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On the anniversary of when she was summoned, Nero’s master takes her out for a special day. And mistaking someone who came around as someone her master hired to help with the day, things get a bit out of hand for Nero.

Having a master kind enough to offer to take her to the beach for a special day between the two of them, Nero couldn’t stop herself from feeling excited. He had been treating her with a special kind of care the last few weeks and it was all coming to a head today as he carried the towels and umbrella for them to set up a little spot on the beach for themselves. Her dear master had mentioned reserving the beach for them for the few hours they were going to be out and spending time together.

When she watched him laying out the towels as blankets for them, putting the umbrella perfectly between the towels so that they could both sit in the shade, it crossed Nero’s mind just why today was so special for the two of them. Summer was just around the corner and today marked the anniversary of when her master summoned her to Chaldea. When that realization crossed her mind, a bright smile came to Nero’s lips. Maybe he was finally giving her the treatment that an emperor like her deserved. Though, it wasn’t like he ignored her half the time. She knew that he was busy with other servants.

But that didn’t stop her from smiling and feeling her heart swell with excitement as she laid flat on the towel that she was set for her, lying on her back. “Master, you should have told me that today meant so much to you! I would have gladly gotten some hello to make things perfect for us today!”

“Don’t worry about that, Nero. Today’s a special day and I’ve got everything planned to make sure you enjoy yourself. In fact, there’s a surprise for you that I need to get. So be a bit patient with me, okay?”

“Umu!” The smile that was on Nero’s face remained as she watched her master walk away from their small set up. The heat from the sun felt wonderful against her skin. Almost soothing in a way. And that soothing feeling allowed her mind to wander and drift as she tried to imagine just what kind of surprise someone as busy as her master could have planned out. That also brought to mind just how he had the time to plan today out with how busy he was. “Maybe Sherlock helped him. Despite being…. Well, the way he is, he always seems to know just how things are going to work out.”

Nero allowed her eyes to flutter shut as the possibilities of what was going to happen continued to cross her mind. Maybe her master was cooking a fantastic meal for her. Maybe he had the help of a few male servants to make the set up they were in even bigger and didn’t want to disturb her until it was all ready. Maybe one of the other servants he had summoned offered to help make sure they were alone and he was just making sure everything was okay. Maybe her master--

Before Nero could finish her thought, the sound of someone making their way over to her towel caused her eyes to shoot open. But instead of being greeted with the sight of her master, she was greeted with the sight of a man she didn’t recognize. Someone that didn’t look like a servant she recognized, or even like someone who belonged on the beach right now. In fact, the longer that she looked at this man, the more Nero noticed just how built he was.

From his height easily being twice that of her master’s to just how toned and defined his muscles were to the heavy footsteps he had when he made his way to her master’s towel. It was clear to her that this wasn’t a Servant and certainly wasn’t someone that she knew her master knew. And just as she went to open her mouth, it crossed her mind that this might be the surprise her Master was talking about. “Oh! So you’re the surprise that Master mentioned! I wish you wouldn’t have surprised me like that.”

Nero watched a devious smile come to this man’s lips as he processed what she had said. “You’re right. My deepest apologies for surprising you and sneaking up on you while you’re enjoying yourself. But your… Master, was it, hired me to give you a massage today and keep you company while he handled a few things. I see that he’s left already?”

“Umu! He didn’t mention why. But if you’re here for a massage, then, let’s get started. I want to feel pristine when my master returns.~” Without missing a beat, Nero rolled over so that she was lying on her stomach, looking up at the man as he made his way behind her. “So, what kind of massage am I expected to receive today?”

“He hired me for a full body massage. The full treatment, so to speak.”

Nero’s heart skipped a beat in her chest at the sound of that. Her master truly was spoiling her on this special day. Maybe he finally understood that she was indeed the greatest servant he had summoned. Maybe he was just trying to make today all the more special. No matter what the reason was, Nero didn’t say anything as the man’s hands connected with her body, starting at her shoulders.

Almost immediately, she noticed that his grip and his strength was leaps and bounds higher than what a normal masseuse should have. Though, she was a powerful servant, so maybe he needed to be stronger than most masseuses even could be. At least, that was the reasoning she silently convinced herself of as he gripped and massaged her shoulders, slowly working his way along her back.

Almost as quickly as she noticed his strength, Nero felt a strange sense of pleasure welling up inside of her. The feeling of his hands kneading and tending to certain spots on her back made her feel like she was in heaven. From the way his fingers prodded at certain points to the way his palm traced her shoulder blades and pressed down on them. Even to the way he made her feel when his hands drifted down low enough to reach her plump rear end, perfectly avoiding her shapely ass cheeks while massaging the rest of her legs and thighs.

