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Mitsuru’s secret of cheating on her arranged fiance is the most well-kept secret in SEES. Unfortunately, it’s also the most well-known with how loud she is.

There was a singular secret that the SEES organization kept between themselves that didn’t involve Shadows. And that was the fact that Mitsuru wanted nothing to do with her arranged fiances, preferring to cheat on him almost every night in the dorms while she had the chance to do so. Which is why everyone stayed quiet whenever she brought in a new partner, much like she was tonight.

Silence filled the building around Mitsuru as she brought in the escort that she paid in advance for the night, almost double the amount that he had asked for. Just to make sure that it was kept fully secret and no one would find out. Though, she failed to keep in mind was that the walls in the SEES dorm weren’t all that thick. Strictly for security to make sure that anyone was able to hear a call for help if one was needed.

Of course, not being aware of that, Mitsuru didn’t care about it. Not when she tightly held the escort’s hand while leading him through the SEES living room and toward the elevator. “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me in secret. I can’t have anyone finding out about this.”

“Most of my partners can’t. It’s nothing new. Though, with the amount you paid… And your outfit…?”

“The money isn’t an issue. Use it as you wish. Just make sure no one knows you even know the Kirijo name, okay? As for the outfit… I rather enjoy this bikini and figured you would as well.” A faint smile came to Mitsuru’s lips as the elevator doors opened in front of her, allowing her to drag the man into the elevator. Though, it caught her off guard to feel the man suddenly grab onto her ass when the elevator doors closed in front of them. Not that she was against the idea, rather enjoying the feeling of his firm grip on her supple ass cheek.

However, as soon as the doors fully closed in front of them, it seemed that things were already getting heated between the two. This man had no hesitation as he leaned in and stole a heated kiss from her lips. The kind of kiss that would cause any woman to swoon for the man that just caught her. The kind of kiss that would make a normal woman melt in his arms the instant their lips connected. But Mitsuru was not a normal woman, and she did not swoon or melt for this man as one kiss trailed into a second and then a third. She simply met this man’s eagerness and returned the affection he presented her.


When the two of them arrived in her room, it caught Mitsuru by surprise to feel him grab onto her hips and lift her into the air. She wasn’t a heavy woman by any means, but the simplicity and ease that he lifted her with surprised her. Especially when, with the same ease, he spun her around and tossed her onto the middle of her bed so that she was now facing him. “You sure know how to use your strength.”

“One of the perks of the business. Every woman enjoys a man who can toss her around to some degree.”

Mitsuru’s heart skipped a beat in her stomach as she gestured for him to come to the bed. And a small sense of relief left her when she noticed him locking the bedroom door behind him. It seemed that her remarks to keep it a secret settled in more than she expected. Another small surprise came in the fact that he didn’t seem the least bit bothered by her bikini as he climbed his way onto the bed, towering over her and meeting her for yet another kiss.

Of course, Mitsuru was quick to return this affection, wrapping one of her arms around his neck as the other drifted down his stomach toward his crotch. And it seemed that he had the same idea she did, his own hands starting to wander her body without either of them saying a word. One of his hands latched onto her breast through her bikini, toying with it and squeezing it from the underside. All while his other hand made its way down toward her bikini bottoms, slipping underneath the fabric with little effort. On the other hand, Mitsuru met his vigor by slipping her hand into his pant and grabbing onto his cock. Though, an immediate gasp left her lips when she felt just how large it was compared to her hand.

There was no hesitation as Mitsuru began to stroke the monster of a cock that was in her hand. There was no shame in just how excited she felt, the way her heart raced in her chest, or the way she pressed her breasts more firmly into this escort’s hand as he groped her. She could not care about anything anyone had to say right now, only caring about just how good it was going to feel to have something so long inside of her cunt in the coming few moments.

However, unbeknownst to Mitsuru, everyone in the SEES dorm could hear the way she moans against this man’s lips with every kiss that met her own. They could all hear the way she groaned and the way her bed creaked underneath her with every little movement the two of them made. And to make it all the worse on her, everyone in SEES knew just how loud she could get while she was being fucked. But none of them had the heart to let her know, or even to confront her about the fact that she was cheating on her fiance.

