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Josh sat on the chair next to the statue, his thoughts were racing. What did he signed up for? What did they do to Derek? How the hell he's going to get himself out of this mess?

"First things first" said doctor Miguel. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, everything here requires your full consent".

Josh was a little more at ease. He sat back in his chair.

"What happened to Derek?" He asked.

"Nothing, we just finished a session together, and he was supposed to go in the next room for training. He was the one who suggested we make a little surprise for you, as you were next in line."

"What do you mean 'training'? Why is he made of STONE??"

"This is one of the things we do here. Derek is about to be rented to a theme party which takes place on a boat for an entire weekend. I wanted to make sure he is up for the task."

"So let me get this straight, you turn guys to statues and sell them to rich folks??"

"Not sell them. We rent them out. But basically yeah, this is one of the things we do."

"Oh man... I'm in way over my head.. my guess was this was some sort of legit escort service.. I saw all the hot guys outside.. I just assumed... ALL OF THEM ARE GOING TO BE STATUES?" It finally sank in.

"Some of them.. yes. and not for the first time either. Derek here is a one of our most popular models. People pay a hefty sum of money to get him for a weekend."  The doctor scanned Josh while explaining.

"My guess is you can make as much as he makes, with a little practice and an open mind. Probably even more".

"How does this work?" Josh was getting curious.

"You set the boundaries. Some guys agree only to be fully clothed with no touching.."

"I see".

"Others might agree to be shirtless, or even less.. can you see where I'm getting at?"

"I think so"

"Of course, the more open minded you are, the higher the compensation"

"I get it, 'open minded'" Josh air-quoted and smiled.

"Would you like to give it a go?" the doctor asked.

"What like NOW??"




This is getting good.