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It's starting to seem like getting kidnapped is a little tradition, Princess Peach thought as she looked out the window of her room - beholding the colorful molten lava lands of the Koopa Kingdom. She was just going about her day, as per usual, delegating various assignments to her subjects as any royal does. Then Bowser made a very destructive entrance into the castle, as per usual. The Toads tried to use their little amounts of magic in a combined effort to protect their Princess, but alas it was all in vain. Bowser was much stronger in his pinky toe than they could ever hope to be in their whole bodies. And it wasn't long before he grabbed Peach and made his escape, laughing maniacally as he did as per usual.  

If you're noticing a trend but don't know what it is, it's that Princess Peach's life is pretty routine - from what she will eat for breakfast right down to when she'll be kidnapped. And in truth, Bowser came to do so ten minutes earlier than usual. So that's a thing. This has become such a regular occurrence that Peach doesn't even bother to scream when she was grabbed by the fire breathing Koopa. Really she couldn't be bothered to keep up the act. Now she was sitting up in the new quarters that Bowser set up for her, which she had to admit was pretty stylish despite the overly saturated use of dark red and dark orange, and waiting to be rescued.  





And when that realization hit her Peach couldn't hold back the sigh of annoyance. Her "beloved stocky champion with the sharp mustache" may be quick on his feet for a little guy but his sense of direction was as reliable as a magnetized compass. That Italian plumber couldn't tell a castle from an outhouse. She could almost guarantee that he would get lost in a single box. Then again he hits those Power Boost boxes pretty hard to get their abilities so that may play a factor in it. But still! By the time he gets halfway here, Peach could have baked enough cake for the Mushroom Kingdom and maybe a few neighboring lands, too.  

"There has to be some way I can turn this around to be at least a little exciting..." Peach muttered to herself as she tapped a delicate finger on the stone windowsill of her room as she thought.  

Just then the door burst open, which made the pretty in pink woman turn around to see three little Koopas scramble among each other to get themselves in line, muttering an indecipherable language and kicking one another as they did so. Finally, they managed to stand straight on their two feet and stood like attentive little soldiers before Peach.  

"Presenting, the greatest and most powerful Koopa of them all - King Bowser!" The trio of little Koopas exclaimed, then scrambled out as quickly as they came.  

Peach raised an eyebrow in mild curiosity as she watched Bowser walk through the door, pushing a food cart full of all sorts of dishes. Exotic fruits, fresh baked goods, top tier wine and of course savory meats. Now this was a surprising change of pace. Bowser usually just sends a dish of food to her by one of his servants along with a note professing his love, then would send her to a dank prison cell when she refused. But this, a full banquet delivered by the king himself? Not par for the course.  

"Bowser...? What's all this?" Peach asked in surprise. The fire breathing Koopa looked down, shuffling in an uncharacteristically shy manner, then looked back up to her.  

"Well, I started noticin' how you always rejected the cakes I gave you and tore up my love messages. I thought you hated how the way I gave them to you, and how I didn't tell you my feelings myself. So I thought I'd put in more effort and make a bigger spread for us to share - and talk to ya." Bowser explained.    Upon hearing the full explanation, Peach's mildly surprised expression changed to one of stunned gratitude. She was immensely shocked that Bowser could actually take the time to do something as thoughtful as this. And from the scorch marks she saw on some of the meats it was evident that the fire breathing Koopa even cooked a bit of this banquet himself. It was something she wasn't expecting...and she liked that. So, with a kind smile, Peach said something that she wouldn't normally say.  

"Bowser, I'd love to share a meal with you." Peach said. For his part, Bowser's face changed from a look of anxious worry to shock. And then it turned to eager joy.  

"Gr-Great!" Bowser exclaimed.  

And so the princess and king sat and ate from the big mounds of food. Bowser ate about two thirds of it, but that was alright with Peach as she knew she couldn't eat it all even at her hungriest. Still, she ate quite a lot which impressed Bowser as he never thought that such a petite lady could eat enough for two people. And after the food was gone, they settled for wine and conversation. Peach let Bowser do most of the talking, as she really didn't have much to share apart from the usual princess gossip, and she was amazed by how much the fire breathing Koopa opened up to her. He talked about how he's been working to be more involved in the lives of his grown children, and while it's a struggle at times because he's been so out of touch with them he has been making progress to which the pretty in pink woman congratulated him on.    Then the conversation moved to a topic that Peach had been thinking about just an hour ago. He felt that his life has become a typical routine, uninspiring. And things just happen...as per usual. Bowser even admitted that he kidnapped Peach because he felt like it was what he should do as a tradition of sorts. He also vented about how he wasn't looking forward to the inevitable fight with Mario. So that prompted him to go out of the norm and have a meal with her and chat.  

And here they are - sitting on the large canopy bed just shooting the breeze. Peach was truly amazed at how much they were tired of their daily routines. Never in her wildest dreams did she realize how much they had in common.  

"Well, Bowser, for what it's worth, I know where you're coming from. I'm tired of my routine also." Peach said as she twirled her glass of wine, watching the dark red liquid swish around elegantly.  

"Really? Huh, guess I never thought how we had so much in common. Wonder if Mario feels the same way." Bowser said.  

"I doubt it. He's like a wind-up toy, always saying 'Let's-a go' and hopping around." Peach said as she made a near perfect impersonation of the stocky plumber which made her laugh while Bowser let out a hearty chortle.  

"Ha, ha, ha! That's true. Seriously though - what I wouldn't give for something exciting and different to do." Bowser said as he laid down on the bed and sighed in a drawn out, bored tone as he looked up at the canopy ceiling of the bed.  

Peach hummed in agreement, unsure of what else to say, then looked over at her fellow monarch. She let her eyes study over Bowser's physique and face - noting how he had a strong figure and some heft to him. Not an obese amount but more on the husky side. And his dragon like snout was rounded which gave it a more plush toy look. Maybe it was the wine talking, but now that she has a chance to look at him better Peach sees that Bowser isn't nearly as terrifying and ugly as she used to think. He was actually quite handsome. Albeit in a beastly way.


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