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This is mostly a bug fixing build, fixing some issues in v6.5 and v6.6. I included 2 new features though, both shown in the picture above. 

The first is the card keyword tooltip that gives a brief explanation of what some keyword does. Probably not super useful if you been following the development along but very important for new comers.

The second is a new status effect, Charge X, that gives +X damage on next attack (and only next attack). You can find cards with this effect during dungeon runs, as usual.


  • Added card keyword description popup when hovering over the cards in combat
  • Added new Charged status effect: gain +X damage for next attack 
  • Changing hair should retain the previous selected hair color now
  • AI draws cards at end of their turn now, this should make the enemy action insight more consistent with what it is actually going to do
  • Fixed unit portrait would contain previous unit portrait in cache on hair style change 
  • Fixed enemy AI units not using up cards in grab, resulting in using the same card over and over 
  • Fixed a possible cause of stuck on controlling enemy unit after combat ends 
  • Fixed softlock when using grab on enemy 



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