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It’s not often that Yae gets to give a guest of the Narukami Shrine a tour. But when she does, she likes to enjoy herself in the process.

Being the Head Shrine Maiden of the Grand Narukami Shrine, Yae Miko didn’t see many people unless it was something important. Unless it was business that needed to be handled that the priestesses under her couldn’t take care of. And she preferred it that way. It allowed her a chance to relax and take in the world around her, watching everyone in Inazuma below her live their lives to the fullest. However, there were occasions where someone would get the honor of her being their personal escort around the shrine. And tonight was one of those occasions.

The young man in front of her caught her attention almost as soon as he arrived in Inazuma. She didn’t know too much about him, but she knew he was something important. So when he arrived at her shrine and asked about the Sacred Sakura Tree, she made her appearance. “An outsider that’s interested in our home and the Sakura tree? You’re not like most others. Excluding the fact you manage to actually make your way around Inazuma without much of a fuss.”

Her lips curled into a gentle smile as she grabbed the drapes of her outfit with her fingertips, lifting it up in a clearly fake courtesy and revealing the very tight bottoms that she was wearing. “Welcome to the Narukami Shrine. I’ll have the pleasure of guiding you around and answering your questions. Almost immediately, she let go of her outfit and allowed it to return to normal. Just in time for the shrine maiden that had led this young man to the tree to turn around and leave. “To answer your question about the Sakura Tree…. Put simply, it is something that is important to all of Inazuma. And to the Raiden Shogun herself.”

A gentle smile came to Yae’s lips as she turned around and faced away from the young man, stepping away from him and swaying her hips with each and every step that she took. And when she didn’t hear him walking behind her, she turned her head to see him staring at her plump rear end. But instead of saying something and embarrassing the poor boy, she curled her finger and gestured for him to follow her. “That tree, just like this shrine, is a symbol of eternity in Inazuma. Not one that most people think of like that. But one that is a symbol all the same. The shrine maidens here are the best at what they do and they always have been. That cannot be disputed. And the tree… Is a complicated story.”

As she made her way toward the entrance to the shrine, figuring it would be best to start her tour at the entrance, there was a slight spring in her step. A spring that allowed the drapes covering her lower half to expose her bottoms. “The tree being the way it is is a story of heartbreak, loss, devastation, and determination. One that, unfortunately, involves those that were directly by our beloved archon’s side in the past.”

When she finally made it to the entrance, Yae turned herself around with a quick spin that was almost child-like in the way she moved. But it was a spin that put her right at the entrance to the shrine with this cute young man looking her in the eyes. A look of amazement and curiosity that many others had shown her in the past. But a look that seemed to be different from the others. A look that told her he wasn’t just curious about the stories she was telling, but was also curious about her. And that made Yae’s heart flutter in her chest.

Yae immediately reached her hand out and grabbed onto the young man’s, pulling him to her side so that he was looking at the same thing she was. A massive shrine built above a deep but impossibly clear pond. “Unfortunately, just that short trip to the tree and back showed you almost everything the Grand Narukami Shrine has to offer. Unlike the Kamisato estate or Inazuma city, there’s only one purpose for this shrine. And it’s the tree.”

When the young man turned his head to look at her, Yae instinctively turned her head to meet him with a smile. “However, that doesn’t mean I can’t lead you around once again. Maybe I’ll show you something you didn’t notice when you first arrived.” She quickly let go of his hand before she started to walk toward the shrine once again, bringing that same hand behind herself and pulling down on the bottoms that she wore, exposing one of her supple ass cheeks to him without missing a beat in her step. Right in front of one of the shrine maidens that attended the entrance. “Follow me. You wouldn’t want to miss anything, would you?”

However, instead of going up the stairs that were right in front of her and at the entrance of the shrine building itself, Yae turned to the right and began to make her way around the pond the shrine was built on. Fortunately, she didn’t need to bother turning around to know that he was following her this time. The sound of his shoes connecting with the grass was all she needed to hear.

Yae stopped in the middle of a patch of luminescent flowers that were on the edge of the shrine, the gentle blue hue coming from them lighting up her white attire. Luckily, when she turned around to face the young man, he was standing right in front of her. Just far enough for her to be able to reach her hand out and press it gently against his chest. “This may be a simple patch of grass to some, but isn’t this spot simply beautiful? Peaceful and right next to the water…”

The world trailed from Yae’s lips as her hand slowly drifted lower than the young man’s chest, reaching the hem of his pants as soon as another shrine maiden stepped up to the offering house behind her. But she paid it no mind as her hand continued to drift a bit lower, half of her plump rear end still exposed to the world around her. Yae’s hand stopped just before reaching the hardening crease in this young man’s pants. “If there weren’t so many shrine maidens around, I’d almost call this spot perfect for young lovers to gather, wouldn’t you?~”

Without missing a beat, and almost as soon as the other shrine maiden turned her attention toward them, Yae stood up straight and pulled up her bottoms. She playfully dragged her tongue along her lips as she began to walk toward the priestess. “Everything is in order, I assume?”

“Yes, Miss Yae. It was just time for me to come and clean the offering box. Is that the man you’re guiding around the shrine?”

“That he is. And he seems quite interested in our shrine.” A gentle smile came to Yae’s lips as she turned to the side, facing away from the young man and the shrine maiden. And without saying a word, she brought one of her hands to her breasts and hooked her thumb into the edge of her outfit and pulled on her top. Once again, without giving any hint to anyone around them, Yae exposed herself to this young man, almost as if it was a natural thing for her. First her ass cheek and now her breast. All while the shrine maiden right next to her had no idea what was going on.

