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Being the poster girl for Gentle House, Nicole had a few responsibilities that she was happy to do. Between photo shoots, being the gang's driver, and being the one to do all of the shopping since Anby loves to stay inside for movies, it's a surprise to everyone around her that she's able to keep up with everything. But there's a secret that Nicole keeps to herself about what she does.

She loves all of the spotlight and attention. Far more than the average person.

From the spotlight of the lights during her shoots to the flash of people’s cameras when they see her in public, Nicole loves each and every second of it. Adores it, really. There is no end to the love that she has for being the girl in the spotlight. And it shows whenever someone gets a picture of her.

Though, only a fortunate few people know the reason behind her love for the spotlight. It doesn’t have anything to do with feeling like she’s the popular girl, or feeling like she’s in the center of the world, or even the fact that she’s promoting her group. It’s the simple fact that it turns her on. Having so many people ogle her, love her, and cherish her simply because of her looks is something that arouses Nicole to no end.

Her heart races when she thinks about all the people that are enjoying her body, lusting after her, or wishing they were her. Every time the thought rushes through her head, Nicole finds herself admiring the thought just a little bit more than the last time.

Fortunately, this was something that her manager knew how to take advantage of in every way possible. Those simple and elegant modeling shoots that Nicole did at the start of the group’s forming quickly turned into shameless porn shoots. The meet and greets that she did with fans of Gentle House turned into orgies that required payment to attend, let alone be one of the ones fucking the pink-haired star. And every time someone was able to get a one-on-one photograph with Nicole, they were allowed to grope her in the photo if they wanted to. And if they didn’t, they were allowed to get a kiss from her just to show off to their friends.

All of it was wonderful for Nicole and she hoped that it would never change for her. Especially when she knew that every time she stepped into the studio, there was going to be something new. Something arousing and interesting for her to do that day. And today was no different. Nicole knew that things were going to go well for her as soon as she saw the studio manager’s smile from across the room.

“Nicole! There’s everyone’s favorite pink porn star. I’ve got something special for you today. Something that should solidify Gentle House’s name in Eridu’s history without question.”

At first, confusion filled Nicole. What in the hell could possibly leave such an impact that there would be no question about her group’s name going down in history? And that’s when she saw a temporary tattoo on his desk behind him. “Is that what I think it is?~” Leaning her head to the side, excitement began to swell up in the pink-haired girl. Right behind the manager was a temporary womb tattoo. The shape caught her off guard at first, but after looking at it for a moment, realization struck her.

“Oh shit!~” Picking the temporary tattoo up, Nicole realized that Gentle House’s bunny logo had been altered to have the head be in the shape of a heart, a big smile in the middle,  while the ears rested atop it. “It’s not perfect, but it definitely gets the point across. I love it!~” Her mind began to race, wondering just how many people would take notice of the logo and be able to recognize that it was their logo instead of just some weird play at a womb tattoo. Though, that thought quickly left her mind when she realized that she didn’t care. The best thing about this was that she could flaunt a womb tat during her shoots and as she went about her daily life.

“Good. Now, go apply it. It will stay on for a couple of days, keep that in mind.”

“Kay!~” With a skip in her step, Nicole rushed her way to the bathroom to apply the temporary tattoo over her womb.


When she arrived back on set, Nicole immediately began stripping herself of her clothing. As she walked, there was no hesitation as she pulled her crop top over her head and tossed it onto the floor, exposing her supple breasts to everyone that was in the studio that could see her. And as she made her way to the middle of the set, she hooked her thumbs into the hem of the booty shorts that she wore and pulled them down to her thighs. Only to stop in place and spin around to face that camera and the lights, giving everyone a clear view of her naked body as the last bit of her clothing hit the floor.

“You really dove into not wearing underwear anymore, haven’t you, Nicole?”

“What’s the point in wearing it? If I’m at a shoot, it comes off. If I’m in public, those that are brave enough to grope me take it off. And if I’m one-on-one with someone, it doesn’t last long anyway.~” She playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she brought one of her arms across her chest and her other down her stomach, covering her nipples and pussy from the camera’s view. “Let’s get started.~”

“Today’s just a day to have fun, Nicole. Strike whatever pose you want, do whatever you want to do. No restrictions, no rules.”

“Got it!~” As the cameraman began taking picture after picture of Nicole, she did her best to make sure that he was able to get every angle he wanted before she moved on to the next pose. When she heard the shutter of the camera stop for more than a moment, she quickly struck her next pose.

There was no hesitation as she plopped herself down on the ground, spreading her legs for the camera but keeping her pussy covered still. Though the crew and thousands of people had seen her cunt already, she knew that it took a bit of showmanship to make these shoots work right. And if she was going to see even more, she needed to show off body her body and her new womb tattoo.