Fortunately for her, with no knowledge of anyone else at SEES knowing of her cheating, Mitsuru was left to enjoy this night as thoroughly as she possibly could. Her heart pounded in her chest as her partner’s grip on her body tightened and became more and more possessive as time dragged on. And, of course, she felt herself wanting more and more to have this dick buried inside of her as she continued to stroke it. Not only did it harden in her hand, but it also grew a couple of inches as she picked up the pace.

It didn’t take long before Mitsuru couldn’t take it anymore, desperately craving to have this incredible-feeling cock inside of her. However, she wasn’t the kind of woman that could just get bent over and fucked by a man and call it a day. No, if it was someone she enjoyed, or just a cock that she thought would be delicious, she had to give the man she was with a blowjob. Never once did she tell her partner that it was going to happen, but never once did she hear a complaint about it either.

So without saying a word to him, Mitsuru pulled herself away from her escort’s lips and adjusted the position they were in. Placing her hand on his chest, she pushed him away until he was sitting up straight on his knees, allowing her to throw herself down so that her breasts were against the bed, her head low, and her ass was high in the air. A smile came to her lips as she pulled down his pants, exposing his hard and throbbing cock without a second of hesitation.

A gentle but excited sound rumbled in her throat as the throbbing member slapped down against her face the instant that it was exposed. And it was that that moment that Mitsuru remembered just what she had signed up for. An entire night of this man, this cock, this incredible length filling her throat, her cunt, and her ass until both of them were satisfied. However, as she dragged her tongue against the underside of it, some part of her knew that the satisfaction would be a long time away.

With something that tasted this delicious, smelled so strong and heavy, and felt so hot against her tongue and her skin, Mitsuru knew that she wouldn’t be able to get enough. And that only solidified in her mind as she opened her mouth and took the first few inches of this man’s cock into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip of it. Only to then push her way down, feeling it drag against the lining of her neck as it pushed deeper and deeper into her throat. Right up until the point that she felt her nose scrunch against his pelvis and his balls resting underneath her chin.

When she was at this point, Mitsuru didn’t move. She didn’t gag, and she didn’t choke. Instead, she happily allowed her tongue to dance around his shaft. Flicking against the underside, coiling around it and tightening, and even pressing it against the roof of her mouth before she pulled herself back an inch or two. The taste alone was enough to cause Mitsuru to want more of this man. To want him to violate her and ravage her throughout the night.

But as he reached his hands back and grabbed her ass cheeks with a heavy and firm smack, Mitsuru knew that she wasn’t about to let him leave her room until they were both done. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as she began to bob her head up and down the length of his member, taking it in stride and moaning every time she pushed her way down and felt it fill her throat. It didn’t take long for Mitsuru to work herself into a rhythm, prompting her to start getting more creative with her tongue as she took his cock into her throat over and over again.

Even when her escort smacked and grabbed her supple ass cheeks, Mitsuru didn’t stop or hesitate. She continued to expertly use her tongue to get him off, loving the way he moaned and groaned above her, making it clear just how good she was doing without saying a word. And before long, a sweet and delectable flavor coated her tongue. One that Mitsuru was all too familiar with due to all the men she had brought back to the SEES dorm while everyone slept.

With his precum on her tongue and his cock throbbing in her throat, she knew that he was going to blow his load at any moment. Of course, she hoped that he would be able to hold out a little bit longer, allowing herself to properly relish in this moment before bringing him to his peak. But she didn’t care in the end, just hoping that he would mark her with his seed when he finally blew his load.

And, of course, Mitsuru got exactly what she wanted. Without being able to tell the man where she wanted him to cum, he let out a few ropes of cum into her mouth and onto her tongue. Only to pull himself back and stroke himself to completion, letting out a few more ropes onto her face and into her hair, one of them even managing to streak along her back and almost reach her shapely rear end.

After a moment of letting each other breathe, it was clear to both Mitsuru and her escort that neither of them were done yet. He was quickly getting hard for her once again, his dick resting against her cheek so she could appreciate the heat that radiated off of it. And when her breath finally came back to her, Mitsuru was the first one to speak up. A smile came to her lips as she gently kissed the underside of his member, looking the man in the eyes as she spoke. “I think it’s time I thoroughly enjoy myself on this cock…”

She watched as her partner for the night smiled, slapping her with his member a moment later. “You paid for the privilege of getting fucked by it. You can do what you want.”


