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Five years after that first night together with Samuel, Ryza found herself living with him and their two beautiful children. Though their relationship had a few negative opinions about it in the village, she was more than happy to be with him. Especially with the way he seemed to always support whatever she wanted. Whether that desire was more children, his alcohol, or even some help with her alchemy. He was always there, supporting her.

And, of course, Ryza wasn’t the kind of wife to let her husband support her and not give anything in return. She would always do what she could to help him stay in shape and active. Both in their marriage and out at work. But right now? When the children were asleep, both had the day off to relax, and neither cared about leaving their front porch. Ryza was more than happy to climb her way into Samuel’s lap as he brought a bottle of their favorite beer to his lips.

However, Ryza was the kind of wife to tease her husband whenever she got the chance. As she perfectly settled herself into his lap she was quick to pull the bottle away from his lips and out of his hands. Only to then bring it to her own and start drinking it with just as much gusto. She watched as a smile came to Samuel’s face, a clear sense of enjoyment at seeing the love of his life steal his alcohol. “What’s the smirk for? You like what you see?”

“Always do when I’m looking at you.” A quiet chuckle left Samuel as he placed both of his hands onto Ryza’s hips, holding her close and tight. “Safe to assume the kids are asleep?”

Ryza swallowed down the last of the bottle that she had stolen from him, tossing it to the side and into their yard. “Don’t let me forget that later. And yeah, just put them down to sleep. Should be out cold for a few hours at the very least.”

Samuel’s grip on Ryza grew even tighter as he knew exactly what his wife wanted. Every time the kids were put to bed and she knew they had some time, she never hesitated to make her way out to find him and have a bit of fun with him. It never failed to surprise him that she would pursue him after these years they’d spent together when it started with him drunkenly pursuing her. But as their lips met for a heated and passionate kiss, Samuel couldn’t bring himself to care.

The love Ryza felt for Samuel never waned in their years together, in fact only growing as their relationship progressed. And just like how one kiss between them lead to a second and a third, her love for him lead to a first child and then a second. And if she could have her way, a third as well. But that was something she knew would come eventually with how much the two of them loved and chased each other. For now, her mind was on something more immediate.

As she made out with her husband, Ryza didn’t hesitate to bring one of her hands behind his head while the other drifted down his stomach and between his legs. With a smile on her face as they made out right there on their front porch, she happily fished Samuel’s cock out from his pants and began to stroke it. There was no hesitation, no shame, no care in the world about anything outside of their home. The only thing that mattered to her as Samuel’s grip on her body began to change, him pulling her clothes off, was the fact that she could even do this with him right now.

Lost in the addictive taste of his alcohol and his lips, Ryza quickly found herself completely naked in Samuel’s lap. Neither of them had a shred of clothing on and they were happily continuing to just make out with her in his lap. Though, of course, Ryza continued to stroke her husband’s cock between them. Every time her hand would reach his tip, she would rock her hips back and forth, grinding against the lower portion of his shaft.

At least, she would until he brought one of his hands between her legs. The grip he had on her thigh kept her in place as he began to tease her lower lips, fingering her in the same vein that she stroked his cock. Ryza couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she broke their train of kisses, looking her husband in the eyes as his other hand found its way to her breast. “You’re such a cheater, you know that?”

“How is it cheating? I’m just making sure my wife is properly enjoying herself.~”

Ryza went to scold Samuel for what he was doing and how he was taking control of this instead of letting her have her fun. But as soon as she opened her mouth, she was met with another kiss and the feeling of both of his hands grabbing onto her supple and plump rear end. “H-Hey! Just what do you think you’re doing?”

“If we’re gonna make the most of the time we have, we might as well be comfortable.” With no hesitation and very little effort, Samuel rose from his spot in his favorite chair and lifted Ryza with him.

