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Part 5 is now complete, with new material on the High Hall and the Grand Cemetery.




"We’ll discuss the precise vision the PC wearing the helm receives as part of the general discussion of Lulu’s memories in Part 8." I totally understand if you simply haven't figured that part out yet, but if you have a small preview would be awesome for those among us who are running this campaign at the moment and fervently hoping we don't catch up to your posts :)


It may end up being Part 6, actually. For similar reasons, I'm thinking of moving the campaign ending stuff up to properly frame the other material. I'm not currently envisioning huge changes in Lulu's memories. It's more about rebalancing them and rekeying the triggers. So you can almost certainly use the vision in the book here (whose primary function is to point them at Fort Knucklebones) and be just fine. The biggest change is that I'm probably going to shove the charge further back in history. Although the impact on Lulu is probably minimal.


I have to thank you so much. Your ideas, fixes, rearrangements really do help me make at least Hellturel a much deeper, more meaningful place to be for my players (well first session yesterday after I found your blog). I hope for some feedback of my players after a few sessions if Elturel felt different than e.g. Baldur's Gate or Waterdeep (I made a detour, to get them to level 5 when arriving in Baldur's Gate). I feel your changes to the adventure add layer upon layer of stuff that should already be there but also help me (It's only my second campaign) to understand the things happening. I think that context or imagination I am lacking at some places. Anyway, thanks a lot!


Alright, thanks! That should be enough to prep Elturel :D


Thank you for the PDF! This saves me a hell of a lot of time! Now, if I am understanding this right, due to the Pact and the Creed Resolute, any character that is playing Hellrider, can't make any other deals in hell, as "once promised to a devil, a character’s soul can’t be claimed by another creature." Is my understanding correct?

justinalexander (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-05 06:40:54 That seems accurate. Although I did set it up so that destroying the Tome of the Creed will allow Hellriders to forsake their oath. This is primarily so that Hellrider PCs can have the normal "raise dead is an option" relationship with death D&D expects, but would also make them eligible for new bargains.
2020-07-29 16:41:57 That seems accurate. Although I did set it up so that destroying the Tome of the Creed will allow Hellriders to forsake their oath. This is primarily so that Hellrider PCs can have the normal "raise dead is an option" relationship with death D&D expects, but would also make them eligible for new bargains.

That seems accurate. Although I did set it up so that destroying the Tome of the Creed will allow Hellriders to forsake their oath. This is primarily so that Hellrider PCs can have the normal "raise dead is an option" relationship with death D&D expects, but would also make them eligible for new bargains.