He was always so close that she could practically imagine that strong grip kneading away at her ass cheeks. But the thought was quickly washed from her mind when he moved his hands lower down to her thighs. “Umu… You said it was a full body massage, right…?”

“That’s what he hired me for. Is that a problem?”

“N-No. I just-- Eep!” A gentle blush came to Nero’s cheeks when she felt the man’s hands grab onto the inside of her thighs, pulling her legs apart enough that he could clearly get a good view of her pussy if he tried to. But not far enough to make it seem like he was trying to get a view and just trying to do his job. “I just… Don’t understand. If it’s full body, you should be massaging me down there, right? You should massage my ass.”

The man paused for a moment at Nero’s assumption. And the smile that he had grew even more as he pushed his hands just a few inches upward toward her pussy and her ass. “You would be correct. But, out of respect for your boyfriend… It only seems right to not touch your sensitive areas, right?”

Nero’s breath hitched in her throat when she felt him continuing to inch closer and closer to her cunt, the feeling of his large hands caressing her thighs striking something inside of her. On one hand, she knew that he was right. Her master would be furious if he found out another man touched her ass. But on the other hand, she was a woman that was proud to display her body and proud to have people look at it. “Y-You are correct! But… But for it to truly be a full body massage, you have to massage my full body, right? Then don’t hold back!”

The moment the words left Nero’s lips, she wondered why she was just so adamant on having it that way. Just why she cared so much if he touched her ass or massaged her full body compared to avoiding her breasts and her ass. But the moment that she felt his hands trail from her supple thighs to her shapely ass cheeks, something clicked in her mind. That strong grip, that firmness of his hands as they caressed her body, and the twisted enjoyment that filled her from having another man’s hands on her body.

In the back of her mind, she knew that she should be against something like this. Having someone look at her was one thing, but having someone touch her was something else altogether. But when the feeling of them touching her caused her to blush and let out a few quiet but heavy breaths, maybe it was okay to have them touch her. If they were able to make her body feel a bit hotter simply from giving her a massage, maybe it was alright. Especially when he was being polite about it at the start.

As soon as she went to open her mouth, wanting to thank him for giving her the proper massage, she heard him clear his throat and get her attention. “W-What is it?”

“Well, if you’d like the full treatment and massage, I’m going to need to take off your bikini. Is that okay with you? Or would you rather keep it on and me work around it?”

The thought of undressing in public like this was a strange thought to Nero. It wasn’t one that hit her mind and she felt disgusted by, but instead one that she felt intrigued by. With a gentle shake of her head, Nero pushed herself up just enough for her breasts to lift off of the towel she was lying on. Incidentally pushing her back enough to press her rear end against this man’s crotch. “N-No! If we’re supposed to have me undress in order for me to get proper treatment, then I should undress! Just….”

A gentle breath left Nero as she untied the string that held her bikini top together, allowing the cups to fall to her side before lowering herself back onto the towel. The blush that was on her cheeks grew even darker when she felt his hands drift toward her hips, untying her bottoms and pulling them away from her body. “Do remember that I am the Emperor of Rome! You are merely a subject hired by my master. So do not think you can get away with treating me indecently!”

“Of course not, Nero. I wouldn’t dare do such a thing.”

The moment her bikini bottoms were pulled out of her, Nero felt the man’s hands latch onto her rear end. And immediately, an excited breath spilled from her lips. She didn’t know just what it was that caused her to feel this way, that caused her to crave this man’s hands on her body where only her master had touched since she had been summoned. But when he resumed what he was doing and began to grope and knead her plump rear end once again, the heat of desire began to swell within her once again.

However, this time, it was strong enough that she found herself carefully pushing her hips back so that her ass cheeks fit all the better in his hands. Strong enough that she could hear the hot and heavy breaths that were starting to leave her lips as his hands traveled from her rear end and underneath her body. For a moment, when his fingertips prodded at her bellybutton, she wondered just which direction he would move. Which was quickly answered when both of his hands drifted upward along her stomach to her breasts.

The feeling of his hands traveling to her breasts caught Nero off guard. She knew it was going to happen. She knew that it was going to feel similar to the way he fondled her rear end. But something about the way his fingertips drifted along her soft skin, the way his nails dragged against her nipples for a moment, and the way his hands seemed to almost engulf her soft mounds while he remained above her. All of it sent shivers along her spine as he began to truly fondle and play with her body in this position.

Her rear end remained firmly pressed back against his crotch as he leaned over her in order to massage her breasts. And her eyes fluttered shut when she felt him suddenly squeeze both of her breasts at the same time, the feeling of his thick fingers sinking into her large mounds lighting something inside of her. Something that caused the Roman Emperor to bite down on her lower lip to keep herself from moaning too loudly.

