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I'm pretty happy with the progress CATC is making and that isn't going to change. However, I know there are fans who are disappointed by CATC, it being a turn based game whereas my previous titles, HR and HRT, were real time action games. So here is an experiment, what if CATC is an action game instead?

First thing to clarify before anyone freaks out. What does this mean for CATC? Answer: pretty much nothing. This new experiment game/mode, affectionally called Scuffed Rumble (for now) builds on top of CATC and 98%+ of the stuff is shared between the two. 

The only difference between one has a turn-based combat whereas the other have a real time beat-em-up setup. It's entirely possible for me to implement this as a mode in CATC game; however, people seems to be unhappy with the "Adventure Mode" in HR which is why I decided to separate it into its own game.

Currently, the game is most similar to the Adventure Mode of HR. Being that your character are locked to face horizontally and you are expected to fight multiple waves of enemies. 

Compared to HR, it is advanced in some areas and behind in others. It benefits from the CATC character customization features that HR never had; it has projectile attacks that HR never did; it has more grabs available than the final version of HR (I think, or very close); it starts off supporting multiple combatants that HR only implemented later.

However, the AI in SR is currently poor compared to HR. They are functional, but lacks refinement that HR received across multiple patches. The grab system works, but is probably still fairly basic and/or buggy. And of course, the balance is probably way off. But probably good enough for a start, given that most of my attention is on CATC until it's finished.

It is also arguable whether it should be a beat-em-up game or a 1v1 focused game like HR. I picked beat-em-up mostly because CATC is a party-based game, and I want to give players the option to bring their party members.

Known issues:

  • Grabs no longer do damage after one party orgasms until re-grab
  • Only Nera is controllable by the player, other party members have AI 
  • All units currently use the same moveset (the special abilities) 
  • Sometimes the AI would stack on top of another unit laterally, and punches air

Anyways, give a try and let me know what you think. My plan is to split my attention 90/10 CATC/SR if people want to see this mode/game extended. The 10% doesn't sound like much, but it's actually quite a lot given most of the new content I make for CATC will be applied to SR as well, and vice versa. In fact, this very build contains some new stuff that you'll see in the next build of CATC. Have fun!




I would love to see a way to choose what enemies you face!


A sort of sequel to HR with a huge chunk of common development with CATC? Sing me the fuck in! This structure also means that some mods should work for both game modes, which is awesome!


Wasn't there a mention of an eventual Heroine Rumble 2 from the past? I totally looove this idea, but I feel you should save these ideas for later. CATC is good as is, especially with more updates coming in with more content. Definitely fine if you decide to keep up the development of this more interactive HR-type mode, but it might stretch out your focus (hope you know what I mean :3 ) on CATC too much because they are two entirely different gameplays. In the end, I am fine with anything! Loving the game so far ^^


As he said, a lot of the development benefits both game modes in the end and maybe he'll even find a way to tie items and cards to the new mode too. Any new move, outfit or customization will benefit both game modes.


This works pretty well even as is and I like this version of grabs better for sure, only issue I ran into was when the enemy count gets to about 6 or higher, too easy to just get stun locked into infinity


I can say I really liked HR and played for more than 100 hours.I like other works, but I think HR is a masterpiece. I also had fun playing because I am not good at English. I was happy to do something HP-like like this.