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At this point, I feel like all I tell you all is bad news. It fucking sucks, honestly.

But, my Grandmother is in the hospital. I spent the last 5 days taking her to and from appointments and visits and even to the ER. Only for her to need an ambulance called this morning while I was asleep.

My dog, Arthur... The old man is 15 yrs old and on his last legs. He's not suffering but its clear he's running out of energy. And to put how long he's been in this family into perspective, I turned 26 in August. It hurts us seeing him like this.

This year has just not been kind. And I'm sorry for using this as a space to just dump all the bad info that comes around. But, I don't know how to approach things if this keeps up. I'll either need to hike my prices again (which I don't even think my writing is good enough for that) or just have Patreon essentially become an expensive ass tipjar. I'm making ends meet, but if shit keeps falling apart, I won't be able to off what I do.

But to end it on a bright note: I've refound the spark I have for writing. Its a slow step, but its a step in the right direction. I just now need the time to actually work.


Damien Kova

Oh right. I forgot to say. If it isn't obvious enough by this post, work is still very slow.