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Being told that her little sister got a new boyfriend was something that surprised Sae. Makoto was never the girl to care about the dating world or ending up with someone. But, of course, being the older sister that she was, Sae was supportive of her little sister and wanted to meet her boyfriend. Little did she know that it was the rumored troublemaker that Makoto had mentioned Principal Kobayakawa asking her to keep an eye on. And here he was, sitting in front of her in their living room, having arrived before Makoto got home from her duties as the school’s class representative.

The two had talked for a few minutes, and this young man didn’t seem like much of a troublemaker in Sae’s mind. He explained the story about how he was sued for defending a woman from a drunken politician and some part of her remembered something like that crossing her desk for a brief moment a couple of months ago. However, as they continued to talk, something struck Sae’s mind that she needed to figure out.

“Don’t think of me as rude for asking, but just what makes you feel like you are worthy of my little sister? Being the only family she has, I need to be sure that the person she’s with isn’t only trying to use her for her looks or for her standing at school.”


Before she knew it, Sae found herself on her knees in her own bathroom, Makoto’s boyfriend’s cock buried down her throat. And, if things couldn’t have been even more confusing to her, Makoto had just opened the door to their home, calling out to her sister. It all happened so fast that the prosecutor couldn’t exactly recall just how she got her. She remembered asking him why he thought he was worthy of Makoto, he mentioned having fucked her plenty of times already and that they were happy together, and then he made a move on Sae. Everything from there was a cloud in her mind.

Not that it mattered all that much as she felt incredibly hot and aroused by this young man. At the moment, she couldn’t even remember his name as he held a firm hold on her head, rocking his hips back and forth in order to slowly and quietly fuck her mouth. At least, that was right up until she could hear Makoto shouting for her, wondering if she was home or in the bath.

At that moment, Sae’s heart sunk into her stomach. She knew that she was betraying her sister, but as her boyfriend caressed her cheek and pulled himself back far enough for his cock to slide out of her mouth, she couldn’t quite bring herself to worry about how Makoto felt. The arousal, lust, and desire that all coursed through her were feelings that she missed experiencing. Feelings that, now that they had been reignited inside of her, Sae knew she couldn’t push them away that quickly.

“I-I hear you, Makoto! I’m in the bath right now!”

“Great! Has Akira shown up yet? He mentioned that he was going to be here a little early!”

Hearing his name told to her like that really cemented just what she was doing behind her sister’s back. With her mind clouding with pleasure and lust like it was, Sae had forgotten this young man’s name. But now that she heard it spoken in her own sister’s voice, her heart began to race in her chest, twisted excitement filling her. But instead of answering Makoto right away, Sae instead lowered her head and placed a few loving and attentive kisses against Akira’s balls, relishing in the way his shaft twitched against her face in the process.

“He was here for a minute, but said he needed to run home and grab something before your date tonight! I figured he’d be gone long enough I could clean myself up before he came back!”

In the back of her mind, Sae knew that she shouldn’t be doing this. She knew that she shouldn’t betray her sister’s trust and let her boyfriend have his way with her. But the heat that radiated off of her member, the feeling of it pulsing against her skin, and the confidence that was in his face as he looked down at her. All of it was just so charming that Sae couldn’t help herself. She couldn’t pull herself away from him. And as she heard Makoto shout something about taking the time to get ready, Sae couldn’t stop herself from wrapping her lips around the head of Akira’s member and taking it into her mouth.

There was no hesitation as she bobbed her head up and down the length of his shaft, taking it in its entirety without any struggle whatsoever. Even when Sae reached Akira’s base, she didn’t gag or struggle like Makoto did. She swallowed around his member as she remained at the base, enjoying the feeling of his hands grabbing her head and his fingers tangling themselves into her hair. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest when she heard him groan above her, clearly doing his best to remain quiet so Makoto wouldn’t catch on to what was happening.

Of course, Sae didn’t stay as Akira’s base forever. As she made her way back up toward his tip, she kept her tongue pressed firmly against the underside of his shaft. And while it was such a simple thing, it seemed to be exactly what he was wanting. The way he moaned above her made it clear that Makoto’s oral skills were a bit lacking. Either that, or they hadn’t done this, despite him saying they had been in bed together plenty of times at this point.

No matter what it was, Sae didn’t let it influence what she did. She bobbed her head up and down the length of his shaft as she brought both of her hands to her top, unbuttoning it and peeling it. Only to then unclasp her bra from around her back and allow her breasts to be free and exposed for him to see. A lustful beath left Sae as she popped her lips off from around his length. She quickly brought a hand to the tip of his member and used her thumb to press it against Akira’s stomach, happily placing kiss after kiss against his underside while keeping him in place.

As she moved lower and lower down his shaft and toward his balls, Sae used her thumb to carefully tease his glans. When she made her way low enough to reach his balls, there was no hesitation as she took her sister’s boyfriend’s heft sack into her mouth. With one of his balls in her mouth, there was no shame or care as she swirled her tongue around it, teasing it before spitting it out and then placing a few affectionate kisses against the other one. All while continuing to tease that sweet spot on his cock with her thumb.

After a few moments down at his balls, Sae quickly and eagerly made her way back up toward his tip. However, instead of kissing her way up it like she made her way down, she instead slowly and steadily dragged her tongue along his length. And when she reached her thumb, she placed yet another kiss against that sweet spot. Only to be greeted and rewarded with some of his precum leaking from Akira’s tip and onto her tongue.

Of course, knowing that she was pushing him so close and so well with her mouth, Sae knew that she couldn’t stop here. Without wasting a moment, she took his tip into her mouth once again. But instead of pushing her way down to the base, she wrapped one of her hands around the lower half of his cock, happily swirling her tongue around the tip. And fortunately for her, this seemed to be the last straw that pushed Akira to reach his peak.

The feeling of her tongue dancing around his member was clearly too much for him to handle. And it didn’t matter to her if it was because Makoto just didn’t know what she was doing, if she was better than her little sister, or if there was just something special about being able to have his girlfriend’s sister suck his cock. The only thing that did matter to Sae was that she could feel him throbbing against her tongue and knew he was going to erupt at any moment.

Thankfully, that moment didn’t take much longer. With the way her tongue moved around his tip, the way her hand glided along his shaft as she stroked it, and the way she looked at him with an eager and wanting expression. It didn’t surprise her that he was ready to cum. What did surprise her, however, was just how he came.

At first, it was a few ropes into her mouth, letting loose and allowing her to taste the seed that she had just earned. However, after a moment, his knees became a bit weak and his cock forced its way out of her mouth. Which, of course, allowed another few strands of his cum to streak across Sae’s face and even get into her hair. In the heat of the moment, she didn’t care just where he came, as long as he could stay hard and go for a second round. Which, much to her surprise and enjoyment, he remained just as hard in her hand after cumming as he did when he started to fuck her throat.


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