomach to tighten as she realized just how close she was getting to actually doing this.

But as soon as those doors opened, there was no going back. As soon as the first stranger in the train tried to shove past her, Futaba started walking like there was no tomorrow. Akira and Haru were easily able to catch up to her as she walked, but from the sound of their shoes, they were a solid distance behind her. As if they were silently trying to make her do this on her own and without their help. While being close enough that, if she needed help, they would be right there for her.


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