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After the nights she spent alone with the man who got her pregnant, it didn’t surprise Platinum in the slightest when she heard that he wanted to see her again. Nor did it surprise her that just the thought of being in bed with him again caused her body to heat up in such a wonderful way. A smile came to her lips as she made her way down the beach toward her lover’s hut, her mind racing with just where this visit would go. However, just when the hut came into her view, Platinum stopped and turned her attention to the water just to her right.

The smile that was on her lips grew even more when she got a good look at her bronzed skin, enjoying the gentle glow that it gave her. “It’s no wonder this pervert fell in love with someone like Luna. I bet he’s just waiting on Luna with his dick in his hand.~” Platinum couldn’t stop herself from giggling as she turned her attention back to the hut, rushing over to it and hold her enlarged stomach in her hands. And as soon as she got close enough, she was able to see the father of her future child standing in the doorway, looking out to her. “Hey there, Pervert. Did you miss me?~”

However, she didn’t get an answer the way she expected. In the back of her mind, Platinum knew that he was only calling her so he could fuck her. But she didn’t expect him to grab onto her pigtails and immediately push her down to her knees. Though, once she was down and able to look up toward his face, it surprised and excited her all the same to see his cock flop out of his pants. And the moment that his member connected with her face? Everything in Platinum’s mind faded away. “H-Hey….”

“You know why I called you. Don’t start acting like we’re in love. Got it?”

With the lust clouding Platinum’s mind, she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know how to react to this. But that didn’t stop her from opening her mouth and dragging her tongue along the underside of his member, carefully making her way up toward the tip of his shaft. Unfortunately, she was stopped just when she was almost able to wrap her lips around the head of her lover’s cock. Both of his hands let go of her pigtails and grabbed a firm hold of the back of her head.

Almost immediately, Platinum snapped out of the lust that clouded her mind. And her lips curled into a bright smile as she looked into the man’s eyes. “You don’t want Luna taking control, do you? You’ve already filled Luna and gotten Luna pregnant with your child. So you want to keep Luna in your place, don’t--” Before she could finish her sentence, Platinum felt his hands let go of her head and shift back down to her pigtails. Just in time for the man to yank on her hair and force her to take each and every inch of his shaft into her mouth.

The instant she felt his tug, her heart skipped a beat in her chest. Excitement raced through her as she relished in the feeling of every inch of his throbbing member plunging into her throat and violating her like she didn’t matter to him. The fact that he held onto her pigtails and didn’t even grab the back of her head brought a strange sense of joy to her system. There was no hesitation as she brought one of her hands between her legs, the pleasure that flooded her mind and body pushing her to chase even more of it.

As her baby daddy plunged his shaft into her throat over and over again, forcing her to take each and every inch, Platinum fingered herself at the same pace. The same quick, rough, powerful pace that filled her gullet prompted her to fill her pussy in the same way. Three fingers buried deep into her pussy as she coiled her tongue around what she could of his member, making sure to give it the attention she thought it deserved.

Of course, as he violated her throat, causing her neck to bulge out due to the sheer size of his member, Platinum felt like she was right at home. The lust, desire, and bliss that coursed through her as she stayed on her knees made it clear to her that she enjoyed this far more than she expected. When she first got pregnant, she toyed around with the thought of being in love with the man, wondering if she would devote herself to him eleven if she was only a tiny girl with a tight pussy for him to fuck.

But now that she’s back in his grasps with his dick inside of her throat? She knew that she was. Whether it was simply because of how well he fucked her, how possessive he got when she was in his grasp, or whether she was simply in love with the pleasure he brought her, Platinum didn’t know. And in reality, she didn’t care. The only thing she cared about right now was the taste of his precum that leaked onto her tongue as he was pushed closer and closer to the edge with every second he ravaged her tight through.

And that all went out the window when she felt him erupt in her mouth without any warning. With no warning, she felt his shaft plunge deep enough into her throat that she could have sworn his balls would push past her lips as well. And when she felt him throb and pulse against her tongue, Platinum was, unfortunately, unable to taste a single drop of his seed as spurt after spurt poured down into her stomach. At least, until he pulled his hips back so only the tip remained in her mouth, allowing her to savor the near torrent of cum that left him still.

