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“Come on, Percy! I know your studies are important, but isn’t your girlfriend important, too?!” Annabeth let out a loud huff as she heard another excuse for why Percy wouldn’t be able to visit her in the near future. It was starting to grow irritating and just disappointing to not be able to see her boyfriend since they were so far apart. But with excuse after excuse leaving him that he didn’t have the time to see her? That irritation only grew each time the two talked. “Percy… Am I just not important to you anymore? I mean, I still make time for you when you want to Iris Message. And I’m still helping design and build Olympus! So, I don’t know why you always have excuses.”

“You are! You know you are, Annabeth. I just can’t make the time to go and see you. I can’t make the time to leave my studies and see you again. Not yet anyway. But I promise, when I can--”

“And when will that be? In three years? Five? Maybe even longer? Percy, you aren’t even trying anymore. You aren’t actually putting forth the effort to keep us together. It’s like you’ve just… Accepted things as they are.” Annabeth let out another heavy breath as she lowered her head into her hands, a few tears coming to her eyes as the pain of this just continued to hit her. Deep down, she knew that he was doing something important. She knew that his studies were more important than simply seeing his girlfriend. But it still hurt her to know that he couldn’t even tell her that he would try to make time, just that he couldn’t.

Without saying another word, Annabeth swiped her hand through the mist that connected the two. And she quickly tossed a dracma into the mist before it completely vanished. “Just… Keep anyone from getting in touch with me until I’m ready… Especially Percy.” A heavy, disappointed, and almost painful breath left Annabeth as she stepped out of her room and started to make her way outside, wanting to step out and hoping that being in an open space might help her calm down a bit. “Asshole…”

As she made her way outside, she spotted her friend, Leo, sitting at a small campfire he had set up. At first, she didn’t know if she should approach him or if she should just go a different direction and be on her own for a short bit. But as that thought crossed her mind, she realized that being alone was the reason she was feeling like this. Even if it wasn’t Percy, having someone to talk to and maybe hug was probably what she needed. And with that in her mind, Annabeth didn’t hesitate to make her way over to Leo’s campfire and smile down at him. “You mind if I sit with you? It’s not often you sit alone like this.”

Leo tilted his head up to look at Annabeth, a bit of a worried look in his eyes. “Huh? Oh. Y-Yeah, go ahead. Join me.” He quickly turned his attention back to the fire, trying to get his mind off of things. But that didn’t stop a faint smile from coming to his lips now that someone was next to him, just like Annabeth couldn’t stop herself from smiling right now despite being upset with Percy.

It was rare to see Leo looking the way he did. Usually, he looked like he was ready to push a wall down with the amount of energy it looked like he had. And his dark-skinned face always had a more cheerful and playful look to it than it did right now. But not wanting to come off insensitive, Annabeth plopped herself down next to him and gently punched him in the shoulder, looking at the fire so he wouldn’t feel required to meet her eyes. “So, what’s bothering you? It’s not like our Elf-Boy to look so bothered. What’s up?”

“Again with that name?” For some reason, Leo couldn’t stop himself from chuckling before shrugging his shoulders. “Calypso is off visiting her family and… Well, I’m worried that she'll be disappointed when she comes back. I’m not like them, after all. What if she gets back and isn’t happy with me anymore?”

From the tone of his voice, it was clear to Annabeth that this was actually something that was a genuine concern for him. Not something that he was just pretending to be upset about. And at first, she didn’t know what to say. She had known him long enough to know that no girl would ever be disappointed in someone like him. And as she tried to think of what to say, she found herself resting her hand on his thigh and smiling at him. “Calypso won’t even be disappointed in you, Leo. I mean, Elf-Boy stuck around for more than just those ears. You've got a kind heart, always wanting to make people happy. Just like an elf would. And… Well…”

A gentle silence fell between the two of them as Annabeth turned her head to look Leo in the eyes. “Your ears aren’t the only thing that’s big. I’ll just say that.” She playfully winked at him while moving her hand from his thigh to his hand, giving it a gentle grip. “So, have a bit more confidence. I know she’ll still be happy with you when she comes back.”

