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With the stress that came nearly daily with being a doctor in such a populated city, Litchi didn’t have too many ways to relieve that stress. She could always turn to her alcohol and drink her nights away, but something inside of her always told her that it was a bad idea to spend almost every night looking at the bottom of a bottle of booze. She knew that she could also spend more time with her patients, getting to know them and making herself more of a nurse than that of a doctor that passed out medicine. It would give her a sense of duty that lasted beyond the stress that she felt. And it wasn’t like some of them weren’t attractive. Especially if they were clients that were her age or enjoyed drinking themselves.

The one thing that came to Litchi’s mind that she could do consistently would be to explore different clubs around town. To roam around, enjoy a few drinks here, relax with the feeling of a stranger’s hand on her breasts, and enjoy a few drinks in another bar before making her way back home. But the problem she had with doing something like that was that people would recognize her, and she didn’t want to diminish the reputation she had as the local doctor.

Fortunately, that’s when a thought came to mind that eliminated that issue. She could disguise herself in some way. Litchi was smart enough to realize that most people recognized her from her hair, her outfit, and her breasts. Most didn’t look into her eyes enough to notice the color, but she didn’t want to take any risks. Though, that was quite a simple fix. And it was such a simple fix that she had been doing it for months now with no one recognizing her.

Litchi found a long, slimming, dark blue and purple dress that perfectly hugged her figure and both hid and showed off her breasts at the same time. The fabric of the dress clung to her body and accentuated her features. But it worked perfectly for her as she undid her ponytail and allowed her long hair to flow down, reaching almost to her ankles when she stood up straight. Of course, while she looked beautiful like this, one look in the mirror made it seem like she was just trying to change up her outfit. With a smile on her face, Litchi took her glasses off of her face and placed a pair of colored contacts in her eyes, changing the lavender color that was in them to a bright red. And to top things off, she covered her lips in a light purple lipstick to match the dress that she wore.

Now when she looked into the mirror, she almost couldn’t recognize herself. Of course, certain things looked close enough to the “local doctor” that everyone knew that they might guess she’s a relative, but she didn’t look close enough to “Litchi” to be able to make that connection. And just like it had for a few months now, as she made her way out of her office and onto the streets to roam, she immediately drew people’s eyes to her.

Men and women, old and young, all turned their heads to look at her. They all wanted to get a glimpse of her body through her dress. Some wanted to rip the outfit off of her. And very few were brave enough to make their way over to her and wrap their arms around her waist as she walked. Fortunately for those few that were brave enough, whenever they pulled her close to them, she always rested her head against their shoulder, sinking into their touch enough to let them know she wasn’t going to push them away.

Sometimes, this would lead to the stranger that grabbed her to fuck her in an alley. Sometimes, it would lead to Litchi following this stranger to their home and spending the night in their bed with them. Other times, it would lead to Litchi making her way to the local strip club and making her way into the back with the man. She wasn’t the type to dance, but the club didn’t shy away from her presence all the same. Litchi was able to make some money through the night and the club got a lot more guests while she was around. It was a win-win for everyone.

However, tonight became even more of a win for Litchi as she sat down in her partner’s lap. Her lips curled into a gentle and excited smile as he wrapped his arms around her body and grabbed onto her breasts. “Careful now, dear. I can’t let you be too rough with me. Otherwise, I won’t be able to enjoy my night.~” She playfully licked her lips as the man she was sitting with chuckled behind her. Though, she took that as a sign that he understood, and quickly began to grind herself against his lap.

Almost immediately, Litchi was greeted with the feeling of his shaft hardening in his pants, straining against the fabric and pressing firmly against her plump rear end. The smile that was on her lips grew just a bit as his grip on her breasts grew tighter, leading her to turn her head and look the man in the eyes. “Most people simply want to bend me over the couch, have their fun and leave. But from the way you’re holding onto my chest… Am I right to assume you want to play with them instead?”

“It’s not every night that you get to enjoy the Moonlit Butterfly’s tits. I wouldn’t miss something like that for the world.”

An ever so gentle blush came to Litchi’s cheeks as she carefully made her way out of the man’s lap and rose to her feet in front of him. Without missing a beat, she carefully zipped herself out of her dress, allowing the fabric to fall to the floor and pool around her feet. Much to her enjoyment, she was able to see the man’s eyes follow her dress and then slowly make their way back up her body until she spotted her breasts. And she was able to see the look of surprise on his face when he realized that she wasn’t wearing any underwear tonight. “If it’s my tits you want, it’s my tits you’ll get. Though, ‘Moonlit Butterfly’ still sounds like too long of a name, don’t you think? Why don’t you just call me ‘Mommy’ and enjoy yourself?~”



Loving the work so far. Keep up the great work.