Nicole’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as she heard the camera shutter go off in this position, only to bring the hand that was covering her chest to her stomach, resting her hand just above the temporary tattoo over her womb. And when the shuttering stopped once again, Nicole shot a quick glance to the manager. “You said no rules, right?~”

“Yep. Just wing it as you see fit. We don’t even have a photo quota this time around.”

“Goodie!~” Turning her attention back to the camera, Nicole brought the hand that was covering her pussy to the floor between her legs. Only to then push herself off of the ground with it, hovering in place for just a moment before placing her toes to the ground. And while keeping her hand still firmly in place, she lowered her face to the floor. All while keeping her rear end as high into the air as she could from this position.

Of course, being the kind of young woman that she was, Nicole instinctively arched her back as she struck this pose. She had been in it more than enough times in the bedroom for this pose to be almost second nature to her. Though, when she finally adjusted herself to rest her arm underneath her chin, it felt like there was something missing. Maybe it was the fact that she was used to having someone’s hands on her body when she was in this pose. Or maybe it was the fact that her breasts were resting against the cooled floor and she felt like the rest of her body needed to as well. Or maybe it was the fact that she could already imagine all the people that were getting off to her and she felt like she was becoming more and more desperate to have someone inside of her.

Whatever was the cause of that missing feeling, it didn’t stop Nicole from popping her shapely ass cheeks up and down for the camera, like she was trying to entice the cameraman to get behind her for a better view. And thankfully, that was exactly what he did. After getting a few good shots of her beautifully lustful smile from the front, a very good shot of her heavy breasts pressing against the floor, and one shot at an odd angle that was still able to show off the womb tattoo, he positioned himself behind her.

And with him behind her, his hand resting on her ass cheek for just a moment to try to angle himself for a good shot, Nicole immediately knew that was missing. Her eyes immediately darted to the studio manager, that lustful and devious smile painted across her lips. “Hey, I have an idea. The cameraman isn’t married, right?~”

“He is. Why?”

“Oh. Well…” Nicole bit down on her lower lip and purposefully pushed her rear end against the cameraman’s crotch, making sure that her ass cheeks were firmly pressed against his hardening cock. “Then I feel a bit bad for his wife. But I want to make this shoot something special. If Gentle House is going to go down in history, we might as well go all the way, right?~” At this point, Nicole wasn’t going to hear a ‘no’ from anyone in the room. Even if they were against the idea of her getting fucked by a cameraman on set, everyone here knew just the kind of girl she was. As soon as a cock started to get hard around her, she wasn’t going to let it go until she drained every drop of cum out of it. And it just so happened that the cameraman today was her man of choice.

With the smile still ever-present on her lips, Nicole brought her lower half down to the floor, planting her pussy against it before pushing her head up. She was just barely able to stretch herself backward enough to rest her cheek against his hardening cock through his clothes, gasping as she felt it twitch against her cheek through the fabric. “I hope your wife won’t mind another woman getting a taste of your dick while you’re at work.~”

Without missing a beat, Nicole tilted her head back a little bit more. Enough so that she was looking fully upside down and almost folded in half underneath the man. And it was just enough that she was able to bite down on his zipper, pulling it along with her and allowing his cock to spring out from his pants. A sharp, slightly pained, and blissful gasp erupted from her lips when she felt that heated member slap down against her cheek, the tip pressing against her shoulder for a moment due to the position that she was in. “Oh, this is going to be fun. I don’t care what your wife has to say anymore.~”

There was no shame or hesitation in the way Nicole pressed her lips against the underside of the cameraman’s member, peppering kiss after sweet and affectionate kiss against it. All while keeping herself stretched as far back as she could without hurting herself. And, of course, while the cameraman continued to take pictures of her while she was doing this.

Her heart raced in her chest as he took a step back. Moving back far enough for the tip of his member to now rest against her lips while his shaft hovered just above her nostrils. And for a moment, before he could push himself forward and bury his length into her throat, Nicole couldn’t stop herself from letting out a moan of pure and utter glee. The heavy scent of musk that wafted off of this man’s cock flooded her nostrils when she took a deep breath, preparing for him to ravage her throat in this position. And as a result, she was greeted with one of the most wonderful scenes that had ever filled her mind.

However, once that moment was over, the cameraman hesitated for only a moment to push his hips forward. He was careful about forcing inch after inch of his cock into Nicole’s warm, wet mouth. Though, from the way she was acting and how he knew she was, he knew that he didn’t need to be gentle with her. Which prompted him to let go of the camera with one hand, only to wrap that hand around her throat as he sank the final few inches of his shaft into her gullet.