It was clear almost right away that the little talk helped Leo feel better. Not only did a gentle blush come to his dark cheeks from the comment about his ears not being the only big thing he had, but it was a quick reassuring talk that seemed to really hit home. His lips curled into a bright smile as he watched Annabeth turn her head toward the fire, seeing the bit of pain and disappointment in her eyes. And with her helping him feel better, it only felt fair to do the same for her.

With a hearty laugh leaving him, Leo returned the grip on Annabeth’s hand and kept his eyes on her. “And what’s wrong with you? It’s not like you to come out and look like you wanna break something. At least, not since you got separated from Percy. Are things going alright?”

Annabeth stayed silent for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh. “Kind, handsome, and smart? Now why would you think Calypso would ever be disappointed in you?” She let out a quiet laugh before turning her head to look him in the eyes. “The asshole won’t even try and make the time to come see me. I know his studies are important. I know he’s doing what he can, but it feels like he’s not even trying to maintain our relationship. And I don’t know what to do about it. I know I shouldn’t be mad, but… It’s just annoying that he doesn’t even try.”

Her grip on Leo’s hand weakened a little bit as she thought back to the argument she had with him earlier, the tears that she felt stinging at her eyes at the end of the call returning once again. “I just… Lately, it feels like he might not even want to be in a relationship. And while I don’t think he’d cheat… I just have no idea…”

As he listened to her plight, Leo nodded his head, trying to think of just what he could do or say to make her feel better. Even if it was only for a day or two, he could at least try to make his friend feel better. And, after a moment of silence, that’s when he grabbed her hand and held it up between them. “Look. I don’t know Percy the same way you do. I don’t know just what’s going through his head. It seems like no one does sometimes. But, between the two of us, I know we can solve any problem that comes our way.”

At first, Annabeth didn’t know what to say. It was a kind thing to say, but the way he said it almost made it seem like they were dating themselves. And it struck her heart as a bit odd he would word it that way. But it still brought a smile to her face all the same to feel him squeeze her hand like he was. Especially when he met her eyes and she could easily tell that he was being genuine in what he said. “I swear, Leo… If you weren’t with Calypso, people would think you were some kind of ladies man with that silver tongue. But… Thank you.”

Leo silently nodded his head before realizing that Annabeth was shivering in his grip. “Um… You’re shivering quite a bit. If the fire isn’t warm enough, do you want to sit in my lap to warm up?” The moment that Leo realized what he asked, he immediately let go of Annabeth’s hands. Both of them had their own partner and having her sit in his lap? In some way, he knew that it was going to go south. But, it should be alright since neither one is going to try something with the other, right?

The moment that he let go of her hand, Annabeth rolled her eyes. She knew what was going through his mind and she couldn’t help but find it cute that he worried about something like that. But she didn’t say a word as she rose from her spot next to him and carefully positioned herself over his lap. Without missing a beat, she lowered herself down right onto his lap and didn’t say anything as she adjusted her hips back and forth, getting comfortable. “There. Nothing to worry about. And thank you for the offer.”

Her lips curled into a smile as she looked out to the fire, actually feeling her body warm up a bit. She didn’t recognize that it was arousal that was warming her, but the fact that her heart was racing as she stayed in his lap and she heated up quicker than she expected was a good indication. Not that Annabeth even thought about that as she felt and heard Leo let out a sigh behind it. It was clear to her that he was trying to calm himself down and not think of anything while she stayed in his lap. But, something told her she should tease him. Something in the back of Annabeth’s mind told her it would be okay to joke around and lighten the mood a bit, even if it meant teasing the poor boy when he was finally starting to feel better.

Annabeth didn’t say a word as she leaned herself back against Leo’s body, feeling him respond in kind and lean a bit back as well. But he didn’t move too far, allowing her back to press against his chest as she started to carefully move her rear end in his lap. At first, she started simple, moving herself back and forth and ever so slightly grinding against his crotch, her plump rear end just barely peeking out of the shorts that she was wearing.

