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Lightning and Fang take the night to themselves, away from the group, and make a promise before having a bit of fun.

The night was young and the surrounding area was lit a gentle tone of orange as Lightning and Fang sat by a small fire that they had made away from the group’s camp, wanting to make sure they were staying away from the rest of the team. They still didn’t want to be caught just in case the got a bit touchy and handsy with each other while they were enjoying their along time. Though, that didn’t stop Lightning from stealing the occasional kiss from her lover’s lips. There was no hesitation or shame in the way she showed her love for Fang, pulling her body as close as she could. “How long have we been doing this now, Fang? It hasn’t been too long, but it feels like this team has been part of my life forever. And that they always will be. Especially you.

“I don’t think it’s been too long, Lightning. That much, I’m pretty sure of. But… I can’t deny that I wish I could take you and Vanille back home. Start our loves over with a fresh start and forget about all of this L’Cie business.” A quiet and gentle huff escaped from between Fang’s lips as she pressed herself ever so gently against Lightning’s body, allowing her head to rest on her lover’s shoulder. “Maybe even start a family together like we’ve talked about. You… You do still want that, right? A family of your own? You didn’t just say that to try and make me smile, right?” Fang tilted her head upward just enough to see those pale aqua eyes that she had grown to love over her time with Lightning. She immediately felt a surge of happiness and joy when she saw the joy and love in Lightning’s gaze.

“Of course I didn’t just say that to make you smile, Fang. I’m glad it did, but I do want my own family. A lover, a child, a home to call my own whenever I come back from work.” Lightning paused as she turned her head to face the fire that the two had set up. “Not even Serah and Snow know this. They’ll only ever see me as a cold military woman that just wants to work her life away.” She leaned in for a gentle and loving kiss as she spoke, allowing her lips to brush against Fang’s with every word she said. Her heart raced as she was so close to the woman she loved without actually being all over her and stealing kiss after kiss. “Do you want to be the woman that bears my children and who I spend my life with? Or would you rather be the woman I make love to on a nightly basis before this hell we’re in is over?”

“Can I be both?” A genuine and happy tone lingered on Fang’s lips as she wrapped her arms around Lightning’s neck, pulling her lover into a powerful but loving kiss. “We both have something important to do very soon. I don’t want yo swear my life to someone and end up being unable to keep up on my promise.” She pulled away just enough to be able to see into the other woman’s eyes. Just so she could prove that she meant every word she said. “Until the time comes when I can be the lover that waits for you at home, or even goes out on the job with you, I will be the woman you make love to every night. And then… Once we’ve done what we need to… I will swear my life to you and start that family we want. How does that sound?”

“Like the perfect answer I would expect from you.” Lightning couldn’t stop herself from smirking and pushing her lover toward the ground and onto her back, an excited giggle rumbling in her throat as she laid over her and looked into Fang’s eyes. “But for now, why don’t we just take the time to enjoy ourselves and have fun tonight? See how things go from there.” A smile came to both of their lips as they shared yet another passionate kiss. Lightning used this moment to run one of her hands through Fang’s dark hair while the other gently traced around her olive skin underneath her clothing until she managed to reach her lover’s hips. “Not that I’ll exactly give you an option after everything we’ve been through together…”

“And that’s exactly the kind of thing I expect from you, Lightning.” Fang couldn’t stop herself from dragging her tongue along her lips in excitement as she gazed into her lover’s eyes, gasping when her every article of her clothing was suddenly yanked from her body. Her modest breasts, slender form, and cunt were all exposed to the cool night air while a shrill moan escaped her lips at the feeling of having Lightning’s firm hand latch onto one of her sensitive mounds. “Don’t want to wait even for a moment, huh?”

A loud and desperate moan escaped from Fang as the grip on her modest chest only grew tighter in an attempt to try and keep her from talking. Though, it only caused a desperate and lustful look to form in her eyes as Lightning quickly started to strip herself. And it didn’t take more than a moment for those dark eyes of her to immediately lock onto the luscious and perfect mounds that hung over her body. Or to drift down to the massive cock that waited between her lover’s slender legs. “Just how long has it been since I’ve had that thing inside of me? It feels like it’s been longer and longer each time…”

Lightning could only chuckle softly as she pressed the tip of her shaft against her partner’s already slick folds. It didn’t take more than a moment before she started to gently grind her length against those slick pussy lips to tease Fang. “Is that truly how it feels? I wonder if you think I can’t wait for something my heart yearns for.” The teasing tone that filled her voice, along with the cocky smile on her lips, told Fang that she wasn’t being serious about what she said. But the underlying thought of her heart yearning for her lover was still clearly processing by the expression that she wore.

So, Lightning didn’t hesitate to move a hand to the back of Fang’s head before slowly moving it toward her cheek. She let out another quiet chuckle as her hips continued to move along her lover’s quickly wettening slit, drawing soft moans from her lips over and over again. “I wonder who will hold out longer. You. Or me.~”

“Oh? Is that a challenge, my dear? You know I’m not one to shy away from any challenge.~” An eager laugh escaped Fang as she wrapped her arms around Lightning’s neck, trying to gain some sort of balance and support in her current position. She quickly started to roll her hips against her lover’s impressive cock, gasping when it suddenly spread her lower lips without penetrating her. “J-Just don’t cry to me when you lose, Lightning.” Fang dragged her tongue along her lips as she adjusted her hips just enough to feel Lightning’s cock prod at her entrance.

