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Kasumi gets stopped by Ren after her shift and things get a little heated.

After everything that happened with the Phantom Thieves and her own mind four years ago, Kasumi was surprised that she had such a strong relationship with everyone still. Not only did she still talk to Ann on a regular basis, but she met Ryuji at the gym when she went for her gymnastics training more often than not. Haru gave her and Makoto a job as her home’s security team, and she’s in a relationship with Ren. And, of course, Futaba shows her face from time to time as well, usually just to pop in and check on the redhead.

It was a wonderful thing in her mind that, despite them differing about things back then, all of them are able to treat her like she belongs in the group. Though, they had all grown four years since that incident, so they were able to get to know each other more than well enough. To the point that she and Ren would regularly make out and have sex wherever they wanted. Granted, it was usually in Ren’s room after school or work, but there was nothing to hide between them anymore.

And today was one of those days where it really came through in spades just how close and loving the two of them were.

With her shift for Haru being over, it was time for Kasumi to head out and make her way to gymnastics practice. She had given up on becoming an Olympic-level performer, but she still wanted to keep up her training. And every time she would get off work before Ren, he would either send her a quick message before she left or meet her at the door. But this time was different. Kasumi didn’t even make it to the first floor of the building before she was grabbed by Ren and pressed against a wall.

Immediately, she knew what he wanted. But as he caught her in a deep and passionate kiss, she wasn’t able to tell him to wait until they were both home. Instead, she gave in for a moment and returned his affection. Maybe he was a feeling a bit heated and missing her, so there was nothing wrong with letting him have his way for a bit, right?

One kiss quickly lead to a second and a third between the two, the making out getting hotter and more intimate by the moment. All while Ren’s hands rested perfectly against Kasumi’s hips, holding her in place against the wall and refusing to let her leave. But it was when her boyfriend’s hands started to wander a bit that she was able to break herself away from him.

Kasumi didn’t pull herself away from the wall or out of Ren’s grip, but she quickly broke the kiss and let out a heavy breath. “R-Ren, we can’t do that here… Not only are you still on shift… Futaba’s likely watching the security cameras right now. We can’t just--” She was quickly cut off by another kiss landing against her lips, this one much gentler than the others.

“I don’t think I can wait until you’re home tonight. And I know you’ll be training for awhile today. So, give me ten minutes and I promise I can wait after that.”

Ren’s voice always seemed to strike a chord in Kasumi’s heart when he was in the mood. She didn’t know if it was the sultry way he spoke, or if it was that silver tongue of his that he got back in school, or even if it was simply because him wanting her like this always made her weak. But whatever it was, it never failed to make her blush and bite her lip to keep herself from moaning. Her lips curled into a gentle smile as she looked her boyfriend in the eyes, placing her own kiss against his lips. “I can’t give you ten. We’ll definitely be caught. But can you do five?”

“Deal.” Without wasting a moment, Ren dove right back in to what he was doing. He stole kiss after kiss from Kasumi’s lips as his hand began to roam her body. Though, that lasted for only a moment before he brought both of his hands to her supple chest, latching onto her grown mounds through her top and playing with them. All while continuing to guide her through his pleasure one kiss at a time.

Of course, with him toying with her body like this, it wasn’t long until Kasumi felt herself starting to fully give in. Having been together for a few years now, Ren always seemed to know just how to get her in the mood. And making out in the middle of the hallway as he toyed with her breasts managed to do just that. Her breath hitched in her neck when she felt him pull away from her, even if it was only long enough for him to take a moment to breathe.

However, before their lips met again, Kasumi felt the buttons on her top become undone. Only to then see her loving boyfriend smile at her as her large chest and part of her bra became exposed to him. “You’re such a perv, Ren…” The words left her with such a teasing tone to them that neither of them could stop themselves from smiling and chuckling with each other.

Though, that was when things took another turn for the two lovebirds. Ren didn’t stop at just unbuttoning Kasumi’s top. He fluidly untied her tie and brought part of it over her head with one hand, his other hand making its way between her legs and caressing her thigh. And, of course, this sent Kasumi deep into the pleasure that he was wanting her to feel. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as he felt her up like he was, undressing her right in the middle of the open.