But before she said anything else, Yae adjusted her top and began to walk past the priestess. “Be sure to get some rest when you’re done. It’s rather late.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Yae didn’t bother to turn around as she continued to walk, the hurried sound of feet crunching against dirt and grass letting her know that her guest was still following her. And when she arrived at the sakura tree only a few feet behind the offering box and a few steps away from the fence of the shrine, Yae easily and swiftly hopped over it. One quick step against the tree’s trunk and she was able to gingerly jump over the railing and land on the floor at the side of the shrine. “Come now. Don’t dilly-dally. We’re getting to the best part.”

Turning around just in time to see her guest putting his hands on the railing and leaping over it, Yae was able to extend her arms and keep him from falling flat on his face. She happily caught him in her arms just in time to avoid him faceplanting into the wooden floor. And, as a result of her quick movement, she was met with the feeling of his face burrowing itself into her cleavage. Something that she didn’t shy away from or tell him to stop. She didn’t want him to stop, after all.

However, she knew that she couldn’t let him simply enjoy himself with her body out in the open like this. Pulling him just a few steps back, Yae pulled the young man into an alcove that was able to hide both of them rather easily. And as the sun began to come up, she felt one of his hands latch onto her breast and the other grab onto her rear end. “You’re a bit impatient, aren’t you? We were just about to get to the fun and here you are, greedily grabbing onto me like this.~”

Yae didn’t have a problem with it, though. With a smile on her face, she slipped one of her hands into the young man’s pants as he slipped her hand into her clothing, latching on to her bare breast like it simply belonged in his hand. But, of course she didn’t stop him. Not when that look of curiosity and lust in his eyes seemed to draw her in the more she looked at him. But she didn’t let him take charge of her. Not while she was in her shrine.

A smile came to her lips as she wrapped her hand around his hard cock in his pants, starting to carefully massage it as she leaned in and gently brushed her lips against his own. “I know we’re having some fun, but don’t get ahead of yourself. Not everything you want can be obtained so easily. Sometimes, you miss your chance and things slip between your fingers.” There was a gentle tone of arousal in her voice as she spoke. Likely from the feeling of his hand massaging and kneading her breast as her lips met his own.

And almost immediately after he began to grope her lips this, Yae felt something happening with her breast. She felt herself starting to lactate from his strong grip, almost as if he was milking her while kissing her in this alcove of her shrine. But instead of letting him get the upper hand, she brought her free hand to the back of his head and pulled him into her breast. Without missing a beat, she positioned his mouth right in front of her leaking nipple. “If you’re going to try and milk me like this, you may as well enjoy your spoils.”

Luckily, Yae was able to pull the man’s pants down to his knees, exposing his cock to the warming air of the sunrise. Where she picked up the pace of her stroking, twisting her wrist as she moved up and down the length of his member. Not a word left her lips at this point, only hot and gentle breaths that almost became ragged the harder he sucked on her breasts. But once again, she didn’t stop him. She saw no reason to when his cock throbbed so hard in her hands. It was almost like he was ready to cum right here and now.

Unfortunately, as soon as Yae felt the man’s other hand slip into her bottoms, two fingers dragging along her pussy, she heard footsteps just on the other side of the alcove.

“Miss Yae? Are you around here? The other maidens said you were still leading around that guest and I just wanted to see if you two needed anything.”

A heavy sigh left Yae’s lips as she shook her head in slight annoyance. But she didn’t make it clear to the maiden. In fact, she dropped down onto her knees and placed a gentle kiss against the man’s shaft. “Yes, I’m here. Our friend needed a minute to collect himself and go to the bathroom. Would you be a dear and fetch him something to drink? And me as well. I’ve been doing a lot of talking.”

“Of course. Will there be anything else?”

Yae leaned her head out of the alcove, making sure to not show anything below her neck as she looked at the young shrine maiden. That beloved smile still gracing her lips, she shook her head. “No, that’s all. I think this is taking a bit longer than usual because he’s enjoying himself and doesn’t want it to end. But, if it’s to entertain our guests, I don’t mind in the slightest.” As she spoke, Yae was expertly pumping her hand back and forth along his shaft. She stroked each and every inch while he continued to play with her leaking breasts, drinking her milk despite the young priestess watching her cheeks turn a gentle shade of red.

“You’re turning red, Miss Yae. You don’t often get sick, but I’ll bring you some tea right away just in case.”

As the young woman turned around and left to prepare their drinks, Yae let out a heavy sigh and turned her attention back to the young man she was tending to. There was no hesitation as she got back down onto her knees and planted another few gentle kisses against the tip of his member. All while continuing to stroke his length. And when she felt him throbbing and pulsing in her hand, she didn’t hesitate to open her mouth.

Fortunately, the young man didn’t wait to blow his load anymore. With her mouth open, he came on her tongue and flooded her mouth with his seed. All while grunting and groaning in bliss. Thankfully, he came just in time for the shrine maiden to make her return, causing Yae to step out of the alcove while casually adjusting her clothes, hoping that she didn’t see anything.

As soon as Yae was handing their drinks, she turned around to face the young man, handing him his cup of water as she opened her mouth and allowed his cum to spill into her cup of tea. “Thank you, dear. Do you mind handling the morning business today? I’ll be getting some rest after finding lodging for our friend here.” As she spoke, she turned around to face the shrine maiden, swirling her cup in her hand to mix his cum in with her tea. “Thank you.”


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