There was no hesitation in the way Mitsuru moved as she climbed her way into this man’s lap, him sitting on the edge of her bed and facing the door to her room. Her heart raced in her chest as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, keeping herself close but staying far enough away for him to have a good view of her breasts as she lowered herself onto his cock. Slowly but surely, Mitsuru took inch after inch of his thick and throbbing member, gasping and moaning in his ear as it stretched and molded her inner walls.

Hot and heavy breaths left the lustful redhead as she reached the base of his member, relishing in just how good it felt to have him buried so deep inside of her. In the heat of the moment, she couldn’t help but wonder just what would happen if someone walked into her bedroom right now. Of course, she knew that the door was locked. But that didn’t stop Mitsuru’s mind from wandering a small bit and allowing her to picture someone like Yukari stepping into her room to see her plump rear end facing the door, shaking with each rock of her hips.

Nor did it stop her from imagining whoever stepped into her room leaning to the side and seeing her pull this man’s head to her breasts, gasping and screaming as he took her nipple into her mouth. Her slender frame rocked back and forth in his lap as she fell harder and harder in love with his dick every moment it was inside of her. Deep down, Mitsuru knew that no one would be stepping into her room while she was fucking this man. But she couldn’t stop herself from imagining just what would happen. And that imagination seemed to spark something inside of her.

Something that pushed her to pick up the pace of her riding. Arousal that caused her heart to race even faster in her chest, the thought of being caught cheating on her arranged fiance enhancing the already intense pleasure that she felt. Hot and heavy breaths that left her lips turned into sweet and lurid moans as she began to hoist herself up and bounce on his wonderful cock.

Of course, unbeknownst to Mitsuru, everyone in the SEES dorm already knew that she was cheating. No one would or could say a word to her as they stayed awake and listened to her blissful screaming filling almost every room in the dorms. Nor would they bother, knowing that she needed this far more than any of them did. Though, it did annoy a certain boy in particular that he could hear her getting her pussy filled almost each and every night but he didn’t seem to have even the slightest chance to be with her.

With how loud, how shameless, and how blissful Mitsuru's voice got as she rode this particular escort’s dick, it became rather apparent to everyone that was still awake that she was loving this far more than the other men that she had brought into the dorms in the past. And when her screaming grew incredibly loud and shaky for a moment, they knew that Mitsuru had reached her peak, maybe as well as her partner. But no one thought it was safe to try and sleep yet.

All of them knew the rich redhead more than enough to understand that she could keep things up all night if she wanted. And that was exactly what Mitsuru was trying to do as she pushed her partner onto his back, keeping herself firmly planted on his lap so his cock didn’t leave her pussy. The look of bliss and excitement that swirled in her eyes made it very obvious to him that she was going to keep going, whether he could keep up with her or not.

Fortunately for Mitsuru, this man could do more than just keep up with her lust. He seemed to match it and even outpace it at times. Like right now when he grabbed the redhead by her waist and rolled the two of them over so that she was on her back and facing him, with him hovering above her. And without giving her a chance to say a word, she stole a quick and passionate kiss from her lips, starting to rock his hips and fuck her into the bed.

Of course, while Mitsuru wanted to continue riding him, she couldn’t turn away from the pleasure that she felt. Shameless moans continued to spill from her lips as she was fucked into the bed, loving the sensation of his member pulling out and plunging deep into her cunt all over again. Especially with the new position causing it to feel ever so slightly different and better inside of her.

“I hate to admit it, but with a pussy this good, I’m going to be jealous of whatever escort you pay for next.”

Mitsuru didn’t answer right away, the pleasure clouding her mind far too much for her to be able to give him a proper answer. In the back of her mind, she wanted to tell him that she would happily pay for him to fuck her every night if he was available. But since she couldn’t form the words right now, her solution was to wrap her arms around his neck, pull him in for a heavy and lustful kiss, and simply look him in the eyes. “You’re mine from now on… I don’t care… About the cost…”

And with that, the shameless and lustful moans continued to leave her lips. They began to grow even louder as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, taking her simple statement to mean that she was going to pay for him again. Which, of course, meant he had to give her a reason to want him fucking her every night.


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