Right away, Nicole began to gag and sputter around his shaft. She didn’t expect him to choke her while filling her throat, but the pleasure that filled her made it clear to everyone around that she didn’t want him to let go. From the moans that staggered their way out of her throat to the fact that her arousal was currently leaking onto the floor, it was clear to everyone just how much she was enjoying this. And that enjoyment became all the more evident when he actually began to rock his hips back and forth, fucking a tight throat that didn’t belong to his wife.

Almost immediately, Nicole gave in to the cameraman’s thrusts. She gave in to this aggression. And she gave in to the pace that he set for them right away. Her tongue coiled around the length of his member as it drove itself deep into her neck with every thrust, almost feeling like it was going to penetrate her stomach at any moment. But Nicole didn’t care. This is what she lived for. This is what she strived for whenever she did a shoot like this.

Of course, the fact that he was recording every moment of what was going on added to the pleasure that she felt. And Nicole couldn’t shy away from that. Moan after moan rumbled in her throat and barely escaped her lips whenever the cameraman would pull his hips back, giving her a moment to breathe. However, these moments actually began to annoy Nicole. The cameraman had his hand wrapped around her throat, his cock diving into her mouth over and over, but he was letting her breathe and get away with it despite forcing him to cheat on his loving wife.

Deep down, Nicole didn’t know if she wanted him to choke her out of some form of atonement or if she just wanted him to be rough with her. But when he pulled himself back this time, she took the moment to make it clear exactly what she wanted from him. She tilted her head to the side a little bit, purposefully making his cock grind against her cheek when he pushed his hips forward.

“If you’re going to hold onto my throat like that while you fuck my face, make me feel it. I can feel that wedding ring on your finger. Make an imprint on my body. Make sure no one can ever see me again without seeing that mark of your ring against my skin.” Her voice was crystal clear as she spoke, the intent of having herself ruined and ravaged very clear in the way that she spoke.

However, it took the cameraman a moment to think about this. It was definitely something he wanted to do to her. She clearly wanted him to ruin her body beyond belief if he could. But he had a loving wife back at home who would kill him if she found out about this.

Though, that wife wasn’t here right now. And as long as no one could prove the mark came from his ring, how would she ever find out?

“Gimme a sec, Whore.”

Hearing him call her a whore caused Nicole’s heart to stutter for a second. He was going to do it? He was going to actually listen to her and give her what she wanted? Of course, she knew that most of the men in Eridu would. But this married man? She couldn’t stop herself from smiling when he stepped to the side of her and grabbed a tripod from the nearby set of equipment. It took a little bit longer than she would have liked, but she watched as he made sure her face and neck were about the only things in focus, watching as he looked back at her from time to time through the lens. “Come ooooon! Don’t keep me waiting!~”

“If you’re going to get what you want, I have to make the wife doesn’t find out.”

It was at that moment Nicole knew that she would have to reward this man with more than just her throat. Of course, it would work for now, but if he wanted to go this far with things, then why not let him take things all the way? Her pussy had been feeling pretty needy since she first felt his cock slap her in the face.

And after another moment, the cameraman made his way back to her. But instead of dropping his cock on her face and fucking her throat right then and there, he dropped his pants, allowing his balls to be free as well. “Much better.”

“Much--” Before she could get the question out of her mouth, Nicole got exactly what she wanted. This man who was just fucking her throat gripped around it once again. But instead of simply holding her throat, both of his hands clamped down around her neck, causing her to immediately start choking. Though, no one would hear a single sound leave her as his cock filled her mouth not even a moment later, diving straight into her throat as well.

Right away, Nicole was greeted by the cameraman fucking her throat just like he would his wife’s pussy, plunging himself into it with little to no remorse. And she loved every second of it. From the way she could feel him stretching the lining of her throat to the way she could feel her breasts bouncing and shaking with each thrust that filled her mouth. Even to the way she could feel his grip on her neck tightening more than enough to stop her from being able to breathe.

Nicole was loving every second of this.

Her eyes began to roll into the back of her head as pleasure and fear filled her in equal measure. Her heart raced in her chest as the taste of his cock coated her tongue. All while the scent of musk that wafted off of his balls polluted her mind, clouding her thoughts more and more every time they smacked against her nostrils. It was clear that he was being rough with her and not bothering to stop until he was satisfied. And that was exactly what she wanted.

Deep down, Nicole knew that she was the public’s plaything, the public’s masturbation bait, and any man or woman’s dream in one way or another. But any time one of them managed to get their hands on her, she couldn’t help but feel excited and anxious for what was going to come next. Whether that meant she had her throat caved in like she currently was, or she was walked around Eridu late at night wearing nothing but a leash and a smile because a beautiful woman told her to.

