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As one kiss lead to a second and then a third, Kasumi found herself being guided around the empty room by her boyfriend. She didn’t know where he was taking her, but her heart raced in her chest as she knew exactly what was going to happen now that the two of them were alone in here. Her arms stayed tight around his neck as his hands held firmly onto her hips, using his grip to press her against the wall with a gentle thud.

Kasumi’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as she pulled away from his lips, looking her boyfriend in the eyes. At the moment, somewhere deep down, she knew that she should stop this. She had somewhere to be right now and Ren had the rest of his shaft to work before either of them would get home. But that look in his eyes told her that she wasn’t going anywhere. It was the same look that always brought her back to bed when he wasn’t done with her. A look of assertiveness and possession that she never saw in anyone else.

It was a look that always made Kasumi weak in her knees, no matter how many times she had seen it. And it was a look that continued to make her feel like she belonged to Ren through and through. Her lips curled into a gentle smile as he used his grip on her waist to push her down ever so slightly. Just enough for her to get the point of what he wanted. “Fine fine… But only because you know I can’t tell you no when you have that look in your eyes.~”

Without missing a beat, or having Ren guide her anymore, Kasumi dropped down onto her knees. When she hit the floor, she didn’t hesitate to unzip his pants and pull them down to his ankles. Of course, Kasumi kept her eyes locked with Ren the entire time as she moved, even when she kissed his cock through his underwear, her gaze didn’t leave his own. Because she didn’t want it to. She wanted to see how he would react when she took control in this moment. She wanted to see what her wonderful boyfriend would do as she took his dick into her mouth.

Which is exactly why Kasumi bit into the hem of his underwear, pulling them down to his thighs with her teeth. Only to then not miss a beat and take his cock past her soft lips. And that look of dominance and possession that was in his gaze faded for a moment, turning into something that could only be described as unbridled bliss in this moment. And that gaze pushed Kasumi to take more and more of his shaft into her mouth by the moment.

But, of course, when Ren brought his hands to the back of her head, she playfully smacked them away. Kasumi didn’t know exactly what was pushing her to try and take control like she was, but she was happy to do so. Especially when she felt Ren’s shaft throb in her mouth, prompting her to start bobbing her head up and down his length. Of course, still keeping her eyes locked on his own.

Unfortunately, keeping their eyes locked like this was causing Ren to break down more and more by the moment. He loved Kasumi with all of his heart. He loved toying with her. He loved being in control when the two of them were together, taking his loving girlfriend for the ride of her life every time they were in bed. But this time? With her taking control like she was and making sure she could see every reaction he had to the way she moved? Something about it told him that he needed to sit back and let her have that control. That he should just sit back and relish in the way she moved her tongue along his member.

Even when she pulled her lips off from around his member with a loud, satisfying pop, Ren didn’t try and grab a hold of her. Instead, he turned around and pressed his back against the wall he just had her against, only to feel her hands grabbing onto his thighs and pressing his legs against the wall as well. And it was at this moment that he knew she wasn’t going to let him leave until she was satisfied with him. Even if he was usually the one to outlast her whenever the two were making love.

Fortunately, none of that mattered to Kasumi right now. The only thing that did was that she was able to spend more time with her boyfriend. She was able to take his dick into her mouth, push herself deep enough to feel it pushing past her throat and almost into her stomach. All while she kept him in his place so that she was in control. All the while, Kasumi could feel her body heating up more and more by the moment. She could feel herself craving having him against her body in dozens of ways.

Whether it be his shaft between her tits, buried inside of her cunt, filling her ass, his hands on her breasts or cupping her ass cheeks, or even his firm grip yanking on her hair like he was trying to tear it out of her head. She didn’t know which of the options she wanted or needed, but all of them were very enticing to her. Especially when she could feel him throbbing and pulsing against the lining of her throat like he was about to blow her load without any warning.

However, she put a stop to that immediately, a smile coming to her face as she popped her lips off from around his member. Kasumi immediately wrapped her index finger and her thumb around Ren’s base to keep him from cumming, playfully licking her lips. “Not yet. I don’t want you to cum in my mouth. And I doubt you want to waste all of that delicious cum like that.”

At first, Ren didn’t know just what his girlfriend meant when she said that. But that’s when he saw her adjusting the buttons on her blouse, rebuttoning the top one and popping the middle two out without any hesitation. “And you get on me for enjoying making you a mess.~”

“Usually, I wouldn’t let you make me a mess in my uniform. But since I’m about to leave and get changed when I leave…. I don’t see a reason to stop you from getting me dirty.~” Kasumi playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she cupped both of her breasts through her blouse, keeping her lustful gaze locked on Ren’s face still. “Now, remind me of one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you. Make me a mess.”

The alluring and commanding tone in Kasumi’s voice lit Ren up inside. It hadn’t been long since he heard her talk to him like that. But to be at work in an empty room, already caught once, and to still hear her tell him to have his way with her? There was no way he was going to turn down such a request.

He couldn’t stop himself from smiling as he placed both of his hands against the wall above Kasumi, carefully burying each and every inch of his dick between her supple breasts. “Well, when you put it that way, how am I supposed to say no?”

Kasumi’s breath hitched in her throat the moment Ren began to thrust his hips back and forth. The feeling of his dick being buried between her breasts was nothing new to her, but what was new and exciting was the knowledge that the two had been caught once and could easily be caught again. But neither of them cared about stopping just because they could be caught. Especially when Kasumi felt her boyfriend throb inside of her cleavage.

On the other hand, Ren didn’t care about stopping now because he knew that the two of them wouldn’t be fired. Working for a friend of theirs and everyone knowing that they were dating, he knew that there was no consequence to Makoto catching them again. And that was all he needed to push his luck and see just how far he could get with his girlfriend while on the clock. It was also all he needed to fully sink into the titjob that he was getting, thrusting his hips even faster inside of her cleavage and pushing himself closer and closer to the edge.

Of course, in the heat of the moment, Kasumi couldn’t believe that she was allowing him to make a mess of her while she was still going to be in public. But she also couldn’t bring herself to care in the slightest as the heat that radiated off of his dick sparked something special inside of her. With every thrust of Ren’s hips, the feeling of him fucking her breasts, and the sensation of him about to cum into her cleavage, threw Kasumi over the deep end.

Shameless moans began to leave the redhead’s lips as she moved her breasts in time with her boyfriend’s thrusts. She wanted him to cum into her cleavage. She wanted him to cum on her face and her breasts. Kasumi wanted him to cover her blouse in his seed and remind her of just why she fell in love with this side of him in the first place. The lust that she was feeling skyrocketed as she felt his thrusts starting to become erratic. “Come on, babe. Cum for me. If you want to make me a mess while we’re at work, this is the only change you’re going to get.”


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