The very low amount of effort that Samuel put into carrying Ryza inside just by holding her ass cheeks filled her with embarrassment. She didn’t know how he managed to always make her feel like a lost and loving schoolgirl. But as he carried her inside, she couldn’t stop herself from giggling and planting a few affectionate kisses against his jawline. “Whatever… Just hurry up.~”


It didn’t take long before Ryza found herself on her and Samuel’s couch, lying on her stomach with her head in his lap. She happily bobbed her head up and down the length of his shaft as he kept a hand firmly planted on her are end, swatting and kneading her shapely ass cheeks while he could. This was such a familiar position for her to be in that Ryza couldn’t help but love it. Her breasts squished against the couch as she coiled her tongue around his length, slurping around it as she moved up and down his length.

At this point in their relationship, Ryza knew exactly what she was doing to please Samuel and to give her what she wanted. Her heart raced every time she made her way down to his base, loving the feeling of it rubbing against the back of her throat. And when his grip on her body would tighten as a result, Ryza couldn’t stop herself from letting out a quiet and blissful sound. Especially when he moved his hand from her ass cheeks to her cunt, starting to finger her once again.

On the other hand, Samuel knew exactly how to keep Ryza happy when she was in the mood, knowing just the way to touch her and let her do what she wanted. He pumped his fingers back and forth inside of her at the same pace that she bobbed her head, making sure to reach as deep as he could with his fingers when she pushed herself down to his base. And when she kept herself there, lips firmly sealed around his base, he kept his fingers buried as deep as he could inside of her. Only to then move them around and explore her inner walls until she moved again.

With the amount of pleasure and excitement that rushed through her, Ryza felt like she was in heaven right now. Maybe it was the bit of alcohol that circulated through her system. Maybe it was the fact that she knew her children were heavy sleepers and wouldn’t wake up if she got a bit too loud while being fucked by her husband. Maybe it was simply the fact that she was able to have Samuel’s cock in her mouth after going a bit without it. Or maybe it was simply the fact that his cock tasted just as wonderful and delicious as it always did.

Whatever the reason truly was for the joy and arousal that she felt, Ryza made sure that it wasn’t going to go to waste. She popped her lips off from around his member before kissing her way down his shaft to his balls. Where she wrapped her hand around his shaft to stroke it as she kissed and suckled on his heft sack. The sound of Samuel moaning and groaning above her told her that she was doing exactly what she needed to. Especially once he picked up the pace that he was fingering her at.

“If I didn’t know any better… I’d say you’re even more addicted now than you were when we first got together.”

Ryza rolled her eyes as she listened to Samuel talk. Deep down, she knew he was right, but she couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed that he would say that. However, that didn’t stop her in the slightest from enjoying herself. She happily pulled herself away from his balls and dragged her tongue along his shaft, making her way up to the tip. And when she wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, she was welcomed with the feeling of him playfully swatting at her plump rear end. Which caused an excited moan to leave her throat and rumble around his shaft.

Of course, as a result of teasing his wife, Samuel was met with the feeling of her hand squeezing tightly around his balls. Not tight enough for her to hurt him, but enough to shut him up and earn a blissful moan out of him. And with that pain mixing in with the pleasure that she was bringing him with her tongue, Samuel was quickly thrown into an orgasm that both of them were desperately wanting.

Much to her surprise, Ryza didn’t have to wait for Samuel to erupt into her mouth. Rope after rope of thick, heated, and potent seed flooded into her mouth as his thick fingers continued to move around inside of her. She did her best to swallow down each and every drop of his cum that he pumped into her, loving the flavor that coated her tongue and the feeling of it pouring into her stomach. And, of course, she loved the feeling of Samuel’s fingers exploring her cunt and rubbing against her inner walls. Hitting just the right spots to throw her into an orgasm of her own.

So as her husband pumped rope after rope of his spunk into her throat, Ryza’s inner walls tightened around his fingers as they danced inside of her. And she couldn’t stop herself from cumming right along with him, relishing in the moment and loving the pleasure that she was experiencing right now. Especially when, due to being a mother that breastfeeds, she began to lactate right there onto the couch and onto Samuel’s thigh. Something that she knew would rile him up a bit.

When the cum finally stopped flowing, Ryza was quick to hoist herself up from her spot on the couch and plant an affectionate kiss against Samuel’s cheek. Only to then grab onto his wrist and bring one of his hands to her breasts. “If you want to take a drink, now’s your chance.~”


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