And that something continued to grow with each and every passing second as this man adjusted their position ever so slightly so he could get a better, more firm, grip on her body. All while his own heavy breaths began to fill Nero’s ears and her senses. Maybe it grew because of the way her mind reminded her of just how it sounded to have her dear master panting for her when they were in bed together. Maybe it was the way this man’s hands seemed to expertly know how to touch her. Or maybe it was simply because of the fact that she could feel his cock straining against his clothes and against her body. Whatever the reason was, Nero didn’t hesitate to let go of her lower lip and let out the lurid moan as her sense of lust and desire continued to grow inside of her.

And it all came to a head when she heard the man clear his throat behind her, pulling her away from whatever lustful thoughts were clouding her mind and bringing her back to reality. “W-What is it? Is something wrong, Masseuse?”

“Well…. Do you really think it’s fair for you to be the only one fully undressed like this? You’re more than allowed to enjoy yourself during your massage, but it only seems fair that I undress as well, right?”

Nero paused for a moment at the question. The one thing that separated this man from holding her just like her master did was the fact that he was wearing something to keep them apart down below. But if he got rid of that? Would it truly be okay? What would happen from here if she let him get away with it? In the back of her mind, Nero immediately knew that she would want to feel just how large this man was against her body, the heat of someone’s cock against her skin being a sensation that she enjoyed more than the average woman when she was with her master.

Unfortunately, as she continued to debate on just what to do, the man’s hands retreated from her body and moved to his own. She couldn’t tell exactly what he was doing, her eyes still closed and her heart pounding hard enough that Nero couldn’t fully process what she wanted from him. And before she realized it, she felt the man’s hands back on her body, this time grabbing a firm hold of her hips. Right before something hot and rigid slapped down against her rear end, almost spearing right between her ass cheeks right from the start.

Almost immediately, Nero let out a quiet gasp, not expecting to feel his cock against her skin so quickly. The heat that radiated off of it, the feeling of it throbbing against her back and her rear end, the fact that she could feel his balls resting against her rear end while the tip almost made it halfway up her back while she was arched like she was, and the very distinct realization that it was much bigger than her master’s cock all hit Nero’s mind at once.

At first, she didn’t know how to react. She didn’t know what to do. She just stayed still, accepting the feeling of his cock throbbing against her while he reached his hands back underneath her and began to play with her breasts all over again. Nero simply stayed still like a deer in headlights as she felt him pinch her nipples and give them a light twist, ignoring the quiet moan that spilled from her lips.

At least, she stayed still until she felt his shaft starting to drag along her body. It didn’t feel like he was grinding against her or attempting to hold her in place while he had his way with her, but almost like he was simply ingraining just how big it was into her mind as he continued the massage. Of course, when she thought about just how large it was, the only thing Nero could picture or think about was how it was bigger than her Master’s by a solid few inches.

However, the moment that she felt him starting to pull his hips back, Nero snapped back to reality for a moment. The lustful cloud in her mind was gone and the only thing that was on her mind was the fact that her masseuse that her dear master hired for the day was as hard as a rock against her plump rear end. Nero couldn’t stop herself from blushing once again as he adjusted his grip on her body from her breasts to her hips, as if he wanted to keep her in place while he moved.

“Umu….” Nero let out a gentle breath as she turned her head to look back at the man, opening her eyes just to get a look at his face and to meet his gaze. The look of desire and excitement in his eyes was clear to her. And it was all she needed in order to take the next step and give in to this sense of need that was constantly being built inside of her. “I-I am a generous Emperor! And considering I can feel your… discomfort. I think it is only appropriate that I allow you to use this beautiful body of mine to relieve yourself.”

Nero paused for a moment as her masseuse’s grip on her body grew tighter from her comment, causing her to let out another gentle moan. “B-But only because my master was kind enough to hire you for the day to be our servant! It wouldn’t be right to not reward you in some way!” The blush that was on her cheeks grew slightly darker when she felt the tip of his shaft dragging along her skin, taking its sweet time making its way between her legs. Only for it to stop while pressing the head of his cock against her asshole. “W-What do you think you’re doing?!”

“You said I could use your body to relieve myself, right?”

“I did! What I don’t understand is why you feel the need to disrespect Rome’s greatest Emperor by using that hole…” Embarrassment caused Nero to close her eyes as she reached one of her hands between her legs, hoisting her hips into the air ever so slightly. Turning her face to look away from this man, she used her middle and ring fingers to spread her pussy lips, exposing herself to the man in this position. “If you’re going to relieve yourself using my body, then do your Emperor the kindness of using the proper hole.”

There was a pause for a moment after Nero presented herself and spoke to the man she thought was her masseuse. A pause that was just long enough for her to feel like she may have said something wrong, that she may have said a little too much and worried the man. A pause that made her heart race in her chest in anticipation for if he was going to actually use her pussy for his own enjoyment or not. Fortunately, once that moment was over, Nero’s worries were completely pushed out of her mind.