Of course, neither of them said a word as she began doing this. Neither one of them had to say anything to know exactly what was going on. And neither one of them had to look at the other one to understand that they were both enjoying it. Annabeth knew that Leo was enjoying himself as she felt his cock harden and start to strain against their clothing. And Leo knew that Annabeth was enjoying herself from the way she slowly got more aggressive and assertive as she teased him.

Both of them stayed silent as she took the lead, bringing both of her hands to either side of their body and adjusting herself so that her rear end just barely peeked out from her shorts, showing off her white panties to him. But Annabeth didn’t say a word as she knew he was looking, instead pushing herself more firmly against his crotch and letting out a gentle breath when she felt his cock actually throb through their clothes, the feeling of knowing he was aroused by her sparking something inside of her. Something that she didn’t recognize at first, but knew she enjoyed feeling. Especially when she felt Leo start to gently and cautiously grind against her as well, clearly trying to follow whatever lead she had set.

However, Annabeth knew that she had to get this to stop somewhere. She knew that she couldn’t let this continue. They would end up betraying Percy and Calypso. But as she felt a feeling of arousal and bliss bubbling up inside of her, part of her didn’t want to stop. Fortunately, she was strong enough to stop rocking her hips against him, her hands reaching for his hips as she stayed still. “F-Fuck… If only...”

Luckily, her voice was quiet enough that he didn’t hear her. She leaned her head back so her head was resting against his shoulder, chuckling into Leo’s ear as she kept her eyes closed. Some part of her wanted to keep grinding against him, wanted to feel him throb and pulse against her body and maybe even inside of her. But she couldn’t let that happen. And, on a whim, Annabeth reached for the knife that she always kept on her and placed it against Leo’s neck with her free hand, making sure to only touch it against his skin. “Don’t feel like you can try anything, Leo. I’ll be sure to remove your dick if you do. Would be easy with how hard it is.~”

Annabeth knew that Leo could react in a number of ways to her threatening his crotch like that, even if she wasn’t really serious about it. But the one way she didn’t expect him to react was to bring both of his hands to her hips and hold her in place while she kept the blade against his neck. “L-Leo, d-did you not hear me?”

“I did... I did… But this is the only way I can feel comfortable with you… Well, you know.” Leo turned his head just enough to prompt Annabeth to pull her knife away from his neck. He knew that she wouldn’t actually hurt him if she didn’t have to. But when she pulled it away, something told him that he was in the clear to hold her like this. To keep his hands on her hips and have a few of his fingers slipping into her shorts while she started to rock herself back and forth on his lap once again.

As she continued to rock her hips against him, the bliss and touch of his fingers slipping underneath her shorts and teasing her panties, something sparked inside of Annabeth. Something that prompted her to feel a slight bit of fear and excitement as she looked down. However, the moment that she looked down, she noticed the time on her watch and let out a loud gasp. “Crap, I didn’t realize it was this late.”

Without waiting, Annabeth hopped out of Leo’s lap and turned around to face him. “The harpies are going to be out soon. We should get back to our rooms before it’s too late.” A gentle giggle rumbled in her throat as she kicked dirt onto the fire that was now behind her, bending over so that she was eye-level with Leo, uncaring about the fact that her camp top only barely managed to hide her cleavage with the position that she was in. “Thank you for warming me up and listening to me for a bit, Leo. I really appreciate it.~”

Before he could say a word to her, Annabeth quickly turned around and began jogging to her room. With each step that she took, she brought her hand to her rear end, smacking and shaking her plump ass cheeks through her jean shorts. All while knowing that Leo was watching her. But that only seemed to make her stop right before she got inside and hook her thumb into her shorts, lowering them enough for him to fully be able to see the white panties that she had on.

Once she disappeared back inside, however, Leo could only bring himself to stare with his jaw practically on the floor. “Damn, Percy… I know you’ve been away, but how have you left a girl like her unsatisfied?” The moment he finished speaking, he realized just how hard he was, feeling his cock straining painfully against his clothes. “Shit… Can’t go walking around with that…”


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