Hello from the Alexandrian!
First, I would like to thank you for support of the site and my work. Whether it's the GMing advice, adventure remixes, reviews, or Youtube videos, I would not have been able to do it without your help. I know some people feel that, for example, offering just $1 of support per month (by setting a monthly cap) is insignificant, but you know that it's not: Patreon lets us all come together and create something that would otherwise be impossible.
So: Thank you.
But the main reason I'm writing today is that I have a new book coming out in October that I know many of you have been waiting for.
SO YOU WANT TO BE A GAME MASTER is a step-by-step guide to becoming a GM. It's also a treasure trove of secret techniques for experienced ones: Dungeons, mysteries, raids, heists, downtime, factions, urbancrawls, hexcrawls, pointcrawls, splitting the party, rumor tables, 5-node mysteries, 5+5 Dungeons... it's all here and more!
You'll find familiar Alexandrian favorites like the Three Clue Rule and node-based scenario design, but also a ton of original, never-before-seen material.
If you'd like more information about the book, along with preorder links, visit this page on the Alexandrian:
PREORDER NOW: https://thealexandrian.net/so-you-want-to-be-a-game-master
I've also done both a Youtube and Twitch video previewing the book in different ways:
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqq_DiqBNbI
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1819119272
In the words of Bernie Sanders, I am once again asking for your support. But I think you'll really enjoy this book!