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- implemented parry
   - double tap <guard> to activate
   - if the timing is correct, the attacker will suffer recoil and loses a big chunk of stamina, leaving them open to counter attacks

- added graphic option to change the internal rendering resolution; those that have problem running the game at good fps should try using a lower resolution
- added sound option to control the volume of bgm, voice and other sound effects
- added combat moves for Nyaa-Chan

- added an hold reversal animation 

- nerfed several special abilities
- BGM volume is now lower (this is separate from sound volume controls)
- changed "Not enough Meter" to "Need more Special"
- changed the cooldown for attempting reversal or breakfree from 0.25s to 0.1s
- changed movement check to be on each frame instead of key press/up -> this change behavior of what happens when holding strafe -> tap forward ; new behavior is that the character will continue strafing; old behavior is character will wonder off in one direction
- fixed penis being show for enstrangle
- decreased AI spread for escaping hold to 75% of original (they escape better)
- tears are now only shown when characters are in pain or humiliated
- heroine base stamina buffed from 70.0 to 80.0
- grab attempt no longer have superarmor
- heroines no longer automatically resist the grab attempt
- fixed additional bugs associated with character selection;




Thanks fam.