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Being a gym leader, there were some things that were expected of Misty. Being polite to a majority of the trainers that come her way, giving them a fair challenge before either approving or denying their gym badge, and making sure that the gym was clean and safe for people to traverse. After some intense battles, that last bit tended to be a problem. Whether it was because of the gym getting trashed in the process of the battle, the trainer having failed and thrown a fit after not obtaining their badge, or it just being time to renovate and shake things up a bit.

Fortunately, it was rather easy to get things fixed thanks to the multiple pokemon rental services that were out there. Between things like having Machamps do the heavy lifting, Pikachus powering anything electronic during a power outage, or even just Clefable being a babysitter for a day. The possibilities were almost as limitless as the uses for the pokemon. However, while nothing went wrong when she used these rental services, Misty always tended to have some kind of negative interaction with a pokemon that she rented.

Right now, that negative interaction came from the Machamp that seemed to be eying her up and down every chance that it got. Between moving boxes and helping the others move some of the heavy beams that supported the roof, this particular Machamp would always find a way to make his way over to Misty. At first,  it was cute, seeing that a rental pokemon possibly remembered working for her in the past. But as the day went on and the work began to slow down because of this particular Machamp, it became clear that it was more than just him recognizing her for one reason or another.

It quickly became annoying when the other Machamps were unable to do the work they needed because this one seemed to always make an excuse for being around Misty. Even when the work was finally finished and it was time for him to be picked up, he instead made his way over to Misty and stayed by her side. And at this point, she was already annoyed and fed up with him causing her to have to wait a second day to have her gym renovated because he wanted to be clingy.

However, thanks to all of the time she had spent with Brock and Ash during their journey, she had known better than to try and push it away from her. Both because of her size compared to the pokemon and because she knew better than to do something that could potentially harm a pokemon outside of battle. Brock would never forgive her if he found out.

So, Misty did the next best thing she could think of. Instead of arguing and trying to force him away from her, she would let him get what he wanted. If he was satisfied and got his way, he would leave her alone, right? She just hoped that what he wanted wasn’t something that she didn’t want to give him. Thankfully, when she stopped trying to get away from him, the Machamp did exactly what she thought he was going to do. He began to grope her.

Two of his four hands reached for her body first. One of them latched onto her side to keep her from pulling away from him. While the other went a little bit lower and grabbed onto her plump rear end. The feeling of his hand on her ass cheek made Misty want to vomit at first. Not because she thought there was anything wrong with people interacting with their pokemon, but because of the way his intense strength became all the more clear to her the instant he had his hands on her body.

It was very easy for her to feel his fingers sinking into the soft skin of her supple ass cheek, kneading and teasing it as if he wanted to take his time with her. And when his grip on her side tightened, some part of her wondered if he could accidentally snap one of her ribs with how hard he was squeezing. But she was going to stick it out. Misty wasn’t about to let this happen and not get what she wanted out of it. At the very least, she was going to make sure that this Machamp wouldn’t be distracted by her while he was supposed to work.

And that thought was fine and dandy in her mind until he started to bring his other two hands into the mix. The Machamp turned his body just enough for him to be able to slip one of his hands into her bikini bottoms while the other slipped its way under her bikini top. At that moment, Machamp’s strength became all the more clear to her. Not only because she could feel his strength latching onto her chest as he kneaded and toyed with her ass, but because she could properly tell what he wanted from her now. And he had a very strong hold on her now that she had given herself up to him.

Unfortunately, Misty didn’t know if she could get out of it at this point. She didn’t know if she could pull herself away from him and make him stop if things reached a point that she wasn’t comfortable with. After a moment, his hands began to explore her body once again. The hand that was on her rear end drifted toward her hip while the one that was holding onto her side made its way to her cheek, his thumb dragging along her lower lip for just a moment. Just long enough for Misty to look into this Machamp’s eyes and realize exactly what he wanted from her. And maybe it was her fault since she avoided him all day, but she couldn’t do anything to deny this Machamp from stealing a kiss from her lips.


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