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There is an unspoken rule among heroes and villains that, if you lose enough, you swear off your ways and do what the person who defeated you wants. But does that same rule apply to nomu?

After graduating from the UA and getting her own career as a hero started, Momo was almost immediately met with someone that she was no match for. Someone that took advantage of the outfit change she chose, going from the leotard as a student to pasties and boots as an adult, and someone that wasn’t afraid to make her face defeat after defeat after defeat. All to push her to the brink of the unspoken rule between heroes and villains. After ten consecutive defeats by a villain, a hero must retire their cape and they serve the villain however they want. And if the villain is defeated, they give up their way or crime and serve time in jail or they give up their way of life and serve the hero that defeated them. The choice was on the hero.

And, unfortunately for Momo and her career as Creati, she was now facing her tenth loss in a row to the villain known as “CM”, short for Crotch Magnum. Momo knew almost right away when she first met CM that he was a villain that was out to defeat her and solely her. And across the nine other times they had ran into each other, that became more and more obvious. Both due to him always attacking the weak points of her new costume and him only ever confronting her and no other hero.

However, that didn’t matter anymore as her back suddenly hit the ground in her tenth defeat in a row, CM holding her down by her hips so she wouldn’t be able to squirm away from him. Though, Momo didn’t feel any fear or regret as he hovered over her, keeping her pinned down and pressing the tip of his shaft to the entrance to her pussy. The only thing she could feel in this moment was the excitement that rushed through her when she realized he was about to take her in public.

At this point, Momo knew that her career as Creati was over. She could never be a hero again unless he allowed her to. And with the way his grip tightened as he slowly and carefully sank inch after inch of his cock into her snatch, she didn’t think that would happen. Especially when he looked her in the eyes and cackled in her face. “This is your tenth defeat, Creati! You’ve lost! Both the fight and your right to play like a hero! I hope you have fun playing housewife instead!”

Momo wasn’t able to get another word out of her mouth before Crotch Magnum threw his hips down and slammed the remaining few inches of his cock deep into her cunt. Deep enough to hammer against the entrance to her womb right from the start. Knowing that she couldn’t fight against him, even if she wanted to, she didn’t struggle against his grip as he adjusted her hold on her body. And before she knew it, Momo found herself with her knees on either side of her head, her feet in the air, and CM’s hands holding onto her thighs, pinning her into a mating press as he began to thrust into her.

And the moment he actually started to fuck her in this position? Everything around Momo faded away in an instant. The feeling of his massive cock plunging deep into her in this position caused her mind to almost blank out just from the first thrust. But she was, somehow, able to hold herself together as the pace he was setting became faster and faster, allowing him to truly live up to his villain name. And the fact that he was able to start off rough with her in his thrusts only caused the excitement that filled her heart to become more intense.

Of course, as he continued to pick up the pace and roughness of his thrusts, Momo felt herself slipping more and more by the moment. Every time her lips would part for her to try and breathe, a lustful and shameless moan would spill from her lips. And when she turned her head to try and not look Crotch Magnum in the face, the only thing she could see were citizens and adoring fans looking at her in shock, disgust, and arousal. Seeing this caused a deep crimson blush to form on her cheeks. And as her eyes darted back and forth between all the boys that were looking in her direction, another twisted sense of desire began to fill her.

The instant that desire to be seen and heard getting fucked like a whore filled her mind, Momo was unable to keep herself quiet. She didn’t even try anymore. With each thrust that CM filled her pussy with, she let out a lustful and shameless moan that made it clear how much she was enjoying feeling his cock plunge into her. And when his hands moved from her thighs to her breasts, she quickly wrapped her arms around her legs and held them in place, keeping herself in a mating press while her new master fucked her in the middle of the street.

And, of course, as his thrust continued, her body relished in the feeling of him filling and stretching out her inner walls in front of so many people. All while they could clearly see who she was and just how much she enjoyed being filled in the middle of the open. Fortunately, when her mind was racing with bliss and swimming with pleasure, Momo felt CM grab hold of her cheeks with one of his hands and turned her head so he could meet her for a deep and passionate kiss.

A kiss that made it clear to everyone watching that he knew what he was doing and was happily putting her in her place right here and now. A kiss that caused Momo’s heart to race in her chest and her inner walls to tighten around the dick that was invading them. A kiss that made Creati regret taking this long to lose for a tenth time against Crotch Magnum. If he was able to make her feel this good while her bare back was against the hard ground, she wouldn’t have minded losing sooner. Especially when it meant feeling both of his hands cling to her breasts, teasing and kneading her large mounds while he fucked her.

Fortunately for her, though, it seemed that CM was getting close to an orgasm. She was easily able to feel him throbbing and pulsing inside of her, his precum leaking into her womb each and every time the tip of his shaft hammered against the entrance to her womb. When his lips pulled away from her own, Momo couldn’t stop herself from moaning in his face. She was unable to keep herself from letting it be known just how much she was enjoying herself. Especially when he looked her in the eyes and chuckled while glaring at her.