“F-Fuck…” Biting down on her lower lip to try and keep herself silent, Fang didn’t try to stop Lightning at all as the two lovers continued to grind against each other. Neither of them were giving up on the challenge that was presented to them. Despite the fact that Lightning clearly had the upper hand, being in control. However, Fang knew better than to admit that she desperately craved having her lover’s shaft buried inside of her and hammering against her womb with every brutal yet loving thrust that managed to drive her wild.

However, Lightning knew exactly what was going through Fang’s mind with one simple look into her eyes. They had spent more than enough time together teasing and fingering each other to know exactly what she wanted and when. It was no different now than it was the last time they managed to be alone together. The smile on her lips faded as soft and sweet moans started to leave her. “You know I can tell exactly what you want, Fang. And I know you want me inside of you. All you need to do is give in and tell me… And I’ll be fucking you like there is no tomorrow.~”

Lightning leaned in close and started to gently nibble on her lover’s earlobe, smiling as she pressed the tip of her cock against Fang’s pussy without penetrating her. “If you just tell me what you want, I’ll make sure to give it to you…” She continued to whisper and softly moan into Fang’s ear as she started to take absolute control over what was happening, loving the feeling of her lover’s hips starting to buck against her in a desperate attempt to cum right then and there.

A surprised and needy gasp erupted from Fang’s lips as she felt the dick that she loved so much start to pull away from her, leaving her pussy craving and anxious to be filled so she could cum. It almost felt like an eternity to her while her arousal started to trail down her thighs, her eyes locked on the throbbing cock that she wanted inside of her. She started to softly pout as she wanted nothing more than to be filled right now, forced to stare at the dick that she wanted to stuff her full and fuck her into the dirt.

However, one look into Lightning’s eyes and Fang immediately knew that she wasn’t going to start grinding against her once again. She could tell right then and there that her lover was just going to wait on her to beg before even starting to move her hips again. “F-Fine! Fine… Just… Give it to me, Lightning. Fuck me into the dirt and make me your wife. Show me that you have what it takes to conquer someone like me and I will promise to be yours until the end of my days!”

It wasn’t like Fang to beg for anything at all. But it was exactly what Lightning wanted to her from her and what the two knew Fang’s body craved and needed. “That’s what I wanted to hear, Fang…” Wrapping her slender fingers around the base of her cock, Lightning leaned over her lover and planted a few tender and affectionate kisses along her lover’s jawline. “But let me just correct you on one thing, Fang. I’ve already conquered you!” Without wasting a single beat, Lightning plunged her member as deep as she could inside of Fang, making sure that each and every inch of her thick shaft sank into that tight cunt she had come to love so much.

For her efforts, Lightning was rewarded with a muffled but happy moan from Fang. But she didn’t bother to wait before thrusting her cock as deep and fast as she could into her lover. She wanted to properly enjoy the time that the two of them had together. And what better way to do that than to fuck her future wife into the dirt just like she asked? “I love you, Fang. If you want to be my wife, then I’m going to be the best damn woman you’ve ever met in your life.”

“You already are, Lightning. You have been the best since the moment I met you.” Fang gasped and almost screamed into the night due to the sheer amount of pleasure that she felt from each and every thrust. Every single time Lightning’s perfect cock slammed deep enough int her pussy to slam against her womb, Fang was brought closer and closer to the orgasm she had been hoping for since before the two had even left the camp to be by themselves. And she couldn’t have been happier about that as she was so thoroughly and wonderfully stretched out.

Of course, with the hot and heavy moans that were spilling from her lips with each thrust, it was clear to anyone who might be away just what was going on and just how happy Fang was in this moment. “Oh, fuck, Lightning! Fuck yes! It feels so good! Don’t stop fucking me!~” As her eyes shut tight as the pleasure started to get to her, Fang found herself slowly starting to lose her mind to the ecstasy that coursed through her. Especially with just how quickly and roughly Lightning was slamming into her, almost literally fucking her into the dirt like she had asked for. She was on cloud nine and didn’t hesitate to wrap her legs around her lover’s waist, pulling her body as close as she possibly could.

A soft and ecstatic chuckle rumbled in Lightning’s throat as she leaned down and captured her lover’s lips in yet another heated kiss. Just in time for her climax to rush through her. Of course, it didn’t stop her from continuing to rock her hips back and forth, using one of her hands to play with Fang’s modest chest. Her heart raced a million miles an hour as she felt like her hips were moving at the same pace. “F-Fuck… Fang… Fang, I’m gonna-”

“Do it, Lightning! Cum inside of me! Breed me! Make me your wife and conquer this pussy!” A loud, blissful, and eruptive scream left Fang’s lips as her own orgasm crashed through her right then and there. Her inner walls clamped down tightly around Lightning’s incredible cock in an attempt to bring her to the edge and make her cum right then and there. She didn’t hesitate to pull her lover into a deep and passionate kiss. It didn’t matter to Fang that she came first. Not when she felt Lightning’s throbbing shaft erupt inside of her and start to paint her inner walls white with her seed.

Each and every drop of Lightning’s cum flooded into Fang’s womb right then and there. Both of their moans filled the area around them as a large load of warm and thick cum pumped into Fang with each thrust of Lightning’s hips. Neither of the lovers let up in the way they moved as they reached their peak and then some, dragging their lover through their respective orgasms. Once all the pleasure began to fade away, Lightning slowly brought her hips to a stop before kissing Fang over and over again. But she didn’t pull out of her lover. “So… Is that a promise… You’ll keep? To…to be my wife?”

“For as long as my heart still beats, Lightning. I’ll be yours each and every night. And then each and every morning before we go back to the group again. Fang couldn’t stop herself from chuckling and kissing Lightning back at she spoke, more than happy with the promise she just made.


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