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Being a succubus that had powers revolving around ice and snow meant two constants in your life. One, you could never reside in Hell and transport yourself through portals due to how the flames of Hell would quickly counter your abilities and risk killing you. And two, that you were forced to live in a cold region so your powers could prosper and grow if and when you tried to learn them. Something that Nevalumare learned a long, long time ago. But she didn’t let it bother her or disrupt how she lived her life when she made her way into the snowy peaks of Mt. Everest.

It was one of the perfect places for her to be due to her appearance and her abilities. As a woman that had an ice flower in place of her right eye, a pale blue skin tone, cool blue hair that was usually done in a ponytail and the tips covered in ice, a dark blue eye, and an hourglass figure with ample breasts and wide hips that would make most other succubi jealous of her, Mt. Everest was a perfect place where she could roam and go unnoticed to dozens, maybe even hundreds, of people. Though, for the times when she thought she might just be seen, Nevalumare always dawned an ice white kimono that clung to her figure so she could show herself off just a little bit.

Both fortunately and unfortunately, when it came to those that she could show herself off to that were on the peak of the mountain, most didn’t live long enough to tell the tale that she was up there. Not that it mattered to her too much. Nevalumare found plenty of men and women when she roamed her snowy domain. And today was no different.

In a matter of hours, the frost demon found a young man face-down in the snow with his body shuddering very heavily. “Yet another one has fallen victim to the rough land that I call my home…. How troublesome.” Without saying another word, Nevalumare bent down over the young man that she had seen shuddering and picked up off of the ground and into her arms. “Come with me, Little One. Let’s see if we can make things better for you.”


When she stepped into the home she had set up for herself, Nevalumare sighed to herself. The moment she looked over to the bed made out of ice, she realized that it wouldn’t be anywhere near enough to warm a human’s body to the point of being okay. Though, an idea popped into her mind quickly afterward. Setting the young man down onto the snow flow that she had, the succubus stripped herself of the kimono that she was currently wearing and draped it over the bed made out of ice. It wasn’t much of a layer of protection from the cold that the bed would bring him, but it was a start.

“I’m sorry, Little One. You’ll be cold for a little bit longer. But, hopefully, it won’t last too long.” Nevalumare took a quick breath as she stood naked over the young man that she brought into her home. Without wasting another second, she reached down to his body and stripped him of his clothing as quickly as she could manage. Of course, she was just as quick in draping it over the bed with her kimono in order to create more of a warm blanket. And as soon as she had the bed covered and as thick of a layer of fabric as she could make, Nevalumare picked the young man back up out of the snow and carried him over to her bed. Where she laid him down as gently as she could before crawling onto the bed as well.

A moment after she crawled into her bed and wrapped an arm around the young man’s torso, she felt his body starting to warm up ever so slightly. Not drastically or enough to wake him, but it was enough to keep his vitals steady while she laid naked with him in her bed. “Come on, Little One… Wake up for me…” The tone that filled Nevalumare’s voice was one of concern and worry that she would lose yet another human in her domain when she meant them no harm. However, that concern for the young man she was snuggled up against didn’t stop her from realizing that she might not be able to save this one.

Just as the thought that she might not be able to save him crossed her mind, Nevalumare watched as the young man’s eyes fluttered open. Her pale blue lips curled into a gentle smile as she felt the man stir while his body’s shuddering started to slow down. “You’re waking up, Little One… I was beginning to wonder if you would or not.” The concerned and worried tone in the succubus’ voice was gone and replaced with one of tender warmth, contradicting the icy look she naturally had.

“W-Where a-am I…?” The young man shivered as he turned his head to see a woman with pale skin and an ice rose covering her eye. “W-Who are you…?”

“My name is Nevalumare. But those who know it call me Lumi due to its ease.” Nevalumare’s smile stayed gentle and tender as she repositioned herself to climb on top of the young man’s body, pressing her breasts against his torso and leaving herself flush against his skin. “I found you passed out in the snow, so I brought you to my home. I’ve been trying to warm you up for a few minutes with my body. I hope you don’t mind.” With her breasts pressed firmly against the man’s chest, her nipples dragging against his own with each breath the duo took, Nevalumare made it easy for the young man to blush while he observed his surroundings and tried to take everything in.

Of course, with his eyes wandering all over the place, but mainly staying on the succubus’ pale blue body, it didn’t take long for Nevalumare to feel his cock start to harden and press itself against her bare slit. “Oh my. I’m aware I said I was warming you up with my body, but I didn’t you would desire more of my body for more warmth.” A teasing chuckle rumbled in Nevalumare’s throat as she cupped the young man’s cheek, watching his eyes dart over to his fingertips before looking into her eye. “If it is what you want, I see no reason in not attempting to help your body regain its heat through intercourse. I can’t deny wanting to know how it feels to have this… Cock inside of me.~”

As she spoke, Nevalumare shifted her hips from side to side in order to tease the young man that she was laying on top of. Her smile remained firm, but that didn’t stop her from dragging her tongue along her lips as she looked down at the young man. She kept the hand that was caressing his cheek where it was while allowing the other to steadily lower itself down his body until she had it resting against his thigh. The moment it was, she didn’t hesitate to wrap her slender fingers around his hard length while lifting her hips into the air. 


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