As rope after rope of his spunk covered her tongue, Platinum’s mind clouded once again. The taste of his cum was all too familiar to her at this point, but it was also all too addictive when she was finally able to get a taste of it. So much so that she couldn’t stop herself from cumming right then and there despite the fact that his seed stopped flowing into her mouth.

However, before she could properly savor it and swallow it down, Platinum found herself being hoisted off of the ground by her pigtails. And in a matter of moments, she was looking into the eyes of the man who had gotten her pregnant. All while his cum remained in her throat and on her tongue. And for reasons beyond her understanding, Platinum couldn’t stop herself from parting her lips and showing him just how much cum was on her tongue. Before swirling her tongue around and playing with it, looking him right in the eyes. “How does Luna look with your cum in her mouth?~”

“You look like the same slut that was screaming like an animal when you first took my dick.”

Platinum listened to the man chuckle as he adjusted his grip to hold both of her pigtails with one of his hands. And she stayed silent, giggling happily to herself as he carried her like some kind of toy toward his bed. But the moment he tossed her onto his sheets? She found herself on her hands and knees with him standing behind her. Though, she didn’t question what he was doing, knowing full well what was coming as his hands began to grope and explore her ass cheeks.

After a moment of continuing to play with his cum on her tongue as he groped and squeezed her ass cheeks, Platinum realized that he was now toying with her. Teasing her and wanting her to beg for him to fuck her. Of course, when she realized this, Platinum didn’t hesitate to swallow down the seed that was on her tongue, turning her head to look back at him. “You want Luna to beg, don’t you? You want Luna to ask for you to fuck Luna again, huh?~”

A gleeful giggle escaped Platinum’s lips as a gentle blush came to her tanned cheeks, playfully rolling her eyes at him. “Well, too bad! Luna won’t dare beg for your--” Before she could finish her thought, Platinum found herself cut off once again. This time, by the feeling and sight of her baby daddy’s cock slapping down against her ass cheeks. Almost immediately, she remembered just how large and thick it was. Not only did it span far enough to feel like it was reaching to the back of her head while his balls rested against her ass, but it felt like it was as thick as her forearm as well.

“P-Please….?” The word left her lips before she even knew what was happening, the feeling of that all too familiar cock against her skin wiping Platinum’s mind and making her worry about only one thing. Having it inside of her. “P-Please fuck Luna like you always do… Make Luna hurt. Make Luna regret letting you inside tomorrow. Please…”

Platinum’s breath hitched in her throat when she felt her baby daddy drag his length along her back, pulling it back until the tip was able to slide past her ass cheeks. Before she knew it, she felt the tip of his impossibly large shaft pressing against the entrance to her pussy. And just like the first night they were together, Platinum felt a sense of fear filling her heart when he slowly and carefully pushed his hips forward, sinking each and every inch of his cock deep inside of her.

However, unlike that time, the fear in her heart was quickly pushed away by a boundless sense of pleasure and bliss. A wonderful feeling that caused her eyes to roll into the back of her head and her tongue to roll out of her mouth. All while more and more of his member stretched her inner walls and molded them to the familiar shape of his dick once again. Though, when she thought every inch was inside of her already, Platinum was surprised to feel her lover grab onto her pigtails once again. If he was already inside of her, what was the point? Just to tease her?

But it was right then and there that she felt him yank on hair, pulling her back, as he pushed his hips forward. And in one swift, brutal, and powerful thrust, Platinum was filled with every inch of the cock that had gotten her pregnant almost eight months ago. A loud, shameless, and pained scream of pleasure erupted from her lips as he immediately began thrusting into her with little to no remorse.

At first, the pain that filled her caused Platinum to think that he was just being rough with her to try and break her. According to him, it was what he did with the other sluts in his life. But right now? Something seemed different. She couldn’t put her finger on it as one of his hands began to move around her head until his fingers were able to reach her mouth, lust filling her mind and leaving her unable to process anything properly. But when his middle and index fingers pushed past her lips and into her mouth, she knew exactly what it was.

She wasn’t a toy to him right now.

Whether that meant he was seeing her as a lover while he fucked her, whether he simply saw her as a hole to fuck, or maybe he was falling for her through their sex. Whatever it meant, Platinum didn’t care. But the realization that he was acting possessive over her while fucking her caused her heart to warm in her chest as he pounded into her from behind. Hot and heavy breaths spilled from her lips as they curled into a smile, his fingers playing with her tongue in the process.

