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Ryza gives into her urges and gives Samuel

Ryza wasn’t sure how long she had been sitting on the edge of Samuel’s bed. Nor was she sure just how turned on she was from the thought of him having his way with her, keeping her end of their makeshift deal. But she found herself getting off his bed and making her way outside to see Samuel continuing to drink like she wasn’t even there. As if he had already forgotten that she was in his home and wearing his shirt, Ryza watched him bring yet another bottle of his liquor to his lips.

And for a moment, just an instant as he pulled it away from him, she wondered if she was really going to go through with this. If she was actually going to accept his drunken offer and let him sleep with her. But as she continued to stare, Ryza found herself absentmindedly making her way out onto his porch, the sound of his front door closing behind her making it clear to both of them that she was within his reach. “Samuel, I….”

At first, Samuel stayed quiet, as if he was trying to piece together just what was going on. The man was drunk for sure, the scent of his alcohol wafting off of him making it clear this was probably his eighth bottle today. But as Ryza tried to find what she wanted to say, he didn’t interrupt her. He didn’t say a word to her, and he didn’t reach for her to yank her toward him like he had earlier. Instead, he simply say down in the lone chair he kept on his porch and crossed one leg over the other.

“I… I want to take you up on your offer. I… Don’t know how I feel about one of my best friend’s dads having his way with me… But something… For some reason, I just can’t get it off my mind…” Ryza’s cheeks flared a deep shade of red as she spoke, embarrassment and arousal both trembling in her voice as she stood there. But when he continued to stay quiet, something clicked for Ryza. She realized that he wasn’t going to do anything. He wasn’t going to make a move on her now that she was starting to take the steps herself.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ryza looked up to see Samuel meeting her with an expectant gaze. Only to then see him uncross his legs and the tent that immediately formed in his pants as a result of this new position. And without either of them breaking their gaze toward the other, she watched as he brought the bottle back to his lips. “I-I see…”

Ryza took a deep breath before starting to make her way toward him, understanding now that he was forcing her to take these steps. That he was putting her in a position where she had all of the power to run if she wanted, yet none of the power to get away from him. Her heart pounded in her chest as she stood in front of him, excitement and embarrassment both filling her. But instead of pulling away and leaving him here, Ryza instead made her way into his lap.

Of course, having her climb into his lap like she was, Samuel was quick to bring the hand that was holding onto his bottle of alcohol to her surprisingly plump rear end. All while his other hand dragged its way up her body and to the back of her head, grabbing hold of it with a surprisingly gentle grip. With her right here in his arms and on his lap, he knew that he could start things off and throw her into a world that she might not want to come out of. But as she leaned in close, clearly nervous to actually take the step to follow through, he instead waited.

Maybe it was because of just how drunk he was. Maybe it was because Samuel had seen Ryza grow up and knew just the kind of girl she was, knowing she would run or get aggressive if he forced anything on her. Or maybe it was simply the fact that him having his way with her started as a drunken joke while she was naked, with him not expecting this to come from it. But now that they were here, the reason for his action didn’t matter. The only thing that did was the fact that he took the first real action between them.

When she was so close to him that she could feel their lips brushing against each other, Ryza was determined to take this final step and throw herself onto Samuel. But when he instead took that step and caught her in a slow but heated kiss, something seemed to break inside of Ryza. Maybe it was that final straw to actually make her realize she enjoyed the way his body felt against her own. Maybe it was the nervousness and embarrassment that she felt vanishing when he caught her in a kiss. Or maybe it was the fact that, as their lips met, Samuel pushed her down so that her pussy was properly resting against his hardened cock through his pants.

No matter what the real reason was, as soon as Samuel caught her in a kiss, taking that first step himself, Ryza was hooked. The scent of his alcohol on his breath, the taste that still lingered on his tongue, and the tight grip that the hand on the back of her head suddenly gained while one kiss lead to another. All of it was overwhelming, powerful, and surprisingly addictive. Even as Ryza pulled herself away from Samuel, stopping the makeout session they were in, she didn’t want to actually leave the spot that she was in. She didn’t want to stop kissing him or get out of his lap.

Though, in the heat of the moment, she couldn’t keep herself from laughing and resting her forehead against his own. “That’s some strong beer, Samuel. You sure you should be letting someone like me get a taste of it?”

“Can’t really stop you from getting a taste when it’s all I drink, can I? I’ve just got to make sure you don’t do something stupid when you end up getting drunk.”

Hearing that, Ryza couldn’t stifle the chuckle that rumbled in her throat. “As if making out with my friend’s father isn’t doing something stupid.”

Samuel smirked and roughly smacked Ryza’s ass with the hand that was holding onto the back of her head. “As long as you’re enjoying yourself, the only stupid thing about this is not following through.”

Ryza couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his comment. How was he able to be like this while being drunk out of his mind? Was he just a natural with women? Were the stories her mother told her about how Samuel was when they grew up true? If so, why did his first wife leave? All of these thoughts went through Ryza’s mind in the heat of the moment. Though, they were quickly thrown out of her mind when their lips met once again, wiping everything from her thoughts but the feeling of Samuel’s body against her own. Especially when his tongue pushed its way past her lips and into her mouth.


