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Rumor had spread around town that a nun in her mid-twenties was the only woman you could go to vent your woes about certain topics and not be silently judged for. And, unfortunately, for a young woman that grew up in a town full of prudes, she had no one else to go to about her concerns. “Where is she? I think her name was Ariana… Sister Aria-”

“You called, sweet girl?” Hearing people looking for her was something that Ariana had grown used to ever since she had lost her vision. She might not be able to see anyone that called to her, but she could always hear them with precision. She had her arm in the air just enough to wave to the young woman that rushed over toward her, her footsteps soft but loud against the grass.

She hadn’t expected to find the woman she was looking for so easily. It was almost a miracle to find the white-haired nun sitting alone on a bench all to herself. “I-Is it really you? I know that nuns aren’t supposed to lie or anything like that, but… I was told the woman I’m looking for is blind.” The young woman got a good look at Ariana’s face now that she was close, able to easily see that she had one eye covered, but the other open and clearly as blue as the sky above her. Though, the white hair that seemed to glisten in the sunlight matched the description she was looking for. “You still have color in your eye.”

“I am who I say I am, deary. The color never faded from my eyes. I may not be able to see, but I’ve been told plenty of times that it’s welcoming to have a caring eye on you when you need to vent your woes.” Sister Ariana reached her hand to the side and tapped the bench beside her, hoping that the woman who came to her would sit. “Sit with me. Tell me what’s on your mind. It’s not too often that people come to me for help, anymore.”

“Well…” The young woman sat down next to Ariana and let out a heavy sigh, clearly nervous about what she needed to get off of her chest. “This stays between me and you, right? Even if I’m not in a confessional?”

“Sweetie, anything you tell me will stay between us.” A quiet, almost blissful chuckle filled Ariana’s throat as she leaned in just close enough to whisper to the woman. “And between you and me, I don’t think some of the nuns in the monastery believe anything I tell them anyway.” Her smile remained ever radiant on her face as she let out another quiet chuckle, showing that it didn’t bother her to know that kind of information about the other nuns. “Why don’t you start by telling me your name? Sometimes, it helps those that can’t just come out and say what they need.”

Hearing such a sweet laugh from a woman that clearly must’ve been through some hard times to have lost her vision brought a smile to the young woman’s face. She took a quick glance at Ariana, noticing that deep blue eye gazing in her direction. It wasn’t directly on her face, likely because the nun she was sitting next to couldn’t see her, but it was close enough to make her understand that Ariana was listening to what she needed to say. “I-It’s Shawna… Shawna Kova.”

“Shawna? That’s such a pretty name. Tell me what’s on your mind, Shawna.” Ariana turned her body just enough to properly face the direction that the voice was coming from. With her vision completely gone and seeing nothing but darkness in front of her, she listened for just a moment to try and figure out where Shawna was. Long enough to hear another breath leave her lips so her eye could glance at just where that breath came from. “There’s no need to be shy. Remember, this stays between me and you.”

Shawna brought her gaze from the ground to that eye seemed to entrance her and trap her. The way Ariana spoke with a gentle tone of voice, the way her laugh sounded genuine and gentle, and the way she seemed eager to help despite the two not knowing each other. It made Shawna sigh once again. This time, the sound of acceptance leaving her. “You see… I was raised in a house with loving parents. But, as I grew up, all my mother could talk about was how I would get married and give her grandchildren that she could coddle.”

When another quiet laugh filled Ariana’s throat, Shawna’s lips tugged into a gentle smile. She had laughed plenty of times when thinking about a future like that as well. “Problem is… I haven’t been attracted to any of the boys I’ve ever grown up with. All of them have been assholes, bastards, pathetic, or a mix of the three.” After a moment, she managed to pull her gaze away from Ariana’s and look back down toward the ground. “I’ve only ever found the girls I grew up around cute. And the women, for that matter. But never any of the boys.”

