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Next patch is almost ready! Just need to do a few more things... Here are the new features:

1) Stains: leftover residues from climaxing during grabs. 

2) Binds - various attachments that enemies can place onto your character(s). Like face binds, vibrators and so on. They give a penalty to the character and dilute your hand. You can optionally use up a turn to remove one piece of bondage. Whether or not it is better to remove attachment asap or to fight on with them is your call. Choose wisely.

Here is how they work in action: https://twitter.com/Enlit3D/status/1363718464179818498 

3) Devices - devices are making a comeback! These are total restraints that immobilizes your character completely, functioning similarly to when you are placed under a grab. 

To place a unit to a Device, you must first Grab the target and then select the Carry action. The Carry action allows you to move the grabbed unit, or, in case of selecting a tile with a Device, carry the target to the device and place him/her onto the device!

Here is a vid of the AI doing the Carry -> Device: https://twitter.com/Enlit3D/status/1363718619411087362 

There is a change I made to the Devices comparing to the HRT version though, which is how the "Helping Ally Escape" work. In HRT, there is a separate action for freeing from device. This is no longer the case in CATC. Instead, Devices have a HP bar and allies can issue attacks against the device to break it. 

I feel this method is more intuitive and more aligned with how regular grabs work. In addition, the code is already there for when I want to implement destructible obstacle or containers in the future. A win win.




Thank you for not giving up working on this Masterpiece. I had the idea too for Vibrators as upgrade to submission moves. example: "Mistress pet" or "Teacher pet". First girl sit on the victim, second girl turning up the heat ;) Anyway, you doing a great Job. Have a nice week.