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Being essentially that of a back alley doctor, Litchi got many kinds of patients in her clinic. Those that just needed a quick massage to feel better and go on their way. Those that needed actual medicine and put on a regimen before they would recover properly. And those that were dumb enough to take too many special pills that required a doctor's attention to cure when a few hours had already passed. But the young man before her was the first one to be perfectly honest with her and tell her that he wasn't here because he was sick or in need of care. His reason for seeing her was simply her body.

At first, Litchi didn't know if she should be appalled or flattered that someone she didn't even know, and couldn't remember ever seeing, found her attractive enough to just come right out and say it. And as she sat at her desk, looking him up and down, it was very easy and clear to tell just how attractive he found her. A light chuckle left her lips at the sight of his cock straining against the shorts that he was wearing. "Let me get this straight... you come into my clinic. Not because you're sick, or because you want to get something diagnosed, or even because you need some medication. But to confess that you want my body? That's very bold of you."

However, the moment that young man opened his mouth to say something, Litchi quickly brought her finger to his lips to keep him quiet. “Whether you were going to double down and ask for my body or to apologize for being so forward, keep it to yourself. I doubt you’re the only person to look at me this way. In fact, judging by a few of the older men that come through my clinic, I’m positive you’re not the only one to look at me that way.”

A gentle sigh left her lips as she pulled her hand away from the young man’s lips, tilting her head to the side to look past him and into her clinic. “Close the door. I can’t deny that I am pretty pent up and stressed as of late. My favorite wine has been in short supply and it’s not helping things. So, we’ll make this quick. It will be good for both of us if I allow you just this once.” As she spoke, Litchi rose up out of her seat and brought both of her hands to her breasts, watching as the young man closed and locked the door behind him.

When he finally had his attention on her again, she quickly pulled down on the black bra that she always wore, exposing her large mounds to him. For reasons beyond her, the sound of excitement that left him caused a strange tingle to travel along her spine. Her lips curled into a smile as she leaned over her desk, purposefully squishing her large breasts against the table while bringing both of her hands behind her and to her hips. However, she stopped when she noticed the young man simply staring at her and mentally drinking in the sight of her body like this. “What are you just standing around for? You said you wanted my body, didn’t you? Well, come get it.”

Almost immediately, Litchi was met with anticipation surging through her as the young man made his way behind her and grabbed onto her hips for her. And as his hands began to explore her body, drifting in and out of her clothing to trace along her skin, she didn’t hesitate to lower a matching pair of black panties. She allowed the fabric to drop to the floor just in time for the young man to lift her skirt out of the way of her plump rear end, exposing both her pussy and her asshole to him. “Pick whichever hole you prefer. As long as you fuck me as hard as you can, it won’t matter.”

A light gasp left Litchi’s lips when she felt the stranger bring his thumb to her asshole, teasing the tight hole while pressing his cock against the entrance to her pussy. In the back of her mind, she didn’t know if he was going to fuck one hole and finger the other, or if he planned to fuck both and was teasing one to prepare it for when he was done with the first. And as she felt his cock slowly pushing into her cunt, wonderfully stretching her inner walls, Lichi couldn’t bring herself to care.

The near onslaught of pleasure that surged through her was enough to make her both regret not having gone out and gotten fucked in ages, and make her excited for what this young man could provide her. And as inch after inch of his member filled her pussy and stretched her inner walls, part of her wished she had gotten a taste of it first. But it was far too late for that. Especially once the young man started to thrust into her, starting at a near rough and violent pace that caused her desk to shake and rattle with each and every thrust that filled her.

Hot and heavy breaths immediately began to spill from Litchi’s lips as she was fucked from behind, the feeling of having this young man, this stranger, filling her with pleasure. Pleasure, bliss, pain, and ecstasy all filled her in equal measure. Though, the pain was quick to fade away due to everything else overwhelming it, the slight tingle and pain that came from having something so large plunge into her over and over again enhancing the bliss that coursed through her.

Of course, it certainly helped when the young man grabbed onto her ponytail and gave it a firm yank, forcing her to lean her head back and look straight ahead at the doorway in front of her. In the back of her mind, Litchi wondered if anyone was going to knock and try to come in. If anyone was going to hear the sounds of pleasure that were leaving her. Or if anyone would just walk into the room and see her getting fuck from behind like she was. Though, the thought was quickly pushed from her mind as he began to yank on her hair harder, causing her head to lean back even more until she could see nothing but his face.

Before she could say a word, Litchi was greeted with the feeling of his lips crashing against her own, stealing a deep and affectionate kiss from her lips. A kiss that caused her heart to skip a beat in her chest and her inner walls tighten around his shaft. Sure, it had been a while since she had even cared for love and affection, but to feel it once again from someone that wasn’t just a horny old man trying to cop a feel? It lit her up in a way that she didn’t know she could feel.

Much to her surprise, the young man didn’t pull away from her lips, trailing from one kiss into a second and into a third. And before she knew it, Litchi found herself leaning back against his body, their lips dancing from one kiss to another, and his hand moved from her ponytail to her supple breast. His fingers sank into the soft skin of her large mound, causing her to moan in pleasure against his lips as he continued to thrust into her.

However, his thrusts were met with something else. For a moment, there was a strange sense of heat that filled Litchi’s core as the young man mauled at her breast. And when she realized he was throbbing inside of her, she knew right then and there that he was cumming inside of her. With all the pleasure and lust swirling through her mind, it only excited Litchi even more to have him cumming inside of her without any warning. To the point that just the thought of something happening to her because he didn’t pull out caused her to reach her orgasm right along with him.

Her inner walls clamped down like a vice around his shaft as he slowly began to pull out of her. Just before he slapped his cock down against her plump rear end and casually thrusted against her ass for a moment, a few strands of his seed coating her ass and her clothes as a result. For a moment, Litchi wondered if he was done with her and if he was ready to leave. But when she felt him stay hard and press his cock against her asshole, a bright smile came to her lips.

Litchi playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she reached an arm behind her and grabbed onto the back of his head, pulling him into another gentle kiss. “Let’s see if you can be rougher this time.~”



Loving these new stories.