Of course, while this was going on, Platinum’s body focused on the feeling of his cock plunging into her over and over again. Slamming deep enough into her pussy to reach her womb with ease with each and every thrust. Only for him to pull back and force himself even deeper inside of her, forcing a few inches of his cock directly into her womb while his balls slapped against her clit. Each and every time it happened, Platinum was unable to stop herself from letting out a scream filled with nothing but pleasure.

And as he continued fucking her without any restraint, the pleaure that she felt continued to grow. Everything about this was wonderful to her. The pain that sparked in her pussy as he stretched her out and fucked her deep enough for her chest to hurt. The pleasure that washed over her with each thrust that filled her pussy. And the sense of lust and joy that came from his fingers playing with her tongue as he held tightly onto her massive pigtails. All of it combined into something that she hadn’t experienced in ages. Something that Platinum was almost upset her pregnancy was preventing her from feeling more often.

The feeling of a powerful orgasm that was able to cause everything around her to simply vanish.

Over and over again, the pleasure that spiked through her system caused her to scream in bliss. And every time he plunged himself deep enough inside of her for his balls to slap against her clit with each thrust, Platinum found her mind simply blanking out. The pleasure of him filling her so well and fucking her so hard caused that blanking to happen more and more frequently. Right up until the point that she couldn’t take it anymore and everything just disappeared from her mind.

Unfortunately for Luna, every time her mind blanked from the pleasure, it allowed Sena to take control of their body. And unfortunately for Sena, every time he took control, he was forcefully greeted with the feeling of incredible bliss and excitement coursing through him. And his screams were even louder than hers. Especially when Platinum’s lover pulled his hand out of her mouth and brought it back to her rear end, swatting her ass cheek.

Sena knew exactly what was going on, knowing everything that happened in their body. But to be suddenly met with a kind of bliss that caused Luna of all people to go quiet? There was nothing he could do to stop the oncoming orgasm that crashed through his body. Sharp, blissful, and excited sounds of bliss left Platinum’s lips as Sena reached the peak of his pleasure almost instantly, her pussy clamping down around her baby daddy’s cock as he continued to plunge into her without a care in the world.

Fortunately, it didn’t take more than a moment or two longer for Platinum’s lover to reach his peak and cum right along with Sena. The thrusts continued to fill the pregnant girl’s body as he erupted inside of her, painting her inner walls a thick layer of white with his seed while making sure he reached deep enough to fill her womb as well. It didn’t matter to either of them that she was already pregnant, the lust that they felt in this moment making it all the better. Especially when he didn’t hesitate to pull his impossibly large shaft out of Platinum’s cunt just to slap it down against her back once again, letting a few ropes of his seed out against her tanned skin.

“Even while pregnant, your pussy is still as tight as ever. Maybe it's because I haven’t given you any despite your begging the last few months.”

The pleasure that racked Sena’s mind was too much for him to be able to handle. Even if he knew that Luna had been taking all the pleasure for herself and enjoying the sex they were having, he couldn’t believe that she was able to stay conscious for something like this. Fortunately, after the few moments between Luna losing consciousness and the two of them cumming together, Luna was able to take control again. And now that she was in control of her body, she wanted to be in control of the sex.

Without missing a beat, as soon as she regained consciousness, Luna turned herself around and brought both of her hands to her lover’s chest. With a smile coming to her lips, she caught him in a deep and affectionate kiss while pushing him until his back connected with the bed. Where her smile grew and she quickly straddled his lap so he wasn’t able to take full control again. “You’re such a pervert that you have to fuck Luna until she passes out, but then you want to try and deny Luna this kind of wonderful sex? You pedophile bastard. That’s not fair to Luna, is it?~”

She didn’t give him a chance to speak before climbing over his cock and slowly lowering herself down onto it. “Luna will just… Have to show you…” As she spoke, Luna carefully took inch after inch of this man’s cock inside of her. “That Luna is the best… Girl to take… Your dick!” When she finally reached the base of his member, Platinum let out a heavy but satisfied huff, her heart racing and her pussy aching in the best possible way. But as she looked down at him, she could see a smile of triumph on his lips. “What are you smiling for? You’re not in control anymore.~”

“Maybe. But every time you open your mouth, you show just how desperate you are for cock. Now why don’t you start bouncing?”

Platinum’s heart skipped a beat in her chest, her body beginning to bounce on it’s own.


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