Before she knew it, Ryza found herself pressed against the railing to Samuel’s porch. Her head was turned back and their lips still connected in kiss after kiss. One of his hands was behind her plump rear end and between her legs while the other rested around her neck, holding her tightly so that she couldn’t escape. Of course, Ryza wasn’t sure just how she had gotten here, loving the feeling of Samuel taking control of her like he was, but she didn’t know how climbing into his lap lead to this happening.

Though, not a single complaint would leave her lips as he plunged a single finger deep into her cunt, causing a stifled moan to leave her lips. The feeling of his finger penetrating her was better than she could have expected, not thinking such a strong finger would feel better than her own. But as Samuel began to pump it back and forth inside of her, teasing her lower lips with his middle finger, Ryza knew right away that Samuel knew exactly what he was doing.

The lack of oxygen, the feeling of his tongue dancing in her mouth, the possessive and almost commanding way that he held her, and the feeling of his fingers invading her cunt and teasing her entrance. It was more than enough to teach her right then and there that Samuel wasn’t the kind of drunk who didn’t know how to please a woman. However, that knowledge instilled a small bit of fear into the young girl. If he was this good with his hands, how was it going to feel when he actually had his way with her? When he actually fucked her like she agreed to let him do?

The thought alone was enough to bring Ryza to a small orgasm as she thought about just how good his cock was going to feel inside of her. But, of course, that didn’t stop Samuel and his fingers. As soon as her inner walls tightened around him, he pushed another finger inside of her and enhanced the pleasure that was already coursing through her. Just in time to pull away from her mouth, allowing her moans to finally ring through the isolated area that his home was in.

Hot and heavy moans spilled from Ryza every time Samuel plunged his fingers inside of her, gasping in anticipation when he pulled them back. It was such a simple motion, such a simple thing that she had experienced with her own fingers already. But for some reason beyond her understanding, the way Samuel felt inside of her was far better than anything she could do to herself. Maybe it was the fact that his fingers were much larger than her own. Maybe it was the fact that he had a possessive grip on her body and that sparked something inside of her. Or maybe it was just the fact that his fingers seemed to reach places that hers never could.

Whatever the reason for the insane amount of pleasure was, Ryza didn’t shy away from it. Even when Samuel tightened his grip around her neck, preventing her from getting any air at all anymore, she moaned with a smile on her face. Her eyes were locked on his own as he pulled his hand away from her cunt and quickly swatted her rear end, causing her supple ass cheek to jiggle for his own pleasure. But when he plunged those two fingers back inside of her? Ryza couldn’t stop herself from screaming in bliss. Especially when he picked up the pace that he moved them inside of her.

And it was at that moment that Ryza’s pleasure reached a peak once again. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as another orgasm rocked through her system, causing her inner walls to tighten around his fingers as he met her for yet another kiss. With her orgasm rushing through her, Ryza’s response to his affection was sloppy, but she happily accepted his tongue into her mouth all the same. And when he pulled away from her and pulled his hands away from her cunt? She was more than happy to lean against the railing, slowly waving her hips back and forth in a gentle sway.


Just like how when she ended up bent over the railing, Ryza wasn’t entirely sure how she ended up nestled between Samuel’s legs with his hand on the back of her head. Maybe it was because of the alcohol that was coursing through her system from every kiss they shared. Maybe it was the intoxicating way he handled her and guided her. Or maybe it was simply a young girl being lost in her lust for an older man that was driving her to blank out how things progressed every time he caught her in a kiss.

Whatever the reason for her forgetfulness, Ryza was happy to be where she was. She was happy to watch Samuel’s hard cock hover above her face while she rested her cheek against his thigh. And she was especially happy to feel him give her a bit of a nudge toward his crotch, inching her close enough to his cock that his balls rested against her chin.

“I hope you understand there is no backing out from here, Ryza. There is no getting away from this and forgetting about it.”

“Yeah, I know. And after what you did, I don’t want to back out anyway.” With a smile on her face and a sense of nervousness in her gut, Ryza leaned herself forward and pressed her lips against the underside of Samuel’s shaft. And without missing a beat, she kissed her way up toward his tip, only to then swirl her tongue around the head of his cock. There was something about the way he tasted, the way it felt having him throb against her tongue, and the way it felt for his grip to tighten against the back of her head that lit her up inside.

There was no hesitation as Ryza took Samuel’s dick past her lips and into her mouth, pushing her way down a couple of inches and making her way back up. Her heart raced in her chest as she began to bob her head, working her way into a steady rhythm while keeping her tongue pressed firmly against the underside of his shaft. Luckily, it was a rhythm that Samuel seemed to enjoy, judging from the way he began moaning above her, holding her head even tighter. And, of course, hearing him react like this, Ryza was quick to do what she could to make it even better for him.

