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Over the last month or so, I've been keeping everyone updated on the family moving for renovations on our home. After all the struggling we had done, we finally found a place last week, met with the owner, and agreed on everything. Well, yesterday, we went to sign the papers to rent out the home for 5 months (2 more than we needed).

Unfortunately, my mother has a big fucking mouth and doesn't know when to keep it closed. While we were in the process of signing things, my mother went on and on and on about making sure that the home owner couldn't soak more money out of us. It was only a sentence or two actively talking down to the home owner, but it was enough to make the home owner back out after showing us the papers and going through the explanation process.

So, now we're back to square one after being at the finish line.

Needless to say, no one in my family likes my mother right now. Not a single person. Not even herself.

I don't know what we are doing from here. Our moving date isn't until this coming Thursday, but I doubt we'd find a place, even if it's an air bnb or something.

No one in the house is happy right now, no one feels okay, and we all feel frustrated because these renovations need to happen. There's no real telling where things will go from here, but we're gonna keep our head up and our hopes high.

As usual, I'll keep everyone updated.


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