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Zelda took a deep breath as she thought back to what she had done this morning. She had finally gotten a message fro the goddess, Hylia, about how to become worthy of the power she grew up being told she possessed. In the water of the Spring of Courage, with her hands clasped together, prayer after prayer running through her mind, she was finally graced with words from her goddess. Unfortunately, those words tole her that she must prove her devotion by ridding herself of all humility and by degrading herself until she believed that she was worth nothing. That she must bring herself to the lowest possible point that she could so that, only then, she could be in touch with the power that was rightfully hers.

That message is what led Zelda to where she was right now, standing on the edge of a balcony and looking out to the people of her kingdom. Many of which wondering just why they were here in the first place. Not that many showed up to just what the princess was putting herself through, but those that did made Zelda’s heart skip inside of her chest as she looked out to them all. “People of Hyrule! For years now, you have called me the heir to a throne of nothing! You have mocked me and called me a failure of a princess because I have been unable to hear the goddess like my mother and my grandmother could. But that changed this morning!”

Zelda placed her hands on the railing of the balcony in front of her, allowing her to lean a little bit more out toward the people that were staring at her. “I have searched far and wide, prayed to no end, devoted myself to doing everything I could to both gaining the power that I possess and to my studies to become a princess who is worthy of everyone that follows her. Many of you have given up on me in the past, many of you have also believed in me and stuck by my side. But I have finally been blessed by our goddess’ presence! I know just what needs to be done for me to unlock the power I have inside of me!”

It brought a smile to the princess’ face to see a majority of the crowd that had gathered starting to cheer for her. They must’ve been just as happy to hear the good news as she was when she was first blessed with Hylia’s words. But she knew that there was more to what she had to say to them. And it almost broke her heart when she had to raise her hand to the sky to silence those that were cheering. “However! In order to prove myself truly worthy of the power that is in my blood, I must disgrace myself and bring myself to the lower point I can possibly reach. To a point where I feel like there is no return or improvement. Only from there can I reach and unlock the power I hold within myself!”

Almost immediately, the cheering crowd halted in confusion. Some of them even mumbling to each other while looking around and trying to figure out just what she meant by what she said. But none of their mumblings stopped Zelda from having a faint blush rise to her cheeks before she stripped out of her practically transparent robe, earning a loud gasp from the people of Hyrule as she exposed herself to them. It was exactly what she expected as she tossed the fabric aside, leaving the people to see her naked form.

Of course, many of the people that were gathered appreciated the sight How could they not enjoy the sight of a beautiful princess exposing herself to them? But that didn’t stop Zelda from feeling her heart racing and nearly trying to point its way out of her chest as she listened to Urbosa’s advice. “There is only one way I can truly disgrace myself and my name to the point where there is no returning from it! And that’s…. To do something I never thought I’d do in front of someone…” A deep and heavy breath escaped between Zelda’s lips as she spread her legs as far as she could to allow as many people as possible to see her pussy.

Of course, there was a brief moment of hesitation before Zelda pushed two of her fingers inside of her tight cunt. The feeling was so familiar and welcoming to her. Masturbating was something that she had always done whenever she was alone and had more than enough time to relax and unwind. But humiliation flooded in to ruin that pleasure when she remembered that she was standing in front of a crowd of hundreds of people. She almost immediately bit down on her lower lip to try and keep herself quiet when the faintest of giggles could be heard behind her.

Her trusted friend, and the woman that told her this was a good idea, Urbosa, stood behind the balcony where no one could see her. She covered her mouth as she watched Zelda start to steadily pump her fingers in and out of her pussy just like she did when she masturbated. Deep down, she couldn’t believe that the princess was actually going through with this. “She’s such an idiot… How could she fall for this?” Another chuckle rumbled in Urbosa’s throat as she turned to look for the Sheikah Slate that Zelda almost always kept on her.

Not only was it a sight to behold for the people of Hyrule, never having had a princess before Zelda do something so extreme just to prove herself to her people. But it was a sight to behold for Urbosa who was having the time of her life tricking her friend. Of course, none of that stopped Zelda from continuing to pump her fingers in and out of her pussy faster and faster by the second. She did her best to try and ignore the mumbling that was going on underneath her. She didn’t want to do this, after all. No princess wanted to reveal herself like this and lose the respect of her people, her friends, and herself in order to degrade herself for the goddess.

“Zelda… You’re forgetting to degrade yourself. You need to humiliate yourself for the people. Talk down about yourself. Show them that you think you aren’t worth anything.” Urbosa did her best to remain as quiet as she possibly could so no one in the crowd could hear her. She dragged her tongue along her lips as she watched the young princess play with her body in front of hundreds of people that could see her, and thousands of people that would hear about this.

With a deep breath filling her lungs, Zelda quickly turned around and pointed her rear end toward the crowd that was watching her masturbate for them. There wasn’t any hesitation before she grabbed onto both of her ass cheeks, tugging on them and spreading them before letting them go so her cheeks would slap back together. “I… I…” She just couldn’t find the right words to say to bring herself down, never having imagined that she would do something like this in her lifetime. “I’m sorry for being such a worthless… Vile… Failure of a princess to my people!”


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