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When her first summer event as a Chaldean Servant came around, Semiramis found herself disappointed that she wasn't able to join the other servants in their swimwear. She kept it to herself, of course, knowing that her day-to-day outfit was revealing enough to be considering swimwear if she got in the water. But it was still something that bothered her ever so slightly on the inside. And it got all the worse when she noticed someone special to her, Amasuka Shirou, in a pair of swim trunks that he was given by their shared Master.

Seeing not only just how happy he was to be in it, but just how good he looked in it, Semiramis felt that she needed to match him in one way or another. And whether that meant just having her own swimsuit or dressing in a way that matched the colors he wore, she was determined to make it happen. Unfortunately, Semiramis was a smart woman. And she knew that the only way to make something like that happen would be to go through her Master. It gently gnawed at her core to ask for the help of someone who was, objectively speaking, very inferior to her. She cherished and appreciated her Master to no end, but it always pained her to need to ask for help.

Fortunately, when she finally bit back her pride and approached her Master, it seemed that her Master knew exactly what she wanted from him. He wore a smile as he held a hanger in his hand, a red bikini with a black trim hanging from it. It even looked to be her size. A gentle blush came to her face when she realized what was happening. Not only did her Master have something planned for Semiramis this summer, but he was waiting on her to approach him before letting her have it. It was a simple move, but he outplayed her while giving her what she wanted. And the words that left his smiling lips as he held the bikini out to her were words that she'll never forget.

"Thank me in your own way. Just don't poison me."

After hearing those words, Semiramis knew exactly what she needed to do in order to thank her Master properly. It likely wasn't something that he had in mind when giving her the swimsuit, considering he had multiple other servants running around in swimwear this time of year. But it as the way she was going to thank him.


After changing into her new bikini and making sure it fit fine on her, Semiramis went to find her Master once again. And just like the last time she found him, he was sitting on the edge of his bed. But this time, he was focused on his phone for one reason or another. A slightly annoyed smile came to her lips as she reached a hand forward and gently pinched his phone between her middle finger and her thumb. "Come now, Master. It's Summer and you're inside on your phone? When you have dozens of beautiful and handsome servants running around in some of the most revealing clothing they can?" A faint chuckle rumbled in her throat as she carefully pulled the phone from his hand and tossed it to the side, making sure it landed on his bed. "Well, I'm going to require your attention for a while. A long while. And I don't want you worrying or focusing on anything else while I'm here.~"

Semiramis brought a finger to her Master's lips before he could say a word, looking him right in the eyes. "You said I should thank you in my own way as long as I don't poison you, correct? Then, allow me to do just that." Without missing a beat, she leaned her head down and caught her Master in a gentle yet dominant kiss, making sure that she had control right out of the gate. It was a simple kiss, but it was a passionate kiss. One that was followed by a second, and then a third. All while Semiramis slowly moved her hands down her Master's body before bringing them both to his crotch. Her lips curled into a smile against his own as they shared yet another kiss, her hands starting to work and rub the growing bulge that was in his swim shorts.

She carefully pulled her lips away from his own, looking into his eyes for a moment. one of her hands continued to tease his bulge while the other started to pull his shorts down toward his knees. "I see I'm starting to get your full attention now. Good.~" Without giving him a chance to say anything once again, Semiramis pressed her lips against her Master's, stealing another kiss from his lips before wrapping one of her hands around his semi-hard shaft. "Now, don't lose focus on me. You're going to enjoy what I have in mind for you."

There wasn’t a single moment wasted from the time that Semiramis wrapped her hand around her Master’s shaft to when she started to stroke it, massaging her fingers along the length of his member. Her smile remained firm on her lips as she stole kiss after kiss from the young man’s lips, knowing full well that she was causing them both to miss out on the event that was going on for now. But she wasn’t going to stop until she had thanked him properly for what he had given her. In her own way. Just like he told her to do.

A gentle chuckle rumbled in Semiramis’ throat as she carefully pulled away from her Master’s lips, keeping both of her hands at his crotch as she slowly and gently kissed her way down her body. She was methodic in the way she that moved, as if she had a plan and a rhythm in the back of her mind as she inched her way down toward his lap. All the while, Semiramis was squatting down at the side of the bed, spreading her legs and allowing herself to drop lower and lower.

When she finally made her way to her Master’s shaft, one of her hands wrapped around the base and the other still pulling his swim shorts down his legs, Semiramis simply smiled as she looked up into his eyes. “You’re a young man of many needs, many goals, and many desires. As a woman who has lived through a life with the duty of pleasing those needs and desires, allow me to take this moment and show you appreciation for what you have given me.”

Semiramis’ voice was low and calm as she closed her amber eyes and opened her mouth, taking the first few inches of his cock into her mouth. In the same moment, her breath hitched in her neck, the flavor of his shaft hitting her in a way that she hadn’t recognized since she was with her first husband. That was a long-forgotten memory that barely remained in her heart, yet she found herself on the same level of appreciation and care for this young man that she felt toward her husband back in the day.

Her heart began to flutter in her chest as she started to move her way down toward the base of his shaft. Each inch that she took into her mouth was another inch that Semiramis could feel starting to reach deeper and deeper into her mouth. And each inch was another inch that she found herself silently and secretly appreciating as they started to invade her throat. When she finally reached the base, Semiramis found herself staying in place, bringing one of her hands to the side of her head in order to move a few strands of her hair behind her ear. And in the same moment as she did that, she allowed her tongue to dance around and explore her Master’s length.

It took no more than a moment for her to feel his hand make its way to the back of her head, telling her that she was off to a good start in giving him something that he wanted. And when his grip on her head naturally started to tighten, Semiramis began to pull her way back toward the tip of his member. All the while, she continued to keep her tongue moving along his member, slathering it in her saliva and bringing him a mild sense of pleasure. And when she finally reached the tip, Semiramis simply looked up at the young man that she had temporarily wrapped around her finger.

She playfully popped her lips off from around his member, pressing a gentle kiss against the tip while looking him in the eyes. “Don’t fret, Master. I know that something like this isn’t enough to please you and sate the lust that you must feel. However, as a woman that used to live the life of a concubine… It brings me an odd sense of familiarity to have something to rigid and hot buried down my throat. So, I’m going to enjoy it while I can.”

Semiramis teasingly dragged her tongue along her lips before she parted them once again, taking the entirety of her Master’s member into her mouth in one quick motion. Taking each and every inch of his cock in one swift movement, it brought her heart a strange and possibly twisted sense of comfort to hear him starting to moan above her, the pleasure that she brought him clear and immense. A smile came to her lips as she started to shamelessly bob her head up and down the length of his shaft, making her way all the way back to his tip before pushing her head down and burying every inch of his member back into her throat.

After a moment, she started to feel him throb and pulse against the lining of her throat, a few beads of his precum starting to coat her tongue. The taste was familiar yet different, sweet but with a lingering aftertaste. Deep down, Semiramis knew that it was a flavor that she could find herself growing a bit addicted to. But for now, her own desires were being placed behind her and she was doing her best to thank her Master for the gift of her swimsuit. Luckily for her, as she continued to bob her head, coiling her tongue around the girth of her Master’s shaft, she could hear the pleasurable tone in his voice growing louder and more shameless. As if he was getting closer and closer to his orgasm by the moment.


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