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Fixed many bugs and implemented many improvements suggested by people in the chat:

  • Implemented culling for backgrounds; draw count is reduced by ~75%
  • New Tech to completely generate the background scene. Applied to the forest.
  • Added a new 1280*720 render resolution. For those that have low FPS, try lowering the resolution! Also would love to know the FPS improvements for ppl that wasnt able to hit 60 FPS.
  • Allies are now attackable.
  • Bodies are spread apart for easy pickings
  • "Zone change" (as oppose to next wave) can now only be initiated by the Player, also "Zone Change" requires the Player to actually walk off the screen
  • Changed AI checks so now the AI s will do less standoffs
  • The player will now get raped when defeated
  • Despawning units that were grabbed now properly reset the aggressor - several bugs related to this;
  • Camera dist is now closer when fighting, and camera auto dist is now further on grapple
  • Exiting Adv Mode will now cleanup certain resources (like dialogues)
  • Minions have less targetting priorty  than Elites
  • Targetting will only pick non-defeated enemy units unless every enemy is defeated
  • New enemies spawns will cause the targetting queue to reset (deals with issue why newly spawned units are sometimes not targetable)
  • Prevented using Targetting cause the camera to rotate in Adv Mode
  • Crowd no longer cheer in adv mode



Neko Alchemy

Would it be possible to make it so durring an AI match, you can switch who you're viewing if there's multiple fighters? I was doing a 3v3 AI match (Monster Girls Vs Gem Girls... for science!) and I could only spectate Wolfie, while I wanted to be checking out the action going on around the ring with the succubus and other girls. I was forced to watch them from Wolfies cam, in the background. Kind annoying :/ Love it thus far though, don't think I'm harping on you!


Dont know if it's because I suck at the game or not, but during adventure I was at a point where it was 3v1, and everytime I broke a hold another enemy grabbed me as I got up, literally ending my play through there and then.


Can you make a mode where we can pick any character available in the other modes to play adventure mode with?


Adv Mode is more like a RPG with the eventual goal of letting the player affect character progression and shape her to his/her desire.


Running it in 1280*720, FPS had no improvement at all on adventure mode (still in the low 20s bottoming out at 20.0), but improved to about 30 FPS in a 1 vs 1 fight.