Unfortunately, these thoughts began to slowly leave Nicole’s mind as the pleasure became too much for her to handle. From the sheer tightness of this man’s grip around her neck, to the speed at which he fucked her throat, to the fact that she could feel herself blacking out. All of it culminated in a feeling of pleasure that was unlike anything she had felt in the past. And it was certainly one that she was never going to forget. Not when this moment felt, tasted, and smelled as wonderful and addictive as it currently did.

Fortunately for Nicole, she didn’t black out right away. She was still conscious as the cameraman reached his peak and finally blew his load down her throat. Rope after rope of his thick, delicious, and potent spunk flooded her throat and poured directly into her stomach. And, of course, despite the fact that the world around her was fading away faster and faster by the moment, Nicole swallowed each and every drop. Only to be unable to swallow anymore as the final spurt filled her mouth to the point that some of it leaked out of the corners of her lips.


When she woke up only a short bit later, it wasn’t at the side of the room while everyone waited on her. She didn’t wake up the feeling of water splashing against her face like she expected the crew to do. No, Nicole woke up to the feeling of the cameraman fucking her against the floor, his hand latched onto her breast while his cock plunged as deep into her pussy as it possible could. She woke up to the bone-chilling bliss and ecstasy that rushed through her from being fucked in her sleep.

As soon as she realized what was going on, Nicole didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around the man’s neck, gasping and screaming out in bliss. She had never been fucked in her sleep before, and as the realization that it had happened sank into her, some part of her adored that fact. Some part of her cherished the realization that someone was willing to fuck her in her sleep after he made her pass out around his cock. It was a wonderful feeling, an ecstatic realization, and a very welcome change of pace from the usual men and women that she found herself with.

Nicole didn’t hesitate to pull him in for a heated and passionate kiss, his tongue immediately beginning to explore her mouth as he continued to fuck her. And much to her excitement, the pace of his thrusts seemed to quicken when he realized that she was awake and excited about the idea of him fucking her into the floor like this.

At least, the pace seemed to change for a moment. Because as soon as the kiss they were sharing broke, Nicole felt his hands move along her body until he had a firm hold on her shapely hips. Where he quickly flipped her over so that she was on her stomach, her supple breasts touching the chilling floor once again. Though, they only touched the floor for a moment due to the man using his grip on her body to hoist her into the air as he rose to her feet, causing a scared but excited scream to leave Nicole’s lips.

As soon as the two settled in the air, Nicole high enough that her toes were just barely able to miss the ground underneath her, the cameraman adjusted his grip on her body. He brought one hand to her plump rear end while bringing the other to her thigh, hooking his arm into the crevice of her knee and holding her firm. Only to repeat the process with his other arm. And as soon as he was finished with that, he was slow, but the cameraman brought both of his hands to the back of Nicole’s head, tangling his fingers in her pink hair and holding her in an imperfect but firm full nelson. Luckily, her body was perfectly in frame for when he began to fuck her again.

There was no control in the way she was getting fucked. There was no way to get out of this position outside of this man just letting her go and get away from him. She was at his mercy in every single sense of the word. And she loved it to no end. The screams that left her lips as he thrust upward into her, filling her pussy at an entirely new angle, made it clear to anyone that would see this recording just how much of a slut she truly was.

There was no pain in the way she screamed, there was no regret in her eyes when she looked at the camera, and there was no fear as her cunt took inch after inch of throbbing meat over and over again for an audience to see. Of course, that was when she remembered about the temporary womb tattoo that she had applied just a little bit ago. It was now in clear view of the camera, in clear view for everyone to see in the future. And there was no way she was going to be able to hide it while she was out in public.

Her heart soared at the realization that her slutty nature would be seen all across Eridu in a matter of time. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her tongue rolled out of her mouth as the excitement and pleasure was just too much for her to handle, her brain effectively fried from both. Though, a smile remained on her lips the entire time. From the realization that she was fucked in her sleep to when the cameraman hoisted her in the air, to the realization that her sluttiness would be seen by thousands of people.

And the icing on top of all of this arousal and bliss was the fact that, not even a moment after she realized she was being filmed still, the cameraman came inside of her. Maybe he had been fucking her for that long, or was sensitive after his first orgasm that made her pass out. Whatever the reason for him cumming so soon, Nicole couldn’t stop herself from adoring it. The feeling of his throbbing and pulsing inside of her, erupting deep in her cunt and flooding her womb with his seed.

The sensation of being creampied by a married man on camera was absolutely incredible. And as the cum finally stopped flowing, Nicole knew that she wouldn’t be able to give it up for the world. Her heart skipped a few beats in her chest as he set her back down to the ground, prompting her to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him in for a deep and passionate kiss once again. Though, before the camera stopped rolling, Nicole squatted down, and planted an equally affectionate kiss on the tip of his cock.

“Be sure to get me pregnant next time, okay?~”


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