“Like I said, Creati. I hope you like playing housewife. Because you’re going to become one before I’m done with you!~”

Hearing him declare this while everyone could hear him lit something up inside of Momo. Her heart skipped a few beats in her chest as her inner walls began to spasm and convulse around his member. All while his thrust became a bit erratic and she was unable to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to her.

But once he reached his peak? Momo knew that there was no coming back from this. The moment she felt the first rope of his heated, potent, and thick cum pump into her womb, she was thrown over the edge and into an orgasm of her own. Her inner walls tightened around his member, attempting to milk him of each and every drop that she could while her mind went blank with each rope of cum that filled her. Fortunately for her, it seemed that no one was going to interrupt them. No one was going to let this defeat be stopped. Meaning Momo was able to relish in the pleasure and bliss that swamped her mind until she couldn’t handle it anymore.

And when he finally finished blowing his load inside of her, Momo looked down at the spot between them, seeing his cock slowly pull out of her pussy. When it left her cunt with an audible pop, a sharp breath left Momo’s lips. And a smile quickly came to them. “I officially retire in order to become the mother of Crotch Magnum’s child…. Is that what you wanted to hear from me?~” A gentle chuckle rumbled in her throat before she felt his lips press against hers once again, the realization that this was going to be her future sinking in and a floor of joy filling her because of it.


Almost three years after she retired from being a hero, Momo heard news about another nomu attack. That the new students of UA were being targeted for something. She didn’t know what it was, but she knew she needed to help, even if she couldn’t dawn the hero name, Creati, anymore. So, as she stepped up to the front door of her home, she stopped to turn around and see her husband and toddlers looking at her. “Hun, I promise I’ll be home. I just want to go get an assessment of what’s going on.”

“Feel free to step out of retirement while you’re at it. Now that I have you, you aren’t going anywhere. So, feel free to be Creati once again. At least, for this mission. After that, I need my wife back at home.”

Momo couldn’t hide the smile that came to her lips as she made her way to her husband and placed a kiss against his cheek. “Of course. As soon as Creati’s work is finished, I’ll be coming back home to be your loving wife, Momo.” Without saying another word, she rushed her way out of her home and toward the school, hoping that she’d be able to help when she got there. And fortunately for her, she didn’t need to worry about her hero costume as she ran.

She took a few deep breaths as she ran through the streets, stripping out of the bit of clothing she had on and creating the same pasties and boots that she was last seen in before her defeat. Of course, she got a few looks before the pasties truly formed on her body. But once they had, the few people that were staring cheered on their missed hero, Creati.


When she arrived on the scene to help the heroes that were currently there, Momo immediately realized the kind of situation she was in. Not only were there more nomu than she had expected there to be. But every hero that was there seemed to be pinned down and unable to fight back. Unfortunately, the moment she jumped into the fight to try and help, a nomu grabbed the side of her head and pinned her down to the concrete. Hard enough for her body to sink a few inches into the solid surface while she was unable to see just what kind of nomu was holding her down.

However, it didn’t seem content with just holding her down by the side of her head. Before she was able to process what had just happened to her and how strong this nomu must be in order to stuff her this deep into the concrete, it’s hand seemingly began to grow around her head. In a matter of moments, it went from clutching onto the side of Momo’s head to grabbing onto the back of her head, it’s massive fingers wrapping so thoroughly around her head that it’s fingers were able to reach her nose and her mouth with ease from this position.

Unfortunately, as it was sinking in just how big this nomu must be to keep hold her like this with only one hand, Momo found herself quickly being pulled from one way to the next until she had her ass up in the air. All while the nomu’s other hand held tightly to her hip, easily wrapping around the entirety of her waist. Almost immediately, Momo knew where this was going. She knew exactly what was going to happen now that he had a firm grip on her and clearly wasn’t going to let her go.

Nomu are fabricated creatures of instinct. Whether they are out to fight or out to breed. They will not stop until they are satisfied they’ve done what they needed to.

The words that she heard in recent reports echoed through her mind at this moment. And when she felt something hard press against her plump rear end, it only solidified what she already knew. That she was going to be once again violated and ruined in front of those that adored her. That she was going to be fucked and bred in the middle of a street. And that not only her life as The Creation Hero, Creati, would come to an end. But her life as the loving mother, Momo, might also come to an end.

As soon as that realization crossed her mind, Momo felt the massive monster adjust his position and press the tip of his shaft against the entrance to her pussy. The fact that her suit covered the hole that she knew was going to be violated, it didn’t seem to matter to the creature. In less than a few moments, it went from carefully positioning it’s new toy to plunging its shaft through the fabric of her suit and deep enough to tear right into her womb.

The scream that left Momo’s lips was one filled with many emotions and feelings. Pain from being skewered so deeply. Embarrassment from being violated in front of everyone and failing to be of any help at all. Pleasure from having her pussy stretched so thoroughly and deeply. And shame from having a bright and lustful smile on her face as it began to violate her like she was some kind of street whore.