There was a pause that filled the space between the two. Something that Ariana patiently sat through, wondering just if Shawna had anything else she wanted to get off her chest. However, when nothing else left her mouth, the nun reached her hand out and gently placed it against the young woman’s shoulder. “Shawna, do you mind me asking just how old you are?”

“I’ll be twenty next month. Why?”

“You’re not too much younger than I am. Meaning we both still have many years that we spend worrying over certain things. But I have to say that this isn’t something I would worry your little head over.” When she felt Shawna’s body shift ever so slightly to get a better view of her, Ariana allowed her smile to slip for just a moment. “Despite being a woman of God and a devout believer, I’ve never found it an issue to have premarital sex. I’ve never once found it a concern to be attracted to women like I am to men.”

With a pause in her voice, Ariana pulled her hand away from Shawna’s arm and brought it to the top of her chest. “At an age like ours, I like to think that even God would allow us ladies to explore what we enjoy without worry. If you haven’t found a man that you’re attracted to, there is nothing wrong with that. If you were raised in a house that wouldn’t want you to end up with a woman, I don’t think he’d find anything wrong with you being with a woman.” Her smile slowly returned to her lips as she tilted her head up toward the sky and she brought both of her hands to her lap. “Many people are judgemental in life, Shawna, dear. But none of them determine your happiness. You do.”

Shawna sat in silence as she looked at the blind woman sitting next to her, her mouth agape as she could just barely see through the cloth to the open right eye underneath it. She couldn’t see any color through the cloth, but what she was saying made perfect sense in her mind. Deep down, she knew that her parents loved her more than anything and wouldn’t care who she ended up with. The worry over if her mother would be happy knowing that she hadn’t found a man attractive started to lift off of Shawna’s shoulders as she noticed Ariana looking back down toward her. “U-Um… But… What if I’m just mistaking things? Trying to be rebellious against what my mother wants?”

“Would you like me to help you figure things out properly, Shawna?”

The question caught Shawna off guard more than it should have. Her eyes went wide for just a brief instant as the thought that Ariana was asking if she wanted to have sex crossed her mind. But when she remembered that the woman she was talking to was a nun and wouldn’t be able to do so, she eased up in her seat. “What do you mean by that, Sister? I thought nuns couldn’t have relationships with anyone. How would you be able to help me figure things out?”

“Easily, dear. I don’t have to be in a relationship with you to help you understand another woman’s touch.” Ariana’s uncovered eye gained a bit of an eager gaze in it as she reached a hand out and held it in front of Shawna. “It is not my place to talk you into this. If this happens, it is because you want it to happen.” When she felt the young woman’s hand immediately land in her own, she couldn’t help but lick her lips in anticipation. “Follow me. I’ll do the best I can to help you through your woes and come out with answers on the other side.”


Following a blind woman around as monastery was a surprisingly smooth experience for Shawna considering that Ariana kept a firm hold of her hand the entire walk. Now that she was only a step behind the woman, following her slightly brisk pace with one of her own, it was easy to pick up on the gentle vanilla perfume that the nun was currently wearing. It made her chuckle to herself when she took in the scent, feeling a bit more relaxed about whatever was about to happen after the two stopped in front of what Shawna assumed to be Ariana’s bedroom.

When the gentle-eyed woman opened the door, all Shawna could see was a rather large room with two beds in it. One that was made cleanly and perfectly on one side of the room, and one that was a mess but had the attempt at being tidied up at some point. She couldn’t help but giggle when she realized which one was Ariana’s. But that didn’t stop her from gazing around the room and looking to see just what the woman might’ve had. Not that she would be able to enjoy all of since she couldn’t see.

“It’s really clean in here… I didn’t think you’d be able to keep it clean.” The words seemed to spill out of Shawna’s lips before she could stop them, causing her to let go of Ariana’s hand and quickly cover her mouth. Luckily, the response she got from the other woman was one that calmed her down right away. That same sweet and gentle laugh that she had heard when first talking to the nun. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say-”

“Don’t worry about it, dear. I can’t keep my room clean by myself. Not anymore. One of the other sisters helps me do it.” Ariana stepped out of Shawna’s way to grant her entrance to her room. “Would you like to come in? It’s not much, but it can be home for as long as you need it to be.”

Something about the way Ariana always seemed to calm and understanding caused Shawna to let out a sigh of relief. She slowly brought the hand that was covering her mouth to the side of her head, running her fingers through the long, blue hair that was on her head. “Thank you. I know I just met, but that really is a comforting thing to hear.” There was no hesitation as she stepped into the bedroom, making her way over to the clean bed and watching as Ariana’s uncovered eye quickly shifted to where she was sitting, almost as if she could actually see her. “S-So… How exactly did you plan to help me figure things out? I know you said you didn’t mind premarital sex, but isn’t against the rules for a nun to… You know… Have relations with someone?”

“Maybe. I haven’t given it any consideration over the past few years. There have always been people who have marital issues or issues that can’t quite be solved simply by talking and listening. And all of them have come to me for help since the other sisters turn them away for having ‘such vile thoughts’.” Ariana couldn’t stop herself from acting sarcastic as she mentioned how the other sisters felt about it. “And, ever since then, I’ve been the one people in town feel safe coming to when they have needs of a sexual nature. It’s not exactly the role I asked for, or the one that I craved, but it’s one I’ve accepted and one that I cherish.”

Shawna blinked a few times as she listened to Ariana, surprised that a holy woman would even be capable of allowing someone sexual help, let alone enjoying it. But she didn’t question the nun’s words as she steadily made her way toward the bed that she was sitting on. “I’ve… Never thought about it like that. So, you’re going to help me decide if I prefer a woman’s touch?”

“I do not know just what experiences you have had in your lifetime. But, if you would allow me, yes. I will show you how a woman’s touch feels for you. It should give you an understanding of just what you enjoy. Even if only a small understanding.”

Hearing the nun’s response left Shawna with a question in the back of her mind. Shouldn’t she have a man touch her as well for comparison? However, she didn’t vocalize her question as she nodded her head just as Ariana sat down on the best next to her. “Well… How should we start this, then? I don’t expect a woman as gentle as you would just strip me naked and force herself on me.”

“Oh, heavens no! I thought we’d start simple and slow. A kiss to get things started.”

A silent moment passed between the two as Shawna realized that Ariana was right. A kiss would be the best way to start things off. Though, she understood just why Ariana didn’t quite make the first move a moment later, remember that, despite the deep blue color in her eye, the nun was still blind. She quietly chuckled to herself before grabbing the other woman’s hand and bringing it to her cheek. “Sorry. I can’t say I’ve ever done anything with a blind woman before.”

“Don’t apologize, dear. Just sit back and do your best to enjoy what’s happening…”

In the instant that it took for Ariana’s lips to reach her own, Shawna felt the beat of her heart quicken. And in the next, when the nun’s lips connected with her own, she felt her heart skip a beat. Ariana’s lips were incredibly soft. Far softer than they looked, and better than any girl’s lips she had kissed when growing up. But the amazement she felt from the blind woman didn’t stop there. Her hand immediately moved down from her cheek to her neck and to her collarbone. It was a simple move, but it was one that left Shawna feeling the hair on the back of her neck rise when those nails carefully dragged against her skin.

Another moment later, she felt those soft lips steal another kiss from her lips. This one was slightly more aggressive and definitely more loving than the first. An odd combination that caused Shawna to wonder just what she had been missing out on by never getting a girlfriend. Though, that wonder didn’t get to stay in her mind as Ariana’s hand started to make its way down her body once again. Her fingers tugged on the collar of her shirt for just a moment before releasing it and allowing her to feel the smooth and steady motions of the nun who continued to kiss her.


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