Unfortunately, despite knowing exactly what he wanted from her, Kasumi knew that she wasn’t strong enough to argue against him. She always wanted it just as much as he did. She always wanted him to fuck her whenever he was in the mood to do so. And right now was no exception. Though, she was grateful that he didn’t unbutton her pants before teasing her lower half. If things went different, part of her knew that she’d have been picked up and fucked against the wall without any hesitation.

It was when he caught her in yet another kiss that Kasumi knew she was too deep. Ren’s tongue immediately began to explore her mouth with this kiss, toying with her own in the heat of the moment and driving her to press herself firmly against his body. It was a wonderful feeling to have him touching her like this. And as he continued to do so, toying with her, Kasumi found herself not caring about the fact that both of them were still at work.

Her lips curled into a smile against his own as she began to use her tongue to fight back against his, doing what she could to force her way into his mouth while her hands began to move around his body. However, in the heat of the moment and with only lust driving her, Kasumi’s hands went to two specific places. One began to immediately unzip and unbuckle Ren’s pants while the other fumbled with his own button-up shirt. She didn’t care about the tie he had on, knowing she could play with it while they were in the act if she wanted.

Thankfully, it didn’t take long for Kasumi to find what she was looking for in Ren’s pants, gasping against his lips when she felt just how hard he was. “You really couldn’t wait until I got home, could you?” A loving giggle left her as she looked him in the eyes, pressing herself against the wall again and fishing out his cock with her hand. “Maybe you’re the same horndog the school rumored you to be.~”


After getting word from Futaba that Ren and Kasumi were up to no good on the third floor, Makoto went to check it out. Being their friend and the head of security, she knew that they would listen if she told them to leave or take it somewhere private. But what she expected to come across as she turned the hallway corner was just two lovebirds making out and getting a bit handsy in the hallway where no one could see them, not to see Kasumi stroking Ren’s cock as they made out. And especially not to see Ren with his hands latched onto Kasumi’s breasts like they were meant to be attached to them.

It was a bit of an overstep from what she was used to with them, but when she spotted it, Makoto couldn’t bring herself to stop them. Not right away, at least. In the back of her mind, she wondered if she even should. She didn’t know how often the two got to spend time like this together. And even if it was in the middle of Ren’s shift, she could let it slide one time.

On top of that, the size of Ren’s cock was much bigger than she had ever expected it to be. But the fact that Kasumi was stroking it so well, treating it like she knew how to please Ren inside and out. It was something special to see. So special that Makoto couldn’t deny the fact that it was turning her on a bit as she watched from around the corner. So special that she thought about letting them carry on and getting off as she watched.

But it was at that moment when she realized that she was letting her own arousal get to her that she knew better. With a heavy, but quiet sigh leaving her, Makoto cleared her throat for the two of them to know that she was there. And, of course, Kasumi’s blush became ten times worse almost right away. All while she tried to stuff her boyfriend’s cock back into his pants.

“Listen,” Makoto started. “I know the two of you are dating and everything. And we all know Ren can be quite the charmer. But I can’t let you two off doing this in the middle of the open.” A smile came to her lips as she brought a hand to her chest. “It was cute to see the two lovebirds like this, but I must ask that you leave. And Ren, if you want, I can take over for the rest of your shift. It’s not like anything is going to happen in the next hour and a half.”

Kasumi felt her heart pounding incredibly hard in her chest as Makoto began to walk away. So much so that she couldn’t properly hear Makoto’s comment of wishing she could join in on the fun. The embarrassment that she felt was too much for her to realize what had been said, only that the two had been caught. “U-um, maybe we should take her advice and… Go home? I can skip practice for one day, right…?”

“No, I have a better idea.” A smile came to Ren’s face as he grabbed a firm hold of Kasumi’s tie, keeping both ends in one hand. He quickly lead her down the hall to an empty and unlocked room, pulling her into it and locking the door behind him. “We’re not in the open here. Why don’t we enjoy ourselves?~”

Kasumi’s heart skipped a beat when she looked around the room and saw that it was almost nothing but windows throughout it. Granted, there were curtains covering the windows, but one wrong move in the heat of the moment and they could easily be caught again. Fortunately, she was too turned on to truly care about that. She quickly wrapped her arms around Ren’s neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss. “Why not?~”


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