Of course, as the beast hammered into her over and over again, reaching deep enough to pound against the back of her womb with each thrust, the pain that Momo felt steadily turned into pleasure. And as a result, the screams that were erupting from her were steadily becoming loud and shameless moans. All while the pleasure that clouded her mind and filled her body caused her mind to blank out with each and every thrust. Every time the nomu plunged himself inside of her, everything around her vanished for a moment.

The pleasure was far too much for Momo to be able to handle. And as the nomu began working itself into its own rhythm, picking up the pace and intensity of the thrusts, she realized that she wasn’t going to be able to go home when it was done with her. Something in the back of her mind reminded her of that report once again.

They will not stop until they are satisfied.

If this nomu wasn’t satisfied with its attempt to breed her in the middle of the street like this, it wasn’t going to stop until she was guaranteed to be carrying it’s child. And for reasons beyond her current understanding, the thought of being bred by a beast like this caused Momo’s mind to blank out from sheer bliss once again. It caused her lips to curl into an even brighter smile as her inner walls tightened around it’s impossibly thick shaft. Excitement and lust sparked through her as the thought of being ravaged and impregnated by a beast she couldn’t even communicate with rushed through her mind.

Unfortunately, the pleasure and pain that rushed through her and clouded her mind caused Momo to forget about her family for a moment. For just long enough that the nomu’s grip tightening around her head would be the final factor before she reached her peak. The feeling of his fingers curling around her lips and tugging on her nose were the final straw to throw her over the edge. The realization that he was so massive that he was able to hold her like this from the back of her head while he hammered into her caused the world around her to simply vanish.

The pleasure that Momo felt in that moment was so strong that, when she came, her inner walls tightening around his shaft and a final scream of pure and utter bliss erupting from her throat, she passed out right then and there. Her eyes fluttered shut as nothing but pleasure and pain riddled her mind and body, leaving her to let out a heavy breath as the nomu erupted inside of her. Fortunately for the sheer amount of pleasure that she felt, just as she was slipping into unconsciousness, she was able to relish in the feeling of his incredibly thick and hot spunk flooding into her womb.

Rope after rope of his heated seed filled her womb and left it almost impossible for her to not be impregnated in some way. But as the pleasure and excitement faded away along with her consciousness, Momo simply hoped that he wouldn’t be willing to stop after just one round. And from the way he throbbed inside of her just as she passed out, she figured that they weren’t done just yet.


When her eyes opened once again, Momo didn’t know just what was going on. She could tell right away that she was being dragged somewhere by her hair, her rear end dragging along the ground. But she couldn’t turn her head to see just who was pulling her or where she was going. However, when she heard a loud and almost guttural grunt leave the being that was moving her, she knew exactly who it was. It was the same nomu that had violated her in the street when she was awake.

And just as she realized who it was that was dragging her, a clear sense of excitement filled her. Was he taking her to his lair so he could continue to breed her? Was he taking her somewhere else that was public but out of the way to fuck her once again? Was he simply taking her somewhere to throw her out and toss her aside? She didn’t know what it was. But when her body began to remember the pleasure that he brought her, Momo couldn’t stop herself from smiling and trying her best to look back at him.

However, the moment that she tried to turn her head, the nomu stopped moving. And, for just a moment, she didn’t know why. Was he stopping because he realized she was awake? Fortunately, she learned just why it had stopped not even a moment later, gasping when he hoisted her into the air and brought Momo to his chest. Without missing a beat or even checking to see if she was awake, the nomu pushed Momo down onto his cock.

Right away, she realized that he didn’t stop because she was awake. The beast stopped simply because it wanted to be inside of her again. And when he put her in that spot, slowly filling her with his cock once again, Momo found herself nuzzling into his massive chest. She didn’t realize just how deep he was inside of her until the beast started to walk once again. Where she wasn’t met with a sense of pain from bouncing on his member, but instead met with sheer and utter bliss from having his cock plunge inside of her with each and every step.

With each and every step that the nomu took, Momo found herself falling deeper and deeper into bliss with him inside of her. And as he wrapped a hand around her head once again, pushing his finger past her lips, she didn’t hesitate to start suckling on it this time. Fortunately, the pleasure that she felt wasn’t as intense as when he pinned her down into the street. But there was certainly enough for her to feel nothing but pleasure as he skewered her with each and every step that he took.

At least, there was nothing but pleasure until she remembered something she had thought of while still getting fucked in the street. The nomus don’t stop until their instinct has been satisfied. But the only way this nomu could fulfill his instinct to breed would be to keep her out of the eyes of the public and let her never be seen again. Fortunately, when this realization filled her mind, Momo couldn’t stop herself from smiling against his chest and happily suckling on his fingers. Maybe that was just the kind of life she needed to live. Getting fucked like a whore day in and day out. Forever and uninterrupted.


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