Instead of simply keeping her tongue pressed against his underside, Ryza did her best to coil it around his length as she moved her head. Unfortunately, she was unable to properly wrap it around his member, but the fact that she was hitting different spots seemed to be more than enough for Samuel. Especially when she brought one of her hands to his crotch, fondling his balls and massaging his sack in her palm. Much to her surprise, this pushed Samuel over the edge and into a powerful orgasm, allowing her to feel his shaft throbbing against her tongue as he erupted into her mouth.

Rope after rope of Samuel’s thick and delicious seed flooded into Ryza’s mouth as he reached his peak. Of course, she tried her best to swallow it all down, taking each and every drop that she could. Unfortunately, despite the surprisingly addictive flavor that coated her tongue, her inexperience betrayed her. Ryza was unable to gulp down every drop of Samuel’s cum, some of it starting to leak out the corners of her mouth, dripping down her chin and onto her breasts.

Fortunately, neither one of them cared about the fact that she was spilling his seed, the only thing on their minds being the fact that he was actually cumming as much as he was. But when the cum finally stopped flowing, Ryza didn’t immediately pull away. She kept her lips wrapped around his member as she continued to swallow, diligently trying her best to make sure that she had every drop that she could. Only to end up having Samuel pull her off of his member a moment later.

“Fucking hell, girl… I knew you always saw shit through when you were interested, but I didn’t expect you to keep it up like that.” Samuel couldn’t stop himself from chuckling as he used his grip on her to guide her up to his lips. Where he met her for yet another kiss. But not before bringing the nearly empty bottle of liquor to his lips and finishing it off.

As soon as Ryza’s lips met Samuel’s for yet another kiss, she couldn’t help but feel ecstatic as he poured some of the alcohol into her mouth. Alcohol that she, of course, quickly drank down just as needily as she drank his cum only a few moments ago. And when the kiss they shared broke only a moment or so later, a quiet laugh rumbled in her throat. “What can I say? It tasted better than I expected. And maybe I want some more.~”


More than a couple of hours had passed since Ryza first stepped out to give herself to Samuel, and other than her sucking his cock and him fingering her against the railing, not much had happened. The two were perfectly enthralled in the other’s body, grabbing and fondling each other however they could to make sure that the other enjoyed it. Whether that meant Ryza found her way into Samuel’s lap with his cock resting against her stomach, her hands on his chest, and his on her supple rear end. Or she was between his legs, teasing his cock and balls with her mouth to the best of her ability. Or even the one time Ryza found herself standing behind Samuel as he poured her a cup of his booze and she fondled his shaft. The two refused to get away from each other, but neither felt the need to force things to the next step while they were enjoying themselves.

However, after a few hours of this, both of them needed more. They needed to be fully together. Ryza needed Samuel’s shaft buried inside of her cunt and he needed to do just that. Fortunately, the pair somehow ended up in Samuel’s room on his bed with Ryza on her back while he hovered over her. Their lips danced between kiss after kiss as their fondling became a bit more intimate.

Before long, Samuel had one of his hands on Ryza’s breasts, the other one on her hip, and the tip of his shaft pressing against her entrance. And, of course, Ryza met his enthusiasm with her own. She was quick to wrap her arms around his neck, refusing to let him pull too far away from her. All while she spread her legs to try and give him as much space as she possibly could. And while it took a few moments longer than either of them expected, Ryza was more than happy to feel Samuel slowly pushing himself inside of her.

Inch after inch filling her cunt and spreading her inner walls brought her bouts of pain that came in waves. But the pleasure that came from giving herself to him and allowing Samuel to just stretch her inner walls was far more powerful. Hot and heavy breaths left Ryza as she did her best to accept every inch of Samuel’s cock, biting down on her lower lip to try and keep herself quiet for him. But the instant that his hips met her own, that determination to be quiet completely left her.

Every single inch of Samuel’s shaft filled her pussy, stretching her to what she assumed was the limit. All while he reached deep enough to feel like he was resting against the entrance to her womb. However, the moment that Samuel started to rock her hips, slowly fucking Ryza into his bed, all of that pain that she felt left her body. Those hot and heavy breaths that left her turned into lurid and shameless moans, wordlessly begging for him to pick up the pace and truly have his way with her. Something that Samuel was all too happy to do.

As he picked up the pace of his thrusts, actively getting rougher and rougher with her by the moment, Ryza couldn’t believe that she had been missing out on this kind of pleasure. That her body had gone so long without the demanding and possessive grip of an older man keeping her in place as he ravaged her cunt. And all the while, as he toyed with and kneaded her breast, she couldn’t stop herself from screaming out in pure and utter bliss. Especially when he pulled himself away from her and broke the chain of kisses that trailed between them.

And it was at this moment, as Samuel throbbed inside of her, causing another wave of pleasure to erupt through Ryza’s body, that she knew she didn’t want anything else in her life. She didn’t care about the fact that she was drunk off of his alcohol and his cum and the pleasure that filled her every nerve. The only thing that Ryza cared about was making sure she could have this kind of pleasure and bliss every day of her life. Especially if she got to look above her and see Samuel’s ruggedly handsome face looking down at her.


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