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A spider demoness catches her prey for the night and has her way with him.

Roaming the streets at night wasn’t anything particularly special when it came to how a demon lived her life. A majority of demons had to stick to the night to keep their identity and any special abilities they may have had a secret from the society that they blended in with. Of course, that never stopped a certain few from being caught out in the world. Or some from having a bit of fun while they roamed at night, whether that fun be devouring their prey or luring some people into their domains just to do whatever they wanted to them.

However, there were always those rare few demons that enjoyed roaming in both the day and the night. Which is exactly what Delaris enjoyed doing. During the day, she would roam the streets in search of men and women alike that she could find late at night to do what she wanted with. And during the night, she roamed the streets looking for those special few that she found during the day. No one had ever caught her in her exploits before despite the fact that everyone in the town she resided in knew the whistling she let free at night to be “The Demon’s Beckoning”.

More times than not, Delaris didn’t stick to the streets as she roamed. Instead, she would travel along the rooftops and between buildings on the thin spider threads that her powers allowed her to spin from her fingertips. Sometimes, she wondered if that was what allowed her to roam freely at night due to the fact that hardly anyone ever looked above them when they heard her whistling. Of course, that didn’t stop her from roaming each night in search of those that she had picked out during the day. It always amused her to no end when she stood above them on her thin threads, whistling and watching the person she was hunting freak out and start looking around for just where the noise could be coming from. Her pale lips always curled into a blissful smile while she looked down and watched her target for the night shudder and start to run.

Though, much like the man she was currently hunting and standing above, she never let her prey get away for too long. Whenever they got a certain distance away, or when she felt that the chase had grown on for too long, Delaris would catch their ankles with her threads and yank them back so they could finally see the demon that was beckoning for them. Most of the time, they would always recognize her as the woman from town that always seemed to be by herself.

However, the man she had captured tonight seemed to have no idea just who she was. And it showed on his face as she stepped into the moonlight to finally allow him to see her. Her pale white skin, shimmering silver hair that reached the lower portion of her back, her crystal blue eyes, her near hourglass figure, modest breasts, and her devilish smile all came into view. Though, the man that she had captured, who she was currently wrapping her threads tightly around his torso to keep him from escaping, didn’t react to seeing her.

“How curious… I don’t think I’ve ever had a target that didn’t scream or shout bloody murder when they finally saw who it was that caught them.” Delaris paused and brought the tip of her middle finger to her lip as she looked at the man whose eyes darted from one direction to the other, clearly trying to silently find a way to run as soon as he got the chance. “Then again, none of them actually tried to find a place to run after they saw who I was. Maybe you’re just new in town and I haven’t noticed.” Her pale lips curled into a sadistic smile as she pulled her hand away from her lips and flicked it toward the ground, giggling under her breath as she watched the man she had captured slam hard onto his back.

“Oh, what does it matter just who you are or if you recognize me? If I’ve got you in my threads… Well, it’s not like you’re going to be seeing the light of day ever again.~” Delaris slowly dragged her tongue along her lips as she looked the man over once more, realizing that he was certainly more attractive than most of the other people in town that she had caught in her grip before. “Hmmm…”

Delaris quietly hummed to herself as she made her way over to the man that was gazing right at her. Almost like he was trying to see just what she was going to do to him. Her hum carried the same tune that her whistling did as she squatted down onto the ground and brought her hand to the man’s crotch. “I’ll make you a deal… It’s been a while since I’ve had a man like you in my clutches. If you stay quiet and don’t tell anyone what happened tonight… I’ll let you go free in a few days. Fair?”

She watched as the man’s eyes drifted away from her, giving him a moment to think while her fingertips grazed over his cock through his clothing. Of course, she didn’t exactly wait on his answer as she unzipped his pants and started to fish out his cock. Delaris was a demon that didn’t want to wait, after all. Once she realized just how attractive this man was, she knew exactly what she wanted to do with him.

However, it was a treat for her crystal blue eyes to see him smiling to her and nodding his head. “Good! You are a man who’s smart and knows what he wants.” Once again, Delaris dragged her tongue along her lips when she finally got the man’s hardening shaft into her hand. At first, she simply started to slowly stroke it, keeping her eyes on him and seeing just what made him respond the most. Though, it didn’t take long for her to lean in and flick her tongue against the tip of the man’s length, feeling it throb in her hand. “I wonder…. Will you be like every other man I’ve come across or will you prove to surprise me?”

