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"Sure, right now. Do you have anything better to do? I promise it won't hurt. You might even like it." Doctor Garcia encouraged Josh.

"But for how long? what would I feel?"

"Just a few minutes.. You'll feel great! You'll be totally aware of your surroundings."

"Aware? Really? Like a living statue?"

"Sure, if that's how you want to call it. Want to become a living statue for a few minutes?"

"Yeah OK, let's give it a shot. But only for a few minutes."

"Give me a nice pose, how about flexing those guns for me?" The doctor suggested.

Josh lifted his arms and flexed his biceps as much as he could.

"Say cheese!" the doctor took a device out of his pocket and aimed it at Josh.

"Cheeee..." and just like that, Josh couldn't finish his cheese. We was completely petrified.







Damn that’s hot


I volunteer