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UPDATE: younger Roomie meets our boy. she's really tall.


bit of a break from the zelda sketches. i felt myself lacking on drawing good butts for the upcoming stuff so practice I did

also sorry for the slow pace, injured my ankles and knees so I have to rest sometimes, thank you for your patience and apologies 🙇‍♂️




Oh dude sorry to hear about your injuries! Don't stress it and get better soon ;_;


Ouch, hopefully your injuries aren't too severe and you'll get better soon. 👍

Hali-Nalle jr.

Loving the artwork though!


Nice sketches and nice angles=D Get well soon Coffee^^


What's the like description and story of this OC if you got one? Like what is her interests? Seems she really likes her short boy roommate which I ain't gonna lie, as a short man myself, it feels good when a much taller woman likes you