There wasn’t any hesitation in the way Delaris wrapped her soft lips around the man’s still-hardening shaft. Or in the way she started to take more and more of his member into her mouth and almost deep enough to reach into her throat. It wasn’t quite long enough for her to deepthroat it, but that didn’t stop the demoness from curling her tongue around the cock as her soft lips reached the man’s pelvis. Her crystal blue eyes fluttered shut as she stayed there for a moment. Long enough for her to coil her tongue around his member and start to swallow around the tip of it as well.

Fortunately for Delaris, the man didn’t cum down her throat right away like most of the others that she had captured. Of course, that only pushed her to do more and see just what it would take to make this target cum with her mouth. She gradually pulled herself back until she was able to pop her lips off from around the man’s length, smiling up at him and opening her eyes to see just what his reaction would be. “I must commend you. You’re the first man to not blow his load down my throat right away. But I wonder just how long you’ll be able to last.~”

Without saying another word, the demoness started to stroke her prey’s shaft while she leaned her head low enough to press her lips against his balls. Delaris placed a few affectionate and appreciative kisses against her partner’s sack while she allowed his member to rest against her forehead and push into her silver hair. Though, that didn’t stop her from resting her palm flat against his shaft and rubbing it while she took one of his balls into her mouth. Almost immediately, a quiet and excited moan rumbled in the demoness’ throat when the taste hit her tongue.

Once again, those crystal blue eyes of hers fluttered shut as she allowed her tongue to explore each and every inch of the man’s sack before spitting it back out and placing a few kisses on the underside of his shaft. Delaris didn’t hesitate to pepper kiss after kiss against the man’s member as she made her way back up to his tip, keeping her palm pressed firmly against his shaft while watching a small bead of precum leak out of his cock. “It seems you’re starting to reach your limit… Try to last just a little bit longer for me, okay? I want to have you as deep in my mouth as you can reach before you cum.~”

Delaris was quick in wrapping her lips around the man’s throbbing shaft once again, uncaring about the small amount of precum that stained her pale lips before she managed to do so. The taste of the man’s pre that coated her tongue was more than enough reason for her to not care if she became a mess or not. Slightly bitter but far from overwhelming or disgusting. She allowed her eyes to shut once again before starting to take inch after inch of his shaft into her mouth.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t able to reach her throat like she was wanting it to. But that didn’t stop her from pulling her head back until only the tip remained pasty her lips, before diving back down and taking the entirety of this man’s cock into her mouth in one swift move. It also didn’t stop her from keeping her lips pressed against the base of her prey’s cock and swallowing around the tip his length in an attempt to make him cum. She wasn’t lying to him when she said she wanted him to cum down her throat.

With his shaft throbbing against her tongue, Delaris opened her eyes until they were half-lidded and staring up at the man that was clearly enraptured with bliss. She smiled around his cock as she started to bob her head once again, hoping that bringing him a little bit more stimulation would be able to give her what she wanted. Luckily, it didn’t take more than another moment for her to get just what she had captured him for.

The sound of the man groaning filled Delaris’ ears as she looked up at him, watching him bite his lip to try and keep himself quiet while he came in her mouth. Rope after rope of his thick spunk flooded into her throat as he came exactly where she wanted him to. And she couldn’t have been happier to swallow it down with each and every spurt that filled her mouth and caused the lining of her throat to be painted white. Well, not unless his dick was just a little bit longer and managed to reach into her throat like she wanted. But she wasn’t going to complain as she popped her lips from around his length and looked him in the eyes.

“You certainly did better than I could’ve hoped for. And you tasted better than most of the men I’ve captured. I think I’ll keep you for a day or two before sending you out to go back to your normal life. Though, I should give you a fair bit of warning…” Delaris slowly dragged her tongue along her lips as she stood up straight, flicking her hand in order for her spider threads to bring the man to his feet as well. “When I’m done with you, no human pussy will ever be able to satisfy you again. A demoness’ pussy is one of the best things in the world. Especially when she’s a spider demoness like myself.~”


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