The moment that her masseuse pushed his hips forward, slowly burying each and every inch of his cock deep into her pussy, everything around Nero simply vanished. The feeling of his cock stretching her inner walls more than they had ever been stretched before, the feeling of him reaching deep enough for his tip to feel like it was going to force its way into her womb, and the feeling of his grip tightening around her body as the pleasure of being in a hole so tight almost immediately got to him. All of it combined into a sense of bliss and pleasure that forced Nero’s mind to only focus on the dick that was buried inside of her.

And the instant this man began to rock his hips back and forth, slowly working himself into a steady pace as he fucked her, Nero knew that she was in for something special. She knew right away that his cock was not only bigger than her master’s, but was in fact the thickest one she had ever taken in her memory. And as it continued to pump itself back and forth inside of her, everything around her began to slowly filter its way back into her mind.

However, as everything came back into her mind and came back into focus, Nero’s mind was too clouded in pleasure to fully process what was happening around her. The sound of the waves crashing on the edge of the beach behind her, the sound of this man’s hips slamming into her plump rear end with each thrust, and the gentle heat of the sun radiating through the umbrella that her master had put up. All of it seemed like distant memories in her mind as this man picked up the pace of his thrusts.

As he began to thrust into her all the faster and harder, Nero found herself moaning all the louder and with less and less shame by the moment. Pleasure flooded her body as he pulled himself back far enough so that only the tip of his shaft remained inside of her, only to slam himself into her so deeply and so quickly that it felt like the first few inches of his cock speared straight through her cervix with each thrust. She didn’t know just how to process all the pleasure that filled her body, especially when his hands wandered around her form and latched onto her breasts once again.

However, Nero didn’t let the pure onslaught of pleasure that filled her consume her. Her eyes fluttered shut as the bliss started to become too much for her to handle, but she tried to keep strong to the thought that she was only tending to the servant that her master had hired for the day. She struggled to mentally remain in control of the situation. Even as her supposed masseuse brought one of his hands to her stomach and hoisted her lower half up enough for him to feel like he was hitting even deeper inside of her, Nero grit her teeth and tried to feel like she was still in some sort of control.

Even as he suddenly pulled himself back, pulling every inch of his shaft out of her tight cunt, Nero tried to think that she was still in control. So much so that she failed to notice when he flipped her over so that she was on her back, the only thing alerting her to the fact that something had changed was the fact that the pleasure stopped flowing through her. When she realized that the pleasure had stopped, Nero quickly opened her eyes to find herself looking up at the man as he straddled her stomach, his cock slapping down against her breasts the moment her eyes opened. “H-How… W-What do you think you’re doing? Your Emperor graces you with her royal body and magnificent womb and you think you can just pull out?”

“You told me that I could use your body as I desired. So, I’m going to use it as I desire. Even if that means making your pussy wait to be filled.”

Nero’s heart raced in her chest as the tone of her masseuse’s voice became one of dominance and control. A voice that, under normal circumstances, she would shut down and ignore right from the get go. But, for some reason, hearing it right here and now caused her heart to skip a few beats in her chest. Hearing him speak in that tone as he brought both of his hands to her breasts caused Nero to feel nothing but arousal and submission.

The moment he slipped his cock between her breasts, that decident heat that radiated off of his member lit her up inside once again. Nero had been in this position many times with her beloved master. It was far from the first time she had someone’s shaft between her breasts, and far from the first time she had felt that familiar throbbing in her cleavage. But it was the first time that she had felt a man’s balls just underneath her breasts while the tip of his shaft still managed to reach through to the tops of her breasts.

When her masseuse began to thrust his hips once again, using her breasts to get himself off now, Nero couldn’t stop herself from feeling a twisted sense of pleasure once again. A pleasure so twisted and depraved that she felt her pussy aching in jealousy that her cleavage was being violated like it was. And she could do nothing about it but look up into the man’s eyes or look down at his throbbing cock as it pumped between her breasts over and over again. At least, that’s what she thought at first.

As pleasure continued to fill her while this man violated her breasts, Nero instinctively brought both of her hands between her legs, teasing her pussy and fingering herself as her master finally returned from wherever he was. Her eyes went wide as she plunged three fingers into herself, the pleasure that she felt finally reaching its peak and causing her to scream as an orgasm rushed through her. Just in time for the masseuse to reach his peak as well, prompting rope after rope of his thick seed to splatter against her face. Panting her cheek, covering her eye, and landing in her mouth. All just in time for her to her something small drop into the sand, catching her attention just enough to see a black box with a ring in it to her side. “Welcome back, Master.~”


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