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This is mostly a bug fixing build, fixing lots of bugs with grabs because I forgot to put the new strip stuff in...

Decided a try an experimental 2AP/turn system instead of top/bot per turn system. Should be mostly the same, except now you also have the option to play 2 top halves or 2 bottom halves in a turn. 

While the old system have more nuisances, the 2AP/turn is more straight forward which is a great help to people picking up the game. 

I should also mention that if the 2AP/turn system sticks around, don't expect to gain much additional AP / turn. You'll be limited to mostly 2AP/turn regardless of if you are level 1 or level 20.


  • Fixed grabs on outfitted units not working (strip data wasn't put in game)
  • Fixed stripping not working if attacker does not have known grabs defined 
  • Fixed outfits not preventing pleasure attacks against male/futa
  • Fixed the new auto grab replace system would sometimes cause invalid grab choices (softlocks if used reversal when on device)
  • Fixed a rare occasion that caused cards to not be used up when using the auto card selection
  • Fixed devices emasculating males/futas
  • Fixed AI units not cycling cards correctly during grabs
  • Units can no longer use Reversal when placed on a device
  • Added a default state for cards when units are in grab: Commit if attacker and Escape 2 if victim. Should see less (No Effects) now.
  • Added experimental 2AP/turn system to replace the top/bot system. The main difference being that now you can play 2 top half or 2 bottom half per turn
  • You can now shift the camera around by WASD keys
  • AI grab cards gets +1 movement



I really like the quality of life changes and the new 2AP system is very handy in some situations. Of course I'm guessing it will lead to some reworks later on in terms of cards like "Shoot" because the lower alternative is worse in every way for example. I was wondering, if a unit has a deck bigger than their hand capacity, could the card in deck naturally come in hand as you spend cards? That would give a purpose to having big decks, unless you have a plan to deal with superfluous card diluting the deck later down the line. Also, I was curious, is there any way to create new cards so far? I would love to make a card that puts all attachments at once on a target, if possible both a monster card and a player card. It seems like it would be an interesting card for a boss or as a trap to trap a tile (or even an area). Can I ask, would it take a long time to implement skin, eye, lips, nipples and sexual organ material customization in a similar way you implemented clothes customization? Also, do you plan on adding an alpha slider for clothes to make some clothes more transparent? I really like the transparent parts on the recent outfit you made and I would love to extend that to more clothes.


"could the card in deck naturally come in hand as you spend cards?" I toyed with several configurations of this, whether you discard hand at EOT, whether you auto redraw when deck empty, and other things. I eventually settled on keeping your cards at EOT and no auto redraw (but you do get the redraw hand option). I guess its at least partially motivated by not want to make another slay the spire clone and I want to promote longer term resource management (play card this turn or turns after vs take a turn off to redraw) rather than the dumping hand playstyle of STS.


I played this for the first time yesterday and It's awesome! Heroine Rumble was an amazing game and I can see a few similarities between the two. Now, I know this is the last thing you're thinking about but I wanted to ask anyway. Are you thinking at any point in time, like after this game is done or whatnot, going back or making another Heroine Rumble type game? Game was truly epic and if we had a character creator had sliders to pick what you wanted instead of hoping to get the right color/design you want.


You are in luck! Im working on CATC:beat-em-up mode as a side project/experiment. I plan to release the initial version very soonTM!