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Please no spoilers beyond this episode unless you see that later episodes have already been released. In that case, no spoilers beyond those episodes.

PLEASE NOTE: Full reactions will not include the full footage from the shows due to copyright/legal reasons. Some portions of the footage will either have video and no audio or audio and no video. The portions have been carefully selected in an effort to (hopefully) minimize the impact of the edits on the viewing experience.


DW 1.9 Final - PATREON.mp4

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Still my favourite nuWho story 17 years later, and Nancy still my favourite minor character. There’s something so endearing about her and her story with the homeless children. I do always fast forward the Rose/Jack scenes though, something seems off with her this episode. She’s never passed down a chance to be next to the doctor in the thick of things before, and what was with her wanting the doctor to be more ‘professional’ out of nowhere? Maybe Moffat just didn’t know how write her or she just didn’t fit in the forefront of story he wanted to tell. But I do love the doctor’s solo outings just as much as his scenes with rose. It’s good to have a balance.


Ha Ha! Classic Doctor Who ‘not knowing it’s a two parter’ cliffhanger face, there Britany :)


Gwenyth is still my favorite minor character, but Nancy is probably second. The actress was so good and there were so many powerful moments between these two episodes. I definitely agree that Rose was a little off on this one and it all seemed slightly forced so that they could set everything up for Jack to come in and basically be the opposite of the Doctor.


HAHA! Well, I'm glad someone enjoyed that moment because I certainly didn't. lol I'm far too impatient for all that waiting. lol