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Working on the second threat group, the Evil Organization, to be added into the Dynamic Mission System.

The EO features the troopers units that players have seen before. They will also field Elite Troopers, to supplement their basic troopers.

I gotten frequent feedback that the game is "too easy," so these units are tuned to be somewhat stronger than units in game before.

The first are the Suppressors. These are durable short range disruption units. They don't do a lot of damage, but they inflict AoE debuffs on your team:

The second elite is the Huntress. These are high damage long range snipers. They are not that durable, so taking them down quickly is often a good idea.

Finally, the last elite is the Enforcer. Which features a stunning melee attack. They are also fast and hit quite hard. Their biggest weakness is that they are incredibly fragile.




Very nice! It made me think, will animations with rifles, swords and shields and all make a comeback for playable characters? I was thinking about another faction too if you want ideas for the future : The Swarm. They are hive-minded mutated creatures like worms, tentacles, flesh creatures that focus on breeding and expanding, like a sort of infestation. They typically invade caves and cover the walls with their flesh. These dens sort of become flesh/infested caves and that's where their victims are usually stored to spawn more creatures for the Swarm. They capture people wandering in remote areas and sometimes invade whole villages, turning them into a new den. I think this faction would be a good opportunity to introduce non-humanoid creatures if you plan to and, lore-wise, you can make them as a product of the Evil Organization or as an independent faction that maybe has captured some Evil Organization members that were too careless so that's an occasion to rescue them from the swarm or gloat at them and leave them to their fate.


Why every game today has to be hard like Dark souls? I hope there will be a option in the final game for people that want to play for the FUN and not to sweat.


Games are boring without challenge, that's especially so for hentai games. How will you get into kinky situations if you OHKO all the enemies? Voluntarily? I find that boring too. It doesn't have to be Dark Souls, but playing for two hours without getting grabbed a single time is pretty bad too.


I'd like to suggest making more enemies than can use pull instead of push. Push messes up my formation a little bit, but is generally no big deal. Pull on the other hand, brings your characters into the enemy formation, where they get surrounded and closer to enemy grabs, it's much more dangerous. Maybe a whip user? It could have a attack/pull move and a ranged bind or immobilize. Whip users fit into hentai games so well, that it feels like the kind of unit every enemy faction should have. Whip users could probably do pleasure damage with their normal attacks too.


Plan is that the weapon